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Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2007)
Non-abelian extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups.
In: Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 57
Article, Bibliographie
Gramlich, Ralf ; Hofmann, Georg ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2007)
Semi-edges, reflections, and Coxeter groups.
In: Transactions American Mathematical Society, 359
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2006)
Towards a Lie-theory for infinite-dimensional groups.
In: Japanese journal of mathematics, 1 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s11537-006-0606-y
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2006)
Non-abelian extensions of topological Lie-algebras.
In: Communications in Algebra, 34
Article, Bibliographie
Clerc, J.-L. ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2006)
On triples in the Shilov boundaries of bounded symmetric domain.
In: Transformation Groups, 11
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Oersted, Bent (2006)
A topological Maslov index for 3-graded Lie-groups.
In: Journal of Functional Analysis, 233
Article, Bibliographie
Kumar, Shrawan ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2006)
Extensions of algebraic groups.
In: Studies in Lie theory : dedicated to A. Joseph on his sixtieth birthday
Book Section, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Wagemann, Friedrich (2005)
Addendum to 'The Universal Central Extension of the Holomorphic Current Algebra'.
In: Manuscripta Mathematica, 116
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2005)
Derivations of locally simple Lie algebras.
In: Journal of Lie Theory, 15
Article, Bibliographie
Bertram, Wolfgang ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2005)
Projective completions of Ordan pairs. II.
In: Geometriae Dedicata, 112
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2004)
Current groups for non-compact manifolds and their central extensions.
In: Infinite dimensional groups and manifolds : [outgrowth of the 70th Meeting of Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians, Strasbourg in May 2002] / ed.: Tilmann Wurzbacher. - Berlin, de Gruyter, 2004.- S.109-183 (IRMA lectures in mathematics and theoretica
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Bertram, Wolfgang ; Glöckner, Helge (2004)
Differential calculus in manifolds over general rings.
In: Expositiones Mathematicae, 22
Article, Bibliographie
Glöckner, Helge ; Bertram, Wolfgang ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2004)
Differential calculus over general base fields and rings.
In: Expositiones Mathematicae, 22
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2004)
Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and their representations.
In: Lie theory T. 1. :Lie algebras and representations / Jens Carsten Jantzen; Karl-Hermann Neeb.Ed. by J.P. Anker - Boston, Mass. [u.a.] : Birkhäuser, 2004.- S. 213-328 (Progress in mathematics ; 228)
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Bertram, Wolfgang (2004)
Projective completions of Jordan pairs : Pt. 1 : the generalized projective geometry of a Lie algebra.
In: Journal of algebra, 277
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Wagemann, Friedrich (2003)
Addendum to : "The universal central extension of the holomorphic current algebra".
In: Manuscripta Mathematica, 112
Article, Bibliographie
Glöckner, Helge ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2003)
Banach-Lie quotients, enlargibiity, and universal complexifications.
In: Journal für reine und angewandte Mathematik, 560
doi: 10.1515/crll.2003.056
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Penkov, Ivan (2003)
Cartan subalgebras of gl.
Book, Bibliographie
Bertram, Wolfgang ; Glöckner, Helge ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2003)
Differential calculus, manifolds and lie groups over arbitrary infinite fields.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Vizmann, Cornelia (2003)
Flux homomorphisms and principle bundles over infinite dimensional manifolds.
In: Monatshefte für Mathematik, 139
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2003)
Locally convex root graded Lie algebras.
In: Travaux mathématiques, 14
Article, Bibliographie
Bertram, Wolfgang ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2003)
Projective completions of Jordan pairs : Part 1 : The generalized projektive geometry of a Lie algebra.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Wagemann, Friedrich (2003)
The universal central extension of the holomorphic current algebra.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Orsted, Bent (2002)
Representations in L 2-spaces on infinite-dimensional symmetric cones.
In: Journal of Functional Analysis, 190 (1)
doi: 10.1006/jfan.2001.3884
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
A Cartan-Hadamard theorem for Banach-Finsler manifolds.
In: Geometriae Dedicata, 95
Article, Bibliographie
Maier, Peter ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Central extensions of current groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Central extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups.
In: Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble, 52
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Classical Hilbert-Lie groups, their extensions and their homotype groups.
In: Geometry and analysis on finite- and infinite-dimensional Lie groups
Book Section, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Current groups for non-compact manifolds and their central extensions.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Vizmann, Cornelia (2002)
Flux homomorphisms and principle bundles over infinite dimensional manirfolds.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Highest weight representations and infinite-dimensional Kähler manifolds.
In: Research and exposition in mathematics ; 25
Book Section, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Lectures at the European School in Group Theory: Infinite-dimensional groups and their representations.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Locally convex root graded Lie algebras.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Nancy lectures on infinite-dimensional Lie-Groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2002)
Universal central extensions of Lie groups.
In: Acta applicandae mathematicae, 73
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Borel-Weil theory for loop groups.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Classical Hilbert-Lie groups, their extensions and their homotopy groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Compressions of infinite-dimensional bounded symmetric domains.
In: Semigroup forum, 63
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Highest weight representations and infinite-dimensional Kähler manifolds.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Kürner, B. (2001)
Invariant symmetric linear forms for reflection groups.
In: Journal of geometry, 71
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Locally finite Lie algebras with unitary highest weight representations.
In: Manuscripta mathematica, 104
Article, Bibliographie
Glöckner, Helge ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann
ed.: Martín Peinador, Elena (2001)
Minimally almost periodic Abelian groups and commutative W*-algebras.
In: Nuclear groups and Lie groups
Book Section, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Representations of infinite-dimensional groups.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2001)
Universal central extensions of Lie groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Stumme, Nina (2001)
The classification of locally finite split simple Lie algebras.
In: Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 533
doi: 10.1515/crll.2001.025
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Representation theory and convexity.
In: Transformation groups, 5 (4)
doi: 10.1007/BF01234796
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Borel-Weil theory for loop groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Central extensions of infinite-dimensional Lie groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Compressions of infinite-dimensional bounded symmetric domains.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Infinite-dimensional groups and their representations.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Integrable roots in split graded Lie algebras.
In: Journal of algebra, 225
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Invariant bilinear forms for reflection groups.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Invariant orders on Lie groups and coverings of ordered homogeneous spaces.
In: Monatshefte für Mathematik, 131 (2)
doi: 10.1007/s006050070017
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Locally finite Lie algebras with unitary highest weight representations.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Small weight modules of locally infinite almost reductive Lie algebras.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (2000)
Smooth vectors for highest weight representations.
In: Glasgow mathematical journal, 42
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Pickrell, D. (2000)
Supplements to the papers entitled 'On a theorem of S. Banach' and 'The separable representations of U(H)'.
In: Journal of Lie theory, 10
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1999)
A Cartan-Hadamard theorem for Banach-Finsler manifolds.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1999)
Holomorphy and convexity in Lie theory.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1999)
On the complex geometry of invariant domains in complexified symmetric spaces.
In: Annales de l'Institut Fourier Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble. 49 (1999), Fasc. 1, S. 177-225
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Stumme, Nina (1999)
The classification of locally finite split simple Lie algebras.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
Representation theory and convexity.
Report, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
Integrable roots in split graded Lie algebras.
Book, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
On the complex and convex geometry of Ol'shanskii semigroups.
In: Annales de l'Insitut Fourier, Grenoble. 48 (1998), S. 149-203
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
On weighted Hardy spaces on complex semigroups.
In: Semigroup forum. 56 (1998), S. 392-417
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
Operator-valued positive definite kernels on tubes.
In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 126 (1998), S. 125-160
Article, Bibliographie
Hilgert, Joachim ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
Poisson Lie groups and non-linear convexity theorems.
In: Mathematische Nachrichten. 191 (1998), S. 153-187
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1998)
Some open problems in representation theory related to complex geometry.
In: Positivity in Lie theory: open problems, Edition: Berlin (u.a.): de Gruyter, 1998
Book Section, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Orsted, (1998)
Unitary highest weight representations in Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on infinite dimensional domains.
In: Journal of functional analysis. 156 (1998), S. 263-300
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann ; Krötz, Bernhard ; Olafson, Gestur (1997)
Spherical representations of mixed symmetric spaces.
In: Representation theory, 1
doi: 10.1090/S1088-4165-97-00035-6
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1997)
Convexity properties of the coadjoint action of non-compact Lie groups.
In: Mathematische Annalen. 309 (1997), S. 625-661
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1997)
On a theorem of S. Banach.
In: Journal of Lie theory. 8 (1997), S. 293-300
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1997)
On some classes of multiplicity free representations.
In: Manuscripta mathematica. 92 (1997), S. 389-407
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1997)
Square integrable highest weight representations.
In: Glasgow mathematical journal. 39 (1997), S. 295-321
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1997)
A general non-linear convexity theorem.
In: Forum mathematicum. 9 (1997), S. 613-640
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
Coherent states, holomorphic extensions, and highest weight representations.
In: Pacific journal of mathematics. 174 (1996), S. 497-542
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
Invariant convex sets and functions in Lie algebras.
In: Semigroup forum. 53 (1996), S. 230-261
Article, Bibliographie
Krötz, Bernhard ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
On hyperbolic cones and mixed symmetric spaces.
In: Journal of Lie theory. 6 (1996), S. 69-146
Article, Bibliographie
Hilgert, Joachim ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
Orthogonal Lie algebras with cone potential.
In: Communications in algebra. 24 (1996), S. 433-444
Article, Bibliographie
Hilgert, Joachim ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
Spherical functions on Ol'shanskii spaces.
In: Journal of functional analysis. 142 (1996), S. 446-493
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
Weakly exponential Lie groups.
In: Journal of Algebra. 179 (1996), S. 331-361
Article, Bibliographie
Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1996)
A note on central extensions of Lie groups.
In: Journal of Lie theory. 6 (1996), S. 207-213
Article, Bibliographie
Hofmann, Karl H. ; Neeb, Karl-Hermann (1995)
Epimorphisms of C*-algebras are surjective.
In: Archiv der Mathematik. 65 (1995), S. 134-137
Article, Bibliographie