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Investigation of the γ-decay behavior of ⁵²Cr with the γ³ setup at HIγS

Wilhelmy, J. ; Erbacher, P. ; Gayer, U. ; Isaak, J. ; Löher, B. ; Müscher, M. ; Pickstone, S.G. ; Pietralla, N. ; Ries, P. ; Romig, C. ; Savran, D. ; Spieker, M. ; Tornow, W. ; Werner, V. ; Zilges, A. ; Zweidinger, M. (2024)
Investigation of the γ-decay behavior of ⁵²Cr with the γ³ setup at HIγS.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 966 (1)
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00020926
Artikel, Zweitveröffentlichung, Verlagsversion

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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

The γ-ray strength function is an important input parameter for the calculation of nucleosynthesis processes. To study the dipole response in more detail, the γ-decay behavior of the fp shell nucleus ⁵²Cr was investigated with the high-efficiency γ³ setup at the High Intensity γ-ray Source facility at TUNL in Durham, USA. The highly intense quasi mono-energetic γ-ray beam allows for excitations selective in multipolarity (J=1 and J=2) and energy. The γ³ setup is a multi-detector array consisting of HPGe and LaBr₃ detectors with high efficiency and enables the measurement of γ-γ coincidences. Experimental results of ⁵²Cr will be presented and discussed in this contribution.

Typ des Eintrags: Artikel
Erschienen: 2024
Autor(en): Wilhelmy, J. ; Erbacher, P. ; Gayer, U. ; Isaak, J. ; Löher, B. ; Müscher, M. ; Pickstone, S.G. ; Pietralla, N. ; Ries, P. ; Romig, C. ; Savran, D. ; Spieker, M. ; Tornow, W. ; Werner, V. ; Zilges, A. ; Zweidinger, M.
Art des Eintrags: Zweitveröffentlichung
Titel: Investigation of the γ-decay behavior of ⁵²Cr with the γ³ setup at HIγS
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 14 Mai 2024
Ort: Darmstadt
Publikationsdatum der Erstveröffentlichung: 2018
Ort der Erstveröffentlichung: Bristol
Verlag: IOP Publishing
Titel der Zeitschrift, Zeitung oder Schriftenreihe: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Jahrgang/Volume einer Zeitschrift: 966
(Heft-)Nummer: 1
Kollation: 5 Seiten
DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00020926
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/20926
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Herkunft: Zweitveröffentlichung DeepGreen
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

The γ-ray strength function is an important input parameter for the calculation of nucleosynthesis processes. To study the dipole response in more detail, the γ-decay behavior of the fp shell nucleus ⁵²Cr was investigated with the high-efficiency γ³ setup at the High Intensity γ-ray Source facility at TUNL in Durham, USA. The highly intense quasi mono-energetic γ-ray beam allows for excitations selective in multipolarity (J=1 and J=2) and energy. The γ³ setup is a multi-detector array consisting of HPGe and LaBr₃ detectors with high efficiency and enables the measurement of γ-γ coincidences. Experimental results of ⁵²Cr will be presented and discussed in this contribution.

ID-Nummer: Artikel-ID: 012035
Status: Verlagsversion
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-209269
Zusätzliche Informationen:

12th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: Current Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Structure 15–19 May 2017, Sant'Angelo d'Ischia, Italy

Sachgruppe der Dewey Dezimalklassifikatin (DDC): 500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik > 530 Physik
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 05 Fachbereich Physik
05 Fachbereich Physik > Institut für Kernphysik
Hinterlegungsdatum: 14 Mai 2024 09:46
Letzte Änderung: 17 Mai 2024 09:27
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