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The interplay of corporate finance and sustainability: Evidence from sustainability-linked lending, transparency initiatives and corporate litigation

Pohl, Christian Dominik (2025)
The interplay of corporate finance and sustainability: Evidence from sustainability-linked lending, transparency initiatives and corporate litigation.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00028920
Dissertation, Erstveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

This dissertation explores the interaction between corporate sustainability and corporate finance across three thematic areas. The first thematic area examines how the publication of the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) list, comprising companies that have refused to respond to the questionnaire on environmental data, affects these companies’ firm value (Chapter 2). Thereby, this chapter provides insights into whether this non-disclosure campaign conducted by the CDP is effective in exerting capital market pressure on companies that refuse to disclose environmental data. The analysis identifies a significantly negative valuation effect for smaller and less profitable companies on the CDP’s list. The second thematic area focuses on sustainability-linked lending (Chapters 3 to 6). Chapters 3 and 4 provide an overview of the design of the sustainability-related attributes which define sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) and sustainability-linked loans (SLLs). More specifically, these chapters discuss the sustainability targets and the financial incentivization mechanisms that connect these targets to the financing terms of these debt products. Subsequently, Chapters 5 and 6 address empirical questions in sustainability-linked lending. Chapter 5 initially examines the pricing of SLLs in the debt capital market and finds that SLLs are priced with initial spreads that are, on average, 9.5 basis points lower than the initial spreads of conventional loans from the same issuer with similar characteristics. This pricing advantage for the borrower is greater for borrowers characterized by a strong environmental profile and for loans originated with a lending syndicate characterized by strong environmental characteristics. Chapter 6 investigates the perception of SLB issuances in the equity market by analyzing abnormal stock returns around the announcement of SLB issues. The study identifies a positive announcement effect, which however only remains significant for certain issuers with specific characteristics in the two subsequent trading weeks. Over this period, issuers with a strong environmental profile, as well as those that have not issued use-of-proceeds bonds before the SLB issue, experience significantly more positive stock market reactions than the corresponding issuers that have weaker environmental attributes or those that have issued use-of-proceeds bonds previously. The final thematic area of this dissertation examines the influence of security class action lawsuits (SCAs) on the corporate governance structures of the defendant companies’ competitors (Chapter 7). Initially, the study presents evidence for two benefits resulting from robust governance structures in the context of corporate litigation. Specifically, the results suggest that robust corporate governance significantly mitigates the risk of being sued in an SCA and, in the event of litigation, also protects the value of the defendant company and to a lower extent that of its competitors. The study argues that these two benefits of robust governance structures should incentivize the competitors of SCA defendants to revise their own governance mechanisms following an SCA in the same industry. Consequently, the study analyzes the development of the SCA defendants’ industry competitors’ governance mechanisms after the SCA using a generalized difference-in-difference approach. The results provide evidence on significantly enhanced governance structures among the competitors of SCA defendants in the years following the SCA. A deeper analysis of the individual governance components reveals that the competitors of SCA defendants particularly enhance the independence of their boards by increasing the proportion of outside directors and the expertise of their boards by increasing the proportion of directors with financial or industry-specific backgrounds.

Typ des Eintrags: Dissertation
Erschienen: 2025
Autor(en): Pohl, Christian Dominik
Art des Eintrags: Erstveröffentlichung
Titel: The interplay of corporate finance and sustainability: Evidence from sustainability-linked lending, transparency initiatives and corporate litigation
Sprache: Englisch
Referenten: Schiereck, Prof. Dr. Dirk ; Wolff, Prof. Dr. Dominik
Publikationsjahr: 10 Januar 2025
Ort: Darmstadt
Kollation: 71, xviii Seiten
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung: 17 Juli 2024
DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00028920
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/28920
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

This dissertation explores the interaction between corporate sustainability and corporate finance across three thematic areas. The first thematic area examines how the publication of the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) list, comprising companies that have refused to respond to the questionnaire on environmental data, affects these companies’ firm value (Chapter 2). Thereby, this chapter provides insights into whether this non-disclosure campaign conducted by the CDP is effective in exerting capital market pressure on companies that refuse to disclose environmental data. The analysis identifies a significantly negative valuation effect for smaller and less profitable companies on the CDP’s list. The second thematic area focuses on sustainability-linked lending (Chapters 3 to 6). Chapters 3 and 4 provide an overview of the design of the sustainability-related attributes which define sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) and sustainability-linked loans (SLLs). More specifically, these chapters discuss the sustainability targets and the financial incentivization mechanisms that connect these targets to the financing terms of these debt products. Subsequently, Chapters 5 and 6 address empirical questions in sustainability-linked lending. Chapter 5 initially examines the pricing of SLLs in the debt capital market and finds that SLLs are priced with initial spreads that are, on average, 9.5 basis points lower than the initial spreads of conventional loans from the same issuer with similar characteristics. This pricing advantage for the borrower is greater for borrowers characterized by a strong environmental profile and for loans originated with a lending syndicate characterized by strong environmental characteristics. Chapter 6 investigates the perception of SLB issuances in the equity market by analyzing abnormal stock returns around the announcement of SLB issues. The study identifies a positive announcement effect, which however only remains significant for certain issuers with specific characteristics in the two subsequent trading weeks. Over this period, issuers with a strong environmental profile, as well as those that have not issued use-of-proceeds bonds before the SLB issue, experience significantly more positive stock market reactions than the corresponding issuers that have weaker environmental attributes or those that have issued use-of-proceeds bonds previously. The final thematic area of this dissertation examines the influence of security class action lawsuits (SCAs) on the corporate governance structures of the defendant companies’ competitors (Chapter 7). Initially, the study presents evidence for two benefits resulting from robust governance structures in the context of corporate litigation. Specifically, the results suggest that robust corporate governance significantly mitigates the risk of being sued in an SCA and, in the event of litigation, also protects the value of the defendant company and to a lower extent that of its competitors. The study argues that these two benefits of robust governance structures should incentivize the competitors of SCA defendants to revise their own governance mechanisms following an SCA in the same industry. Consequently, the study analyzes the development of the SCA defendants’ industry competitors’ governance mechanisms after the SCA using a generalized difference-in-difference approach. The results provide evidence on significantly enhanced governance structures among the competitors of SCA defendants in the years following the SCA. A deeper analysis of the individual governance components reveals that the competitors of SCA defendants particularly enhance the independence of their boards by increasing the proportion of outside directors and the expertise of their boards by increasing the proportion of directors with financial or industry-specific backgrounds.

Alternatives oder übersetztes Abstract:
Alternatives AbstractSprache

Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Schnittstelle von Unternehmensfinanzierung und unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit anhand von drei Themenfeldern. Das erste Themenfeld untersucht, wie sich die Veröffentlichung der Liste an Unternehmen, die sich geweigert haben auf die Befragung des Carbon Disclosure Projects (CDPs) zu ökologischen Daten zu antworten, auf den Eigenkapitalwert dieser Unternehmen auswirkt (Kapitel 2). Das Kapitel liefert Erkenntnisse darüber, wie wirksam diese Kampagne des CDPs darin ist, kapitalmarktseitigen Druck auf die tranzparenzverweigernden Unternehmen auszuüben. Die Untersuchung identifiziert dabei signifikant negative Bewertungseffekte für kleinere und weniger profitable Unternehmen auf der Liste des CDPs. Das zweite Themengebiet befasst sich mit Sustainability-Linked Bonds (SLBs) und Loans (SLLs) (Kapitel 3 bis 6). Kapitel 3 und 4 bieten zunächst einen Überblick über die Ausgestaltung der nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Charakteristika dieser Fremdkapitalinstrumente. Konkret diskutieren diese beiden Kapitel die in SLBs und SLLs verwendeten Nachhaltigkeitsziele sowie die finanziellen Inzentivierungsmechanismen, die diese Ziele mit den Finanzierungskonditionen der Fremdkapitalprodukte verknüpfen. Anschließend befassen sich Kapitel 5 und 6 mit empirischen Fragestellungen zu SLBs und SLLs. Kapitel 5 untersucht zunächst die Bepreisung von SLLs im Fremdkapitalmarkt und zeigt, dass SLLs mit durchschnittlich um 9.5 Basispunkten geringeren Margen begeben werden als konventionelle Kredite desselben Unternehmens mit ähnlichen Charakteristika. Dieser Finanzierungskostenvorteil für das kreditnehmende Unternehmen ist dabei größer, wenn das kreditnehmende Unternehmen oder das Kreditgebersyndikat ein starkes ökologisches Profil aufweist. Kapitel 6 befasst sich anschließend mit der Bewertung von SLB-Emissionen im Eigenkapitalmarkt, indem es abnormale Aktienrenditen in Zeitfenstern rund um SLB-Emissionsankündigungen analysiert. Die Studie identifiziert einen positiven Ankündigungseffekt, der jedoch nur bei spezifischen Emittentengruppen über die folgenden zwei Handelswochen hinweg signifikant bleibt. In diesem Zeitraum werden SLB-Emittenten mit starkem ökologischem Profil sowie SLB-Emittenten, die zuvor noch keine nachhaltige Use-of-proceeds Anleihe emittiert hatten, signifikant positiver bewertet als Emittenten mit schwächerem ökologischem Profil und Emittenten, die zuvor bereits am nachhaltigen Anleihemarkt aktiv waren. Das letzte Themengebiet dieser Dissertation untersucht den Einfluss von Security Class Action Lawsuits (SCAs) auf die Governancestrukturen der Wettbewerber von beklagten Unternehmen (Kapitel 7). Zunächst liefert die Studie Evidenz für zwei Vorteile robuster Governancestrukturen im Kontext von SCAs. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zum einen, dass robuste Governancestrukturen das Risiko in einem SCA verklagt zu werden signifikant reduzieren und zum anderen, dass robuste Governancestrukturen im Falle einer Klage den Wert des beklagten Unternehmens und, zu einem geringeren Ausmaß, den Wert dessen Wettbewerber schützen. Basierend auf dem Argument, dass diese Vorteile robuster Governancestrukturen Unternehmen dazu veranlassen sollten, ihre Governancemechanismen im Falle eines SCAs in der eigenen Industrie zu überabeiten, untersucht diese Studie die Entwicklung der Governancestrukturen der Wettbewerber von SCA-Beklagten Unternehmen. Anhand eines generalisierten difference-in-difference Ansatzes zeigt die Studie, dass die Wettbewerber der in SCAs beklagten Unternehmen ihre Governancestrukturen in den Jahren nach dem SCA signifikant stärken. Eine tiefere Analyse einzelner Governancemechanismen zeigt, dass die Unternehmen insbesondere die Unabhängigkeit ihres Boards, gemessen am Anteil externer Mitglieder des Boards, sowie die Expertise ihres Boards, gemessen am Anteil an Boardmitgliedern mit finanziellem oder industriespezifischem Hintergrund, priorisieren.

Status: Verlagsversion
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-289207
Sachgruppe der Dewey Dezimalklassifikatin (DDC): 300 Sozialwissenschaften > 330 Wirtschaft
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Betriebswirtschaftliche Fachgebiete
01 Fachbereich Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Betriebswirtschaftliche Fachgebiete > Fachgebiet Unternehmensfinanzierung
Hinterlegungsdatum: 10 Jan 2025 13:07
Letzte Änderung: 13 Jan 2025 11:41
Referenten: Schiereck, Prof. Dr. Dirk ; Wolff, Prof. Dr. Dominik
Datum der mündlichen Prüfung / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 17 Juli 2024
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