TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Fast Motion Rendering for Single-Chip Stereo DLP Projectors

Lancelle, Marcel ; Voss, Gerrit ; Fellner, Dieter W. (2012)
Fast Motion Rendering for Single-Chip Stereo DLP Projectors.
Virtual Environments 2012.
doi: 10.2312/EGVE/JVRC12/029-036
Konferenzveröffentlichung, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

Single-chip color DLP projectors show the red, green and blue components one after another. When the gaze moves relative to the displayed pixels, color fringes are perceived. In order to reduce these artefacts, many devices show the same input image twice at the double rate, i.e. a 60Hz source image is displayed with 120Hz. Consumer stereo projectors usually work with time interlaced stereo, allowing to address each of these two images individually. We use this so called 3D mode for mono image display of fast moving objects. Additionally, we generate a separate image for each individual color, taking the display time offset of each color component into account. With these 360 images per second we can strongly reduce ghosting, color fringes and jitter artefacts on fast moving objects tracked by the eye, resulting in sharp objects with smooth motion. Real-time image generation at such a high frame rate can only be achieved for simple scenes or may only be possible by severely reducing quality. We show how to modify a motion blur post processing shader to render only 60frames=second and efficiently generate good approximations of the missing frames.

Typ des Eintrags: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Erschienen: 2012
Autor(en): Lancelle, Marcel ; Voss, Gerrit ; Fellner, Dieter W.
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: Fast Motion Rendering for Single-Chip Stereo DLP Projectors
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: 2012
Verlag: Eurographics Association, Goslar
Veranstaltungstitel: Virtual Environments 2012
DOI: 10.2312/EGVE/JVRC12/029-036
Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

Single-chip color DLP projectors show the red, green and blue components one after another. When the gaze moves relative to the displayed pixels, color fringes are perceived. In order to reduce these artefacts, many devices show the same input image twice at the double rate, i.e. a 60Hz source image is displayed with 120Hz. Consumer stereo projectors usually work with time interlaced stereo, allowing to address each of these two images individually. We use this so called 3D mode for mono image display of fast moving objects. Additionally, we generate a separate image for each individual color, taking the display time offset of each color component into account. With these 360 images per second we can strongly reduce ghosting, color fringes and jitter artefacts on fast moving objects tracked by the eye, resulting in sharp objects with smooth motion. Real-time image generation at such a high frame rate can only be achieved for simple scenes or may only be possible by severely reducing quality. We show how to modify a motion blur post processing shader to render only 60frames=second and efficiently generate good approximations of the missing frames.

Freie Schlagworte: Business Field: Digital society, Research Area: Confluence of graphics and vision, Image generation, Display algorithms
Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 20 Fachbereich Informatik
20 Fachbereich Informatik > Graphisch-Interaktive Systeme
Hinterlegungsdatum: 12 Nov 2018 11:16
Letzte Änderung: 04 Feb 2022 12:40
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