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The influence of mechanical rubbing on the field-effect mobility in polyhexylthiophene

Heil, Holger ; Finnberg, Torsten ; Malm, Norwin von ; Schmechel, Roland ; Seggern, Heinz von (2003)
The influence of mechanical rubbing on the field-effect mobility in polyhexylthiophene.
In: Journal of Applied Physics, 93 (3)
doi: 10.1063/1.1530720
Artikel, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

This paper reports on improvements of the field-effect mobility in regioregular head-to-tail coupled poly(3-hexylthiophene) based transistors by mechanically induced alignment of polymer chains in the active layer. It is demonstrated that mechanical rubbing perpendicular to the source drain contacts can increase the field-effect mobility up to 800% whereas rubbing parallel to the source drain contacts results in a reduced mobility. The polymer alignment is thereby deduced from optically polarized transmission spectroscopy on polymer-coated quartz glass substrates and is shown to directly correlate with the electrical behavior of a bottom-gate field-effect transistor. The influence of layer thickness on rubbing is investigated and it is shown that annealing after mechanical rubbing at high temperature can further increase the alignment. Differences between thick drop-cast and thin spin-coated films are explained in terms of different solvent evaporation rates, allowing the material to order to a different degree. This interpretation is deduced from characteristic optical and electrical features of the differently prepared poly(3-hexylthiophene) films.

Typ des Eintrags: Artikel
Erschienen: 2003
Autor(en): Heil, Holger ; Finnberg, Torsten ; Malm, Norwin von ; Schmechel, Roland ; Seggern, Heinz von
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: The influence of mechanical rubbing on the field-effect mobility in polyhexylthiophene
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 1 Februar 2003
Verlag: American Institute of Physics Publishing
Titel der Zeitschrift, Zeitung oder Schriftenreihe: Journal of Applied Physics
Jahrgang/Volume einer Zeitschrift: 93
(Heft-)Nummer: 3
DOI: 10.1063/1.1530720
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

This paper reports on improvements of the field-effect mobility in regioregular head-to-tail coupled poly(3-hexylthiophene) based transistors by mechanically induced alignment of polymer chains in the active layer. It is demonstrated that mechanical rubbing perpendicular to the source drain contacts can increase the field-effect mobility up to 800% whereas rubbing parallel to the source drain contacts results in a reduced mobility. The polymer alignment is thereby deduced from optically polarized transmission spectroscopy on polymer-coated quartz glass substrates and is shown to directly correlate with the electrical behavior of a bottom-gate field-effect transistor. The influence of layer thickness on rubbing is investigated and it is shown that annealing after mechanical rubbing at high temperature can further increase the alignment. Differences between thick drop-cast and thin spin-coated films are explained in terms of different solvent evaporation rates, allowing the material to order to a different degree. This interpretation is deduced from characteristic optical and electrical features of the differently prepared poly(3-hexylthiophene) films.

Freie Schlagworte: polymer films, insulated gate field effect transistors, molecular orientation, organic semiconductors, electron mobility, molecular electronics, spin coating, visible spectra, photoluminescence, annealing, casting
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 11 Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften
11 Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften > Materialwissenschaft
11 Fachbereich Material- und Geowissenschaften > Materialwissenschaft > Elektronische Materialeigenschaften
Hinterlegungsdatum: 19 Jun 2013 08:13
Letzte Änderung: 30 Jan 2019 11:13
Sponsoren: The authors would like to thank the BMBF and Siemens AG for financial support., The spectral ellipsometer is an item on loan from the DFG.
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