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Galetzka, Armin ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Georg, Niklas ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Römer, Ulrich (2023)
An hp-adaptive multi-element stochastic collocation method for surrogate modeling with information re-use.
In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 124 (12)
doi: 10.1002/nme.7234
Article, Bibliographie
De Gersem, Herbert ; Galetzka, Armin ; Ion, Ion Gabriel ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich (2020)
Magnetic field simulation with data-driven material modeling.
In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 56 (8)
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2020.3002092
Article, Bibliographie
Georg, Niklas ; Römer, Ulrich (2020)
Conformally mapped polynomial chaos expansions for Maxwell's source problem with random input data.
In: International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 33 (6)
doi: 10.1002/jnm.2776
Article, Bibliographie
Duque, David José ; Casper, Thorben ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Römer, Ulrich ; Gillon, Renaud ; Wieers, Aarnout ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš ; Götthans, Tomáš ; Meuris, Peter (2019)
Bond Wire Models.
In: Nanoelectronic Coupled Problems Solutions
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-30726-4_3
Book Section, Bibliographie
Casper, Thorben ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Schöps, Sebastian (2019)
Coupled Simulation of Transient Heat Flow and Electric Currents in Thin Wires: Application to Bond Wires in Microelectronic Chip Packaging.
In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications
doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2019.10.009
Article, Bibliographie
Georg, Niklas ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
ed.: Sievers, Denis (2019)
Surrogate Modeling for Optical Gratings based on Polynomial Approximations and Conformal Maps.
30th Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research - KWT 2019. Rietzlern, Austria (24. August 2019)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Galetzka, Armin ; Bontinck, Zeger ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2019)
A multilevel Monte Carlo method for high-dimensional uncertainty quantification of low-frequency electromagnetic devices.
In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55 (8)
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2019.2911053
Article, Bibliographie
Schmitt, Nikolai ; Georg, Niklas ; Gauthier, Brière ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Héron, Sébastien ; Lanteri, Stéphane ; Klitis, Charalambos ; Sorel, Marc ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Vézian, Stéphane ; Genevet, Patrice (2019)
Optimization and uncertainty quantification of gradient index metasurfaces.
In: Optical Materials Express, 9 (2)
doi: 10.1364/OME.9.000892
Article, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2019)
Assessing the Performance of Leja and Clenshaw-Curtis Collocation for Computational Electromagnetics with Random Input Data.
In: International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 9 (1)
doi: 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2018025234
Article, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2019)
Adaptive Interpolation and Regression Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Electromagnetics.
3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019). Crete, Greece (24.-26.06.2019)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2019)
Assessing the Performance of Leja and Clenshaw-Curtis Collocation for Computational Electromagnetics with Random Input Data.
In: International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 2019
Article, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2019)
Stochastic modeling of magnetic hysteretic properties by using multivariate random fields.
In: International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 9 (1)
doi: 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2019025638
Article, Bibliographie
Georg, Niklas ; Corno, Jacopo ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Zadeh, Shahnam Gorgi ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Sulimov, Alexey ; Rienen, Ursula van (2018)
Uncertainty quantification for the fundamental mode spectrum of the European XFEL Cavities.
13th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP18).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Ion, Ion Gabriel ; Bontinck, Zeger ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Lass, Oliver ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
Robust Shape Optimization of Electric Devices Based on Deterministic Optimization Methods and Finite Element Analysis With Affine Decomposition and Design Elements.
In: Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik)
doi: 10.1007/s00202-018-0716-6
Article, Bibliographie
Georg, Niklas ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2018)
Uncertainty Quantification for an Optical Grating Coupler with Adjoint-based Adaptive Collocation.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research — KWT 2018. Rietzlern, Austria
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Bontinck, Zeger ; Ion, Ion Gabriel ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
Using Affine Decompositions and Design Elements for Geometric Parametrization.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research — KWT 2018. Rietzlern, Austria
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2018)
Modeling uncertainties in the magnetic hysteresis and their impact on the field quality of a combined function magnet.
11th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2018).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Ion, Ion Gabriel ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Bontinck, Zeger ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Lass, Oliver ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
Shape Optimization of Electric Devices Combining a Deterministic Optimization Method With Design Elements.
11th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2018).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Georg, Niklas ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Schuhmann, Rolf (2018)
Uncertainty Quantification for an Optical Grating Coupler using Adaptive Stochastic Collocation.
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification 2018.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Clénet, Stéphane ; Schöps, Sebastian (2018)
Duality Based Estimation of Linearization Errors in Stochastic Computations.
89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2018).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Casper, Thorben ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
High Dimensional Uncertainty Quantification for an Electrothermal Field Problem using Stochastic Collocation on Sparse Grids and Tensor Train Decomposition.
In: International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 31 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
Adaptive Sparse Interpolation Methods for Electromagnetic Field Computation with Random Input Data.
2018 SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification. Garden Grove, USA (16.-19.04.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
Approximation of Scattering Parameters for Broadband Waveguide Models with Random Inputs using Adaptive Sparse Grids.
11th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF). Darmstadt, Germany (10.‐12.04.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
A Hierarchical Interpolation Method for Approximating a Stern-Gerlach Magnet Model with Geometrical Uncertainties.
18th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation. Hangzhou, China (28.-31.10.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Briere, Gauthier ; Genevet, Patrice ; Schmitt, Nikolai ; Lanteri, Stéphane ; Scheid, Claire ; Georg, Niklas ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich (2018)
High Efficiency Gradient Index GaN Metasurfaces.
Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference. Rom, Italy (01.-03.10.2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Casper, Thorben ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
High-dimensional uncertainty quantification for an electrothermal field problem using stochastic collocation on sparse grids and tensor train decompositions.
In: International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 2018
Article, Bibliographie
Ion, Ion Gabriel ; Bontinck, Zeger ; Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Lass, Oliver ; Ulbrich, Stefan ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2018)
Robust Shape Optimization of Electric Devices Based on Deterministic Optimization Methods and Finite-Element Analysis with Affine Parametrization and Design Elements.
In: Electrical Engineering (Springer Verlag), 100 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Bontinck, Zeger ; Corno, Jacopo ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Kurz, Stefan ; Pels, Andreas ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Wolf, Felix ; De Falco, Carlo ; Dölz, Jürgen ; Vázquez, Rafael ; Römer, Ulrich (2017)
Recent Advances of Isogeometric Analysis in Computational Electromagnetics.
In: ICS Newsletter (International Compumag Society), 3
Article, Bibliographie
Casper, Thorben ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
ed.: Dyczij-Edlinger, Romanus (2017)
Determining Bond Wire Temperatures in Electronic Devices by a 1D-3D Coupling Approach.
URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2017). Miltenberg
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2017)
Modeling Uncertainties in the Magnetic Hysteresis and their Impact on the Field Quality of a Combined Function Magnet.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research — KWT 2017.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
ed.: Schäfer, Michael (2017)
Modeling uncertainties in the magnetic hysteresis and their impact on the field quality of a combined function magnet.
4th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2017). Darmstadt, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Casper, Thorben ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
ed.: Schäfer, Michael (2017)
On the Simulation of Thin Wires in a Coupled 1D-3D Setting.
4th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2017). Darmstadt, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Georg, Niklas ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2017)
Uncertainty Quantification for a Plasmon Waveguide using Stochastic Collocation.
Workshop on Advances in Electromagnetic Research — KWT 2017.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Casper, Thorben ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
ed.: Jung, Hyun-Kyo (2017)
An Electrothermal 1D-3D Coupling Approach for Thin Wires in Microelectronic Chip Packages.
21th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields. Daejeon, Korea
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
ed.: Jung, Hyun-Kyo (2017)
The Impact of Spatial Uncertainties in the Magnetic Reluctivity on the Field Quality of a Combined Function Magnet.
21th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields. Daejeon, Korea
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schmidt, Christian ; Rienen, Ursula van ; Schöps, Sebastian (2017)
Low-Dimensional Stochastic Modeling of the Electrical Properties of Biological Tissues.
In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53 (6)
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2668841
Article, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Casper, Thorben ; Schöps, Sebastian (2017)
Uncertainty Quantification for a Singular Electrothermal Coupled Problem with Error Control.
UNCECOMP 2017. Rhodes Island, Greece
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2017)
A Defect Corrected Finite Element Approach for the Accurate Evaluation of Magnetic Fields on Unstructured Grids.
In: Journal of Computational Physics, 335
doi: 10.1016/
Article, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2017)
Modeling of Spatial Uncertainties in the Magnetic Reluctivity.
In: COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 36 (4)
Article, Bibliographie
Galetzka, Armin ; Bontinck, Zeger ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2017)
Multilevel Monte Carlo Simulation of the Eddy Current Problem With Random Parameters.
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2017)
Leja-Based Adaptive Sparse Grids for High-Dimensional Uncertainty Quantification in Scattering Parameter Simulations.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Engineering.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; De Gersem, Herbert (2017)
Leja-Based Adaptive Sparse Grids for Uncertainty Quantification in High-Frequency Electromagnetics.
Kleinheubacher Berichte.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Casper, Thorben ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2016)
Determination of Bond Wire Failure Probabilities in Microelectronic Packages.
22nd International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC). Budapest (21-23 Sept. 2016)
doi: 10.1109/THERMINIC.2016.7748645
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Jankoski, Radoslav ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian
eds.: Belahcen, Anouar ; Demenko, Andrzej ; Pietrowski, Wojciech (2016)
Stochastic Modeling of an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Reluctivity Using the Karhunen-Loève Expansion and the Hierarchical Matrix Technique.
In: XXIV Symposium Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits - Proceedings EPNC 2016
Book Section, Bibliographie
Loukrezis, Dimitrios ; Römer, Ulrich ; Casper, Thorben ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2016)
Application of High Dimensional Uncertainty Quantification Methods to Electrothermal Field Problems.
10th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2016).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Casper, Thorben ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2016)
Efficient Evaluation of Bond Wire Fusing Probabilities.
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification 2016.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Maten, E. Jan W. ter ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Duque, David ; Casper, Thorben ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Römer, Ulrich (2016)
Nanoelectronic COupled problems solutions - nanoCOPS: modelling, multirate, model order reduction, uncertainty quantification, fast fault simulation.
In: Journal of Mathematics in Industry, 7 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2016)
Stochastic Modeling and Regularity of the Nonlinear Elliptic curl-curl Equation.
In: SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 4 (1)
Article, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2015)
An Adjoint Approach for Uncertainty Quantification of Magnetoquasistatic Field Problems.
International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) 2015.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Lass, Oliver ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2015)
Robust Shape Optimization of Accelerator Magnets.
PIERS Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) 2015.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2015)
A Defect Correction Scheme for the Accurate Evaluation of Magnetic Fields on Unstructured Grids.
Proceedings of the 20th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2015)
Magnetoquasistatic Simulation with Uncertainties and Applications in Magnet Design.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2015)
Stochastic Modeling and Regularity of the Nonlinear Elliptic-Parabolic Magnetoquasistatic Equation.
86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2015).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; De Gersem, Herbert (2015)
An Adjoint Approach for Uncertainty Quantifcation of Magnetoquasistatic Field Problems.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications
Book Section, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2015)
Adjoint Error Estimation for a Pseudo-Spectral Approach to Stochastic Field-Circuit Coupled Problems.
In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Book Section, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich (2015)
Numerical Approximation of the Magnetoquasistatic Model with Uncertainties and its Application to Magnet Design.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2014)
A Defect Correction Method for the Accurate Local Evaluation of Magnetic Fields.
URSI Kleinheubacher Tagung (KHB 2014).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2014)
A Spline Based Shape Derivative Approach for the Nonlinear Magnetostatic Interface Problem.
13th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE2014).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2014)
Methods for the Quantification of Uncertainties in Nonlinear Material Laws in Electrical Engineering.
6th International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Jansen, Lennart ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian (2014)
Abstract Differential-Algebraic Equations in Electrical Engineering.
85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2014).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2014)
First Order k-th Moment Analysis for the Nonlinear Eddy Current Problem.
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification 2014.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2014)
Approximation of Moments for the Nonlinear Eddy Current Model with Material Uncertainties.
In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2)
Article, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
Approaches for the Quantification of Uncertainies in Stochasic Magnet Design.
Beam Dynamics meets Magnets in the EuCARD2 XBEAM-XRING Network.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
A First Order k-th Moment Method for the Nonlinear Magnetoquasistatics Problem with Material Uncertainties.
Kleinheubacher Tagung 2013.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
Second Moment Analysis of the Nonlinear Eddy Current Model with Material Uncertainties.
19th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Klimek, Mariusz ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
Discretization of Maxwell Equations in Geometric Algebra Setting.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
On Uncertainties in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics.
URSI Commission B Workshop.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Bartel, Andreas ; De Gersem, Herbert ; Hülsmann, Timo ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
Quantification of Uncertainty in the Field Quality of Magnets Originating from Material Measurements.
In: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49 (5)
Article, Bibliographie
Klimek, Mariusz ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2013)
Space-Time Discretization of Maxwell's Equations in the Setting of Geometric Algebra.
In: Proceedings of the URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
Book Section, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Schöps, Sebastian ; Weiland, Thomas (2012)
On Uncertainties in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics.
Seminar in Numerical Analysis.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Claßen, Christoph ; Gjonaj, Erion ; Römer, Ulrich ; Schuhmann, Rolf ; Weiland, Thomas (2011)
Modeling of Field Singularities at Dielectric Edges Using Grid Based Methods.
In: Advances in Radio Science, 9
Article, Bibliographie
Römer, Ulrich ; Gjonaj, Erion ; Weiland, Thomas (2010)
A Discontinous Galerkin Method with Locally Singular Basis Functions.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie