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Number of items: 65.

Colombo, Marco ; Münch, Falk ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Sander, Jochen ; Ensinger, Wolfgang (2024)
Scanning macro x‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy maps for matching 17th century paintings color areas to different earth pigments uses and for investigating attribution issues.
In: X‐Ray Spectrometry, 53 (2)
doi: 10.1002/xrs.3398
Article, Bibliographie

Gerken, Mareike ; Colombo, Marco ; Pollmer-Schmidt, Almut ; Weber, Christiane ; Thybusch, Brunhilde ; Schütt, Friederike ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ensinger, Wolfgang ; Sander, Jochen ; Krekel, Christoph (2021)
Uncovering Georg Flegel’s painting technique by non-invasive state-of-the-art analysis.
In: Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung, 34 (2)
Article, Bibliographie

Flege, Stefan ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Sander, J. ; Seeberg, S. ; Weber, C. ; Wolf, F. ; Tagle, R. ; Drake, L. ; Ensinger, Wolfgang ; Jost, M. (2016)
Ergebnisse der Röntgenfluoreszenz-Untersuchung des Altenberger Altarschreins.
Report, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Kosinova, M. ; Flege, Stefan ; Brötz, Joachim ; Trunova, V. ; Dietz, Christian ; Ensinger, Wolfgang (2015)
Chemical and physical properties in layers and interfaces of nanolayered Si(100)/Ni/BCxNy stacks.
In: X-Ray Spectrometry, 44 (2)
Article, Bibliographie

Buddenberg, Stephan ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Oechsner, Matthias (2015)
Durability of insulation glass units: Influence of climate loads & ageing according to EN 1279.
In: GPD Glas Performance Days 2015, conference proceedings, Tampere, Finland, June 24-26, 2015. Tampere, Finland: GPD Glaston Finland Oy, 2015, S. 32 – 36. ISBN 978-952-5836-03-5 (4. /678 [15])
Book Section, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2015)
Jens-Volker Kratz and Karl Heinrich Lieser: Nuclear and radiochemistry. Fundamentals and applications, 3rd ed.
In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407 (18)
doi: 10.1007/s00216-015-8691-5
Article, Bibliographie

Pollakowski, Beatrix ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Kosinova, Marina ; Baake, Olaf ; Trunova, Valentina ; Unterumsberger, Rainer ; Ensinger, Wolfgang ; Beckhoff, Burkhard (2013)
Non-destructive and non-preparative chemical nanometrology of internal material interfaces at tunable high information depths.
In: Analytical Chemistry, 85 (1)
doi: 10.1021/ac3024872
Article, Bibliographie

Schabel, Samuel ; Hoffmann, Peter
ed.: Fügmann, Uta (2013)
Lagenverschiebungen und Spannungsaufbau in der Nipzone zwischen Walze und Papierlagen.
In: Bahnführung von Papier und Folien : Proceedings zum 11. Bahnlaufseminar 2011
Book Section, Bibliographie

Schabel, Samuel ; Hoffmann, Peter (2012)
Lagenverschiebungen und Spannungsaufbau in der Nipzone zwischen Walze und Papierlagen.
In: Wochenblatt für Papierfabrikation, 140 (5)
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Fainer, N. ; Kosinova, M. ; Baake, Olaf ; Ensinger, Wolfgang
ed.: Mukherjee, M. (2011)
Compilation on Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties of Carbonitrides of Silicon and Boron.
In: Silicon Carbide - Materials, Processing and Applications in Electronic Devices
Book Section, Bibliographie

Schabel, Samuel ; Hoffmann, Peter (2011)
Movement of Layers and Induced Tension in the Nip Area between Drum and Paper Layers.
Progress in Paper Physics Seminar. Graz
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2010)
Lagenverschiebungen und Spannungsaufbau in der Nipzone zwischen Walze und Papierlagen.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Bibliographie

Baake, Olaf ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Klein, Andreas ; Pollakowski, Beatrix ; Beckhoff, Burkhard ; Kosinova, Marina ; Fainer, Nadeshda ; Sulyaeva, Veronica ; Trunova, Valentina ; Ensinger, Wolfgang (2009)
Speciation of BCxNy films grown by PECVD with trimethylborazine precursor.
In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 395 (6)
doi: 10.1007/s00216-009-3056-6
Article, Bibliographie

Baake, Olaf ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Flege, Stefan ; Ortner, Hugo ; Gottschalk, Sebastian ; Berky, Wolfram ; Balogh, Adam ; Ensinger, Wolfgang ; Beckhoff, Burkhard ; Kolbe, Michael ; Gerlach, Martin ; Pollakowski, Beatrix ; Weser, Jan ; Ulm, Gerhard ; Haschke, Michael ; Blokhina, Elena ; Peter, Markus ; Porta, Dominique ; Heck, Martin (2009)
Nondestructive characterization of nanoscale layered samples.
In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393 (2)
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Heck, Martin ; Theune, C. (2008)
Chemische und mineralogische Untersuchungen an Glas: Zur Herstellung merowingerzeitlicher Glasperlen.
In: Archäometrie / Hrsg. von Andreas Hauptmann und Volker Pingel. -
Book Section, Bibliographie

Patel, Khageshwar Singh ; Shrivas, K. ; Brandt, Reinhard ; Jakubowski, Norbert ; Corns, W. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2005)
Arsenic contamination in water, soil, sediment and rice of Central India.
In: Environmental geochemistry and health, 27 (2)
Article, Bibliographie

Fox, Roy ; Dedik, Anatol ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, Hugo M. (2005)
Influence of particle size on XRF wear analysis in plastic processing.
In: X-ray spectrometry, 34 (3)
Article, Bibliographie

Harres, Hans-Peter ; Ebhardt, Götz ; Schiedek, Thomas ; Beier, Meike ; Unger-Shayesteh, Katharina ; Walker, Michael ; Eyrikh, Stella ; Tretyakova, Elena ; Papina, Tatjana ; Trunova, Valentina ; Zvereva, Valentina ; Khodzer, Tamara ; Shenkman, Boris ; Brockmann, Christiane ; Hoffmann, Peter (2005)
Contamination of Dacha areas near of industrial complexes in Siberia.
Report, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2005)
Speciation of iron.
In: Species in the environment, food, medicine & occupational health
Book Section, Bibliographie

Ebert, Martin ; Weinbruch, Stephan ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, Hugo M. (2004)
The chemical composition and complex refractive index of rural and urban influenced aerosols determined by individual particle analysis.
In: Atmospheric Environment, 38 (38)
Article, Bibliographie

Agrawal, K. ; Agnihotri, G. ; Shrivas, K. ; Mundhara, G. L. ; Patel, K. S. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2004)
Determination of Cationic Surfactants in Environmental Samples by Flow Injection Analysis.
In: Microchimica Acta, 147 (4)
Article, Bibliographie

Sastri, C. S. ; Iyengar, V. ; Demirel-Gülen, S. ; Heck, Martin ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, Hugo M. ; Blondiaux, G. ; Tessier, Y. ; Sauvage, T. ; Petri, H. (2004)
Determination of boron, fluorine and some medium Z elements in diet samples.
In: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 259 (3)
Article, Bibliographie

Shukla, Aditya ; Agnihotri, Gaurav ; Patel, Khageshwar Singh ; Hoffmann, Peter (2004)
Determination of Thiocyanate in Waste Water.
In: Analytical Letters, 37 (9)
Article, Bibliographie

Shrivas, Kamlesh ; Patel, Khageshwar Singh ; Hoffmann, Peter (2004)
Flow Injection Analysis Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium.
In: Analytical Letters, 37 (3)
Article, Bibliographie

Agrawal, Kavita ; Mundhara, Girdhar Lal ; Patel, Khageshwar Singh ; Hoffmann, Peter (2004)
Flow-Injection Analysis Spectrophotometric Determination of Bismuth in Environmental and Pharmaceutical Samples.
In: Analytical Letters, 37 (10)
Article, Bibliographie

Patel, Khageshwar Singh ; Shrivash, Kamlesh ; Sharma, Paresh Chandra ; Pandey, Madhurama ; Hoffmann, Peter (2004)
Simple and Selective Method for Determination of Platinum with Tin(II) Chloride and Amides.
In: Analytical Letters, 37 (9)
Article, Bibliographie

Heck, Martin ; Rehren, Th. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2003)
The Production of Lead-Tin Yellow at Merovingian Schleitheim (Switzerland).
In: Archaeometry, 45 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Heck, Martin ; Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
Analysis of Early Medieval Glass Beads - The Raw Materials to Produce Green, Orange and Brown Colours.
In: Microchimica Acta, 139 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Heck, Martin ; Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
Analysis of early medieval glass beads : the raw materials in produce green, orange and brown colours.
In: Mikrochimica acta, 139
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
Characterization of aerosols by TXRF and EPMA.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
Chemisch-analytische Untersuchungen an technischen Produkten aus der mittelalterlichen Dorfwüstung Holzheim.
In: Holzheim bei Fritzlar: Archäologie eines mittelalterl. Dorfes / von Norbert Wand ...- Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf, 2002.- 542, 40 S.- (Kasseler Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte ; 6).- ISBN 3-89646-266-0.- S. 511-525
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Fox, Roy ; Dedik, Anatol ; Ortner, Hugo M. (2002)
Quantifizierung des Verschleisses an kunststoffverarbeitenden Anlagen mit Hilfe der on-line-RFA.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
TXRF measurements of low-Z elements.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
X-ray methods in countries of the Former Soviet Union : guest editorial.
In: X-ray spectrometry, 31
Article, Bibliographie

Bichlmeier, S. ; Janssens, K. ; Heckel, J. ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, H. M. (2002)
Comparative material characterization of historical and industrial samples by using a compact micro-XRF spectrometer.
In: X-Ray Spectrometry, 31 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2002)
Guest Editorial.
In: X-Ray Spectrometry, 31 (3)
Article, Bibliographie

Kessler, T. ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Greve, T. ; Ortner, H. M. (2002)
Optimization of the identification of chemical compounds by energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry and subsequent multivariate analysis.
In: X-Ray Spectrometry, 31 (5)
Article, Bibliographie

Deutsch, F. ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, H. M. (2001)
Comparison of the Concentrations of Chemical Components in Cloudwater Samples Collected during Four Different Field Campaigns.
In: Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 40 (3)
Article, Bibliographie

Patel, K. S. ; Shukla, A. ; Goswami, A. ; Chandavanshi, S. K. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2001)
A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of total and ferric iron in rain water at the ppb level.
In: Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 369 (6)
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Kessler, T. ; Ortner, H. M. (2001)
Identifikation von Substanzen durch chemometrische Auswertung von EDRFA-Spektren.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2001)
Iron in the atmosphere.
In: Dynamics and chemistry of hydrometeors: Final report of the Collaborative Research Centre 233 'Dynamik und Chemie der Hydrometeore'
Book Section, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (2001)
Prof.Dr. Karl Heinrich Lieser 80 Jahre.
In: Mitteilungsblatt GDCh - FG Analytische Chemie
Article, Bibliographie

Patel, K. S. ; Shukla, A. ; Agarwal, N. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2001)
Visible spectrophotometric determination of tantalum in soil, sediment, minerals, and alloys.
In: Journal of AOAC international, 84 (2)
doi: 10.1093/jaoac/84.2.399
Article, Bibliographie

Ebert, Martin ; Weinbruch, Stephan ; Rausch, A. ; Gorzawski, Gabriele ; Wex, H. ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Helas, G. (2001)
The complex refractive index of aerosols during LACE 98 as derived from the analysis of individual particles.
In: Journal of aerosol science, 32
Article, Bibliographie

Patel, K. S. ; Shukla, A. ; Goswami, A. ; Chandavanshi, S. K. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2001)
A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of total and ferric ion in rain water at the ppb level.
In: Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry, 369
Article, Bibliographie

Bichlmeier, S. ; Janssens, K. ; Heckel, J. ; Gibson, D. ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, H. M. (2001)
Component selection for a compact micro-XRF spectrometer.
In: X-Ray Spectrometry, 30 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Deutsch, F. ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Ortner, H. M. (2001)
Field Experimental Investigations on the Fe(II)- and Fe(III)-Content in Cloudwater Samples.
In: Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 40 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Sastri, Ch. S. ; Iyengar, Venkatesh ; Blondiaux, Gilbert ; Tessier, Yves ; Petri, Hermann ; Hoffmann, Peter ; Aras, Namik K. ; Zaichick, Vladimir ; Ortner, Hugo M. (2001)
Fluorine determination in human and animal bones by particle-induced gamma-ray emission.
In: Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 370 (7)
Article, Bibliographie

Patel, K. S. ; Shukla, A. ; Tripathi, A. N. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2001)
Heavy Metal Concentrations of Precipitation in East Madhya Pradesh of India.
In: Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 130 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Bichlmeier, S. ; Heck, M. ; Theune, C. ; Callmer, J. (2000)
Chemical composition of glass beads of the Merovingian period from graveyards in the Black Forest.
In: X-ray spectrometry, 29
Article, Bibliographie

Helas, G. ; Weinbruch, Stephan ; Rausch, A. ; Gorzawski, Gabriele ; Ebert, Martin ; Hoffmann, Peter (2000)
Morphology and composition of aerosol sampled during the campaign LACE-98.
In: Geophysical research abstracts, 2
Article, Bibliographie

Patel, K. S. ; Sharma, P. C. ; Aggarwal, S. G. ; Hoffmann, Peter (2000)
Specific spectrophotometric determination of palladium with N,N'-diphenyl-benzimidoylthiourea.
In: Analytical letters, 33
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Bichlmeier, Stefan ; Heck, Martin ; Theune, Claudia ; Callmer, Johan (2000)
Chemical composition of glass beads of the Merovingian period from graveyards in the Black Forest, Germany.
In: X-Ray Spectrometry, 29 (1)
Article, Bibliographie

Neubrand, Achim ; Lindner, Reinhard ; Hoffmann, Peter (2000)
Room-Temperature Solubility Behavior of Barium Titanate in Aqueous Media.
In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 83 (4)
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Bichlmeier, S. ; Heck, M. ; Theune, C. ; Callmer, J. (1999)
Glasmatrix der Perlen merowinger-zeitlicher Frauengräber von Eichstetten und Endingen.
In: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 29
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (1997)
Analytische Bestimmung farbgebender Elemente und deren Verbindungen in Glasperlen merowingerzeitlicher Gräberfelder.
In: Perlen
Book Section, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Dedik, A. N. (1997)
Characterization of ancient beads - chemical analysis and statistical evaluation.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Karandashev, V. K. ; Sinner, T. ; Ortner, H. M. (1997)
Chemical analysis of rain and snow samples from Chernogolovka/Russia by IC, TXRF and ICP-MS.
In: Fresenius journal of analytical chemistry. 357 (1997), S. 1142-1148
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Hock, H. ; Ortner, H. M. (1997)
Interdisciplinary examination of agriculturally used soils which were treated ecologically or conventionally.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (1997)
Multielement determination in process analysis.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Dedik, A. N. ; Deutsch, F. ; Sinner, T. ; Weber, S. ; Eichler, R. ; Sterkel, S. ; Sastri, C. S. ; Ortner, H. M. (1997)
Solubility of single chemical compounds from an atmospheric aerosol in pure water.
In: Atmospheric environment. 31 (1997), S. 2777-2785
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Dedik, A. N. ; Ensling, Jürgen ; Weinbruch, Stephan ; Weber, S. ; Sinner, T. ; Gütlich, Philipp ; Ortner, H. M. (1996)
Speciation of iron in atmospheric aerosol samples.
In: Journal of aerosol science, 27 (2)
doi: 10.1016/0021-8502(95)00563-3
Article, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (1996)
Totalreflexions-Röntgenfluoreszenzspektrometrie (TRFA) im Vakuum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der leichten Elemente.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter ; Dedik, A. N. ; Ensling, Jürgen ; Karandashev, V. K. ; Sinner, T. ; Weber, S. ; Ortner, H. M. (1994)
Analysis and speciation of Fe in atmospheric samples.
3th Russian-German-Ukrainian Analytical Symposium ARGUS '94. (1994)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Hoffmann, Peter (1994)
Principles and applications of TXRF and SYXRF.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

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