TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Microscopic characterization of functionalized paper as a platform for 3D cell cultures

Bump, Steven (2015)
Microscopic characterization of functionalized paper as a platform for 3D cell cultures.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

To achieve an understanding and complete description of the functional properties of three dimensional (3D) cell culture systems, a large set of parameters is required, which clearly contrasts this cell cultivation approach from traditional two dimensional (2D), planar cultivation techniques . As an alternative to describe the characteristics of a 3D cell culture system by its physicochemical properties (e. g. stiffness, porosit y, level of crosslinking), the behavior of the cultivated cells can be used as a read-out parameter to characterize the 3D cultivation system . In this work, the cellular parameters membrane dynamics, actin fiber morphology and migration were used to investigate the differences between classic, planar and a collagen based three dimensional cell culture system

Membrane dynamics – assessed by FRAP measurements of CAAX -mCherry – as well as actin formation – visualized by in vitro staining with LifeAct -tagRFP

– showed distinct differences when investigated in planar or three dimensional systems. FRAP experiments with CAAX - mCherry showed, that even though the overall membrane composition does not appear to be different, mobility of the membrane is significantl y higher in three dimensional cell culture systems than in two dimensional . A view at the actin cytoskeleton revealed the already established difference: stress fibers and cortical actin are more pronounced in planar cell culture systems compared to cells c ultivated in three dimensional systems. Interestingly, cells originall y seeded in collagen hydrogels which migrated towards the glass surface show features in actin cytoskeleton formation resembling both culture conditions: both, actin stress fibers within the cell body as well as cortical actin are visible in those parts of the cells directly contacting the glass surface .

The observed migration towards the glass surface gave rise to the investigation of this behavior. Migration in response to mechanical si gnals is termed durotaxis . Cells cultivated in collagen hydrogels or collagen hydrogels supported by cellulose sheets over a period of time were microscopicall y investigated to determine the distribution of cells . Cell distribution in unsupported collagen hydrogels was clearly in favor of hydrogel regions in close proximity to the glass surface. By applying supporting material in form of cellulose sheets, the cell culture was freely floating in the culture medium, resulting in an even distribution throughout the entire thickness of the cell culture system .

As 3D cell culture systems make it more challenging to perform high quality imaging due to the inherent scattering and loss of intensity with increasing optical penetration, a post imaging processing tool set was evaluated and benchmarked in order to counteract these image corrupting effects and improve the image quality. This in turn also improves the compatibility of cellulose sheets with the commonly used tool set in life sciences: fluorescence microscopy. Special emphasis was put on the identification of a serviceable and performance -linked deconvolution setup . A GPU based CUDA Deconvolution plugin showed the best time performance but ultimately failed to produce the same quality level of image restoration as the three tested CPU based deconvolution applications. Among these three, the commercial HyugensPro software showed the best results in terms of increasing the contrast . The Iterative Deconvolution 3D plugin comes close to producing comparable results to the HuygensPro software, however, the time consumption for this application is up to 10 times larger. Finally, the plugin Deconvolution Lab showed reasonably satisfying results in terms of image restoration quality, while performing deconvolution slightly faster than HuygensPro.

Finally, cellulose sheets are used for the cultivation of cells in 3D as an example of for paper as a versatile platform for the development of functional devices . Therefore a method is required that delivers spatially resolved, quantitative, sensitive, and, most importantly, also dynamic measurements . Optical microscopy has long been recognized as a method to characterize the heterogeneous and complex structure of paper. With fluorescence detection, the functionality has even been extended to provide chemical selectivity, e . g. to determine the distribution of secondary modifications like coatings and fillers throughout a sheet of paper. Here it is shown that quantitative widefield and confocal fluorescence microscopy are versatile methods to meet this set of demands. Confocal microscopy was used to achieve a detailed view of the interface between a hyd rophobic and rhodamine labeled polymer and a FITC labeled dextran solution. Furthermore, confocal microscopy revealed that the spatial propagation of the FITC labeled dextran solution occurs along the surface of the cellulose fibers, instead of the inter -fibers space. Widefield fluorescent microscopy was subsequently used for dynamic investigations of this spatial propagation.

Typ des Eintrags: Dissertation
Erschienen: 2015
Autor(en): Bump, Steven
Art des Eintrags: Erstveröffentlichung
Titel: Microscopic characterization of functionalized paper as a platform for 3D cell cultures
Sprache: Englisch
Referenten: Meckel, PD Dr. Tobias ; Biesalski, Prof. Markus
Publikationsjahr: 4 Juni 2015
Ort: Darmstadt
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung: 17 Juli 2015
URL / URN: http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/5186
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

To achieve an understanding and complete description of the functional properties of three dimensional (3D) cell culture systems, a large set of parameters is required, which clearly contrasts this cell cultivation approach from traditional two dimensional (2D), planar cultivation techniques . As an alternative to describe the characteristics of a 3D cell culture system by its physicochemical properties (e. g. stiffness, porosit y, level of crosslinking), the behavior of the cultivated cells can be used as a read-out parameter to characterize the 3D cultivation system . In this work, the cellular parameters membrane dynamics, actin fiber morphology and migration were used to investigate the differences between classic, planar and a collagen based three dimensional cell culture system

Membrane dynamics – assessed by FRAP measurements of CAAX -mCherry – as well as actin formation – visualized by in vitro staining with LifeAct -tagRFP

– showed distinct differences when investigated in planar or three dimensional systems. FRAP experiments with CAAX - mCherry showed, that even though the overall membrane composition does not appear to be different, mobility of the membrane is significantl y higher in three dimensional cell culture systems than in two dimensional . A view at the actin cytoskeleton revealed the already established difference: stress fibers and cortical actin are more pronounced in planar cell culture systems compared to cells c ultivated in three dimensional systems. Interestingly, cells originall y seeded in collagen hydrogels which migrated towards the glass surface show features in actin cytoskeleton formation resembling both culture conditions: both, actin stress fibers within the cell body as well as cortical actin are visible in those parts of the cells directly contacting the glass surface .

The observed migration towards the glass surface gave rise to the investigation of this behavior. Migration in response to mechanical si gnals is termed durotaxis . Cells cultivated in collagen hydrogels or collagen hydrogels supported by cellulose sheets over a period of time were microscopicall y investigated to determine the distribution of cells . Cell distribution in unsupported collagen hydrogels was clearly in favor of hydrogel regions in close proximity to the glass surface. By applying supporting material in form of cellulose sheets, the cell culture was freely floating in the culture medium, resulting in an even distribution throughout the entire thickness of the cell culture system .

As 3D cell culture systems make it more challenging to perform high quality imaging due to the inherent scattering and loss of intensity with increasing optical penetration, a post imaging processing tool set was evaluated and benchmarked in order to counteract these image corrupting effects and improve the image quality. This in turn also improves the compatibility of cellulose sheets with the commonly used tool set in life sciences: fluorescence microscopy. Special emphasis was put on the identification of a serviceable and performance -linked deconvolution setup . A GPU based CUDA Deconvolution plugin showed the best time performance but ultimately failed to produce the same quality level of image restoration as the three tested CPU based deconvolution applications. Among these three, the commercial HyugensPro software showed the best results in terms of increasing the contrast . The Iterative Deconvolution 3D plugin comes close to producing comparable results to the HuygensPro software, however, the time consumption for this application is up to 10 times larger. Finally, the plugin Deconvolution Lab showed reasonably satisfying results in terms of image restoration quality, while performing deconvolution slightly faster than HuygensPro.

Finally, cellulose sheets are used for the cultivation of cells in 3D as an example of for paper as a versatile platform for the development of functional devices . Therefore a method is required that delivers spatially resolved, quantitative, sensitive, and, most importantly, also dynamic measurements . Optical microscopy has long been recognized as a method to characterize the heterogeneous and complex structure of paper. With fluorescence detection, the functionality has even been extended to provide chemical selectivity, e . g. to determine the distribution of secondary modifications like coatings and fillers throughout a sheet of paper. Here it is shown that quantitative widefield and confocal fluorescence microscopy are versatile methods to meet this set of demands. Confocal microscopy was used to achieve a detailed view of the interface between a hyd rophobic and rhodamine labeled polymer and a FITC labeled dextran solution. Furthermore, confocal microscopy revealed that the spatial propagation of the FITC labeled dextran solution occurs along the surface of the cellulose fibers, instead of the inter -fibers space. Widefield fluorescent microscopy was subsequently used for dynamic investigations of this spatial propagation.

Alternatives oder übersetztes Abstract:
Alternatives AbstractSprache

Für ein besseres Verständnis der, im Vergleich zur zwei dimensionalen Zellkultur, komplexeren drei dimensionalen Zellkultursysteme können eine Reihe von bereits etablierten Parametern herangezogen werden. Parameter wie Steifigkeit, Porosität, Vernetzungsgrad und andere beschreiben die physicochemischen Eigenschaften eines 3D Systems. In dieser Arbeit werden als Alternative die zellulären Eigenschaften Membrandynamik, Morphologie der Aktinfasern und die Migration zur Charakterisierung eines Kollagen basierten drei dimensionalen Zellkulturs ystems herangezogen und Unterschiede zu klassischen, planaren Zellkultur aufgezeigt. Sowohl die Membrandynamik – untersucht mittels FRAP Messungen von CAAX -mCherry – als auch die Morphologie der Aktinfasern – beobachtet durch in vitro Anfärbung mit LifeAct -tagRFP – zeigten klar erkennbare Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit des Kultivierungssystems. FRAP Messungen mit CAAX - mCherry zeigten, dass die Mobilität der Membran in drei dimensionalen Kultursystemen größer ist, als in zwei dimensionalen, planaren Systemen. Ein Blick auf das Aktin Zytoskelett bestätigt den bereits etablierten Unterschied: Stressfasern und kortikales Aktin treten im Wesentlichen nur in Zellen auf, welche in planaren Zellkultursystemen wachsen. Allerdings: ursprünglich in einem Kollagen Hydrogel ausgesäte Zellen, die in Richtung Glassoberfläche gewandert sind , zeigten Zytoskelett Eigenschaften, die in beiden Kulturbedingungen auftreten: sowohl Aktin Stressfasern als auch kortikales Aktin sind sichtbar in Zellbereichen mit direktem Kontakt zur Glassoberfläche. Die Wanderung von Zellen innerhalb von drei dimensionalen Systemen in Richtung Glassoberfläche, ist eine Antwort auf ein mechanisches Signal und wird als Durotaxis bezeichnet . Zur Untersuchung dieser Migration wurden Zellen in Kollagen Hydrogelen oder in Kollag en Hydrogelen gestützt durch Papier kultiviert . Mikroskopisch Untersuchung der Zellverteilung im Laufe der Zeit zeigte eine Anhäufung der Zellen in Bereichen des Kollagen Hydrogels, welche in räumlicher Nähe zur Glassoberfläche sind. Durch die Einführung des Papiers schwimmen die Kollagen Hydrogele im Medium, wodurch kein Kontakt mehr zur Glassoberfläche vorhanden ist . In solchen Systemen zeigte sich eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung der Zellen über das gesamte Zellkultursystem. Dreidimensionale Zellkultursysteme stellen auf Grund ihrer hohen Lichtstreuung und des Intensitätsverlust bei steigender optischer Eindringtiefe, eine erhöhte Herausforderung für die Durchführung von hochqualitativer Mikroskopie dar. Um diesem Problem entgegenzuwirken, wurde die Anwendbarkeit einer Dekonvolutionssoftware getestet . Dabei wurde neben der eigentlichen Anwendbarkeit auch besonders auf die Performance geachtet . Das GPU basierte CUDA Deconvolution Plugin war zwar am schnellsten, aber zeigte letztendlich die geringste Verbesserung der Bildqualität im Vergleich zu den drei ebenfalls getesteten CPU basierten Dekonvolutions -Anwendungen. Unter diesen drei Anwendungen, zeigte die kommerziell erhältliche HyugensPro Software die besten Ergebnisse. Das frei erhältliche Plugin Iterative Deconvolution 3D zeigte zwar Verbesserungen auf einem Niveau, welches vergleichbar mit HuygensPro ist, allerdings prozessierte dieses Plugin die Bilder bis zu zehnmal länger. Das Plugin Deconvolution Lab liegt zwar etwas unterhalb der Verbesserungsqualitä t von HyugensPro und Iterative Deconvolution 3D, ist dafür aber schneller als die beiden genannten Systeme. Die Einführung von Papier in dreidimensionale Zellkultursysteme ist ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, dass das Potential von Papier für die Entwicklung von funktionalen Geräten erkannt wurde. Methoden, die in der Lage sind quantitative Messungen mit höher Sensitivität und sowohl räumlicher als auch – und vor allem – zeitlicher Auflösung zu lieferen sind daher nötig. Optische Mikroskopie wird bereits länger dazu eingesetzt, die Heterogenität und Komplexität von Papier zu untersuchen. Fluoreszenz Mikroskopie erweitert die Funktionaltität der Mikroskopie und ermöglicht chemische Selektivtität, die dabei hilfreich ist beispielsweise die Verteilung von sekundären Modifikationen wie Beschichtungen und Füllstoffen zu untersuchen. Quantitative Weitfeld -Mikroskopie und Konfokale Fluoreszenz Mikroskopie sind vielseitig anwendbare Methoden und werden hier genutzt um ein Papiersystem zu untersuchen, welches mittels eines Rhodamin markierten hydrophoben Polymers modifiziert wurde. Darüberhinaus wurde die Ausbreitung einer mit FITC markierten Dextran - Lösung untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass die Verbreitung dieser Flüssigkeit entlang der Oberfläche der Fasern stattfindet. Das Flussverhalten wurde anschließend mittels Weitfeld - Mikroskopie quantifiziert.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-51863
Sachgruppe der Dewey Dezimalklassifikatin (DDC): 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 10 Fachbereich Biologie > Membrane Dynamics
10 Fachbereich Biologie
Hinterlegungsdatum: 20 Dez 2015 20:55
Letzte Änderung: 20 Dez 2015 20:55
Referenten: Meckel, PD Dr. Tobias ; Biesalski, Prof. Markus
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 17 Juli 2015
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