TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Comparison of Lightweight Stream Ciphers: MICKEY 2.0, WG-8, Grain and Trivium

Diedrich, Lennart ; Jattke, Patrick ; Murati, Lulzim ; Senker, Matthias ; Wiesmaier, Alexander (2016)
Comparison of Lightweight Stream Ciphers: MICKEY 2.0, WG-8, Grain and Trivium.
Report, Bibliographie

Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract)

In this paper we compare four lightweight stream ciphers, MICKEY 2.0, WG-8, Grain and Trivium, which can be used for data encryption in the Internet of Things. At first we provide a brief overview of each algorithm. This includes their basic functional principle, their different specifications, possible hardware implementations and their complexity. We conclude the overview with a short security evaluation. Finally, we provide a comparison of the algorithms pointing out differences, similarities and their applicability in the Internet of Things.

Typ des Eintrags: Report
Erschienen: 2016
Autor(en): Diedrich, Lennart ; Jattke, Patrick ; Murati, Lulzim ; Senker, Matthias ; Wiesmaier, Alexander
Art des Eintrags: Bibliographie
Titel: Comparison of Lightweight Stream Ciphers: MICKEY 2.0, WG-8, Grain and Trivium
Sprache: Englisch
Publikationsjahr: September 2016
Ort: Darmstadt
Verlag: Technische Universität
Reihe: Technical Report
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Kurzbeschreibung (Abstract):

In this paper we compare four lightweight stream ciphers, MICKEY 2.0, WG-8, Grain and Trivium, which can be used for data encryption in the Internet of Things. At first we provide a brief overview of each algorithm. This includes their basic functional principle, their different specifications, possible hardware implementations and their complexity. We conclude the overview with a short security evaluation. Finally, we provide a comparison of the algorithms pointing out differences, similarities and their applicability in the Internet of Things.

Fachbereich(e)/-gebiet(e): 20 Fachbereich Informatik
20 Fachbereich Informatik > Theoretische Informatik - Kryptographie und Computeralgebra
Profilbereiche > Cybersicherheit (CYSEC)
Hinterlegungsdatum: 30 Mai 2017 16:21
Letzte Änderung: 15 Aug 2023 12:24
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