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Number of items: 25.

Brunner, Fabian C. ; Blauert, Florian ; Li, C. ; Wagner, Martin ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2017)
Auswirkungen von partikulärer Fracht auf den biologischen Abbau beim Einsatz von aeroben Granula.
6. IndustrieTage Wassertechnik. Dortmund
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Brunner, F. ; Li, C. ; Wagner, Martin ; Lackner, Susanne ; Horn, H. (2016)
Visualization of Particle Deposition onto Biofilm Surfaces and its Impact on Oxygen Mass Transfer.
Biofilm7. Porto, Portugal
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne ; Klarmann, C. ; Rocktäschel, T. ; Brunner, F. (2015)
Biofilmreaktoren: Aerobe Granula zur Behandlung von kommunalem Abwasser.
In: Kommunale Abwasserbehandlung – Grundlage des Gewässerschutzes
Book Section, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Gilbert, Eva M. ; Welker, Samuel ; Horn, H. ; Schwartz, T. ; Karst, S. M. ; Nielsen, P. H. (2015)
Deammonifikation - vom Labor in die Praxis.
43. Abwassertechnisches Seminar (ATS), Energieeffiziente Verfahren zur Stickstoffelimination - Innovationen aus der Forschung und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis. Garching
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Welker, Samuel ; Gilbert, Eva M. ; Horn, H. (2015)
Influence of seasonal temperature increase on PN/A reactors for mainstream wastewater treatment.
IWA Specialist Conference on Nutrient Removal and Recovery: moving innovations into practice. Gdańsk, Poland
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Agrawal, Shelesh ; Gilbert, Eva M. ; Schwartz, T. ; Horn, H. ; Karst, S. ; Nielsen, P. H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2015)
Microbial Community Analysis by Next-Generation Sequencing and qPCR in mainstream PN/A Reactors.
IWA Specialist Conference on Nutrient Removal and Recovery: moving innovations into practice. Gdańsk, Poland
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Gilbert, Eva M. ; Schuler, S. ; Horn, H. (2014)
Amplitude Heights For Given Oxygen Concentration Set-points Impact Oxygen Availability In Biofilms.
IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gilbert, Eva M. ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2014)
Effect of annual temperature changes on the combined partial nitritation-anammox process.
IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Gilbert, Eva M. ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Horn, H. (2014)
Einsatz der Deammonifikation im Hauptstrom als neue Möglichkeit zur Stickstoffelimination?
89. Siedlungswasserwirtschaftliches Kolloquium: Energiepotenziale kommunaler Kläranlagen erkennen, nutzen und kritisch bewerten. Stuttgart
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gilbert, Eva M. ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Brunner, F. ; Moser, S. ; Becker, S. ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2014)
NOB Suppression in Partial Nitritation/Anammox Processes for Side- and Mainstream Treatment.
IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery. Kathmandu, Nepal
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gilbert, Eva M. ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2014)
The Role of Biofilm Thickness on Partial Nitritation/ Anammox Performance at Low Temperature.
11th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. Abu Dhabi, UAE
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Li, C. ; Wagner, Martin ; Lackner, Susanne ; Horn, H. (2014)
Tradeoff between mass transfer and actual biofilm surface area on carriers in moving bed biofilm reactors.
Biofilm6. Vienna, Austria
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Li, C. ; Wagner, Martin ; Lackner, Susanne ; Horn, H. (2013)
Combination of optical coherence tomography imaging with two-dimensional modeling of flow and substrate transport in and around biofilm grown on fluidized carriers.
IWA 9th International Conference on Biofilm Reactors. Paris, France
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gilbert, Eva M. ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2013)
Does the operational oxygen concentration select for nitrite oxidizers with longer lag-times?
3rd International Conference on Nitrification ICoN 3. Tokyo, Japan
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gilbert, Eva M. ; Agrawal, Shelesh ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2013)
Identification of Nitrospira sp. in correlation with response to anoxic phases.
3rd International Conference on Nitrification ICoN 3. Tokyo, Japan
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Herrling, Maria Pia ; Guthausen, G. ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2013)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of local flow velocity profiles in biofilm carriers from waste water treatment.
International Conference of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cambridge, UK
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Thoma, K. ; Gander, W. ; Schreff, D. ; Horn, H. (2013)
Remaining Obstacles with the Start-up of a Full-scale Deammonification SBR treating Effluent from Digested Sludge Dewatering.
13th IWA World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion. Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Herrling, Maria Pia ; Guthausen, G. ; Lackner, Susanne ; Horn, H. (2013)
Sorption of magnetic nanoparticles on biofilm structures and identification with MRI.
Minisymposium: Smart and Active Assemblies for Catalysis. Leipzig, Germany
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Gilbert, Eva M. ; Horn, H. ; Lackner, Susanne (2012)
Distribution of ammonium and nitrite oxidizing activity within three size classes of suspended sludge in a nitritation-anammox SBR.
IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2012. Harbin, China
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Christensson, M. ; Möslang, H. ; Lemaire, R. ; Horn, H. (2012)
Performance of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) in comparison with a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) for treatment of industrial wastewater by nitritation-anammox.
IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Conference 2012. Harbin, China
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Lindenblatt, C. ; Horn, H. (2011)
Betriebsstrategien für die einstufige Deammonifikation im SBR.
Oskar von Miller Forum. München
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Lindenblatt, C. ; Rapp-Fiegle, S. ; Horn, H. (2011)
Deammonifikation - Verfahrenskombinationen, Umsetzbarkeit und Regelstrategien.
DWA Seminar KA der Zukunft. München
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Li, C. ; Lackner, Susanne ; Müller, E. ; Schwingel, T. ; Applegate, C. ; Horn, H. (2011)
Modeling the nitrogen removal efficiency of an integrated fixed-film activated sludge system (IFAS).
IWA Biofilm Conference 2011: Processes in Biofilms. Shanghai, China
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Lackner, Susanne ; Horn, H. (2011)
Regelstrategien für die einstufige Deammonifikation in SBR.
Abwassertechnisches Seminar. Garching
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Beil, Marion ; Horn, H. ; Schwabe, Angelika (2008)
Analysis of pollen loads in a wild bee community (Hymenoptera: Apidae) - a method for elucitating habitat use and foraging distances.
In: Apidologie, 39 (4)
Article, Bibliographie

This list was generated on Sat Sep 7 01:53:21 2024 CEST.