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Schebek, Liselotte ; Gasafi, Edgar ; Reinecke, M. ; Kruse, A. (2008)
Economic Analysis of sewage sludge gasification in supercritical water for hydrogen production.
In: Biomass & Bioenergy, 32 (12)
Article, Bibliographie
Gasafi, Edgar ; Meyer, L. ; Schebek, Liselotte (2006)
Exergetic efficiency and options for improving sewage sludge gasification in supercritical water.
In: International Journal of Energy Research, 31 (4)
doi: 10.1002/er.1251
Article, Bibliographie
Gasafi, Edgar (2006)
Entwicklung einer lebenswegbasierten Screening-Methode zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in frühen Phasen der Verfahrensentwicklung.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Bibliographie
Schebek, Liselotte ; Gasafi, Edgar ; Uihlein, Andreas (2005)
Comparison of supercritical water gasification and combustion of wet bio-based material for electricity production.
International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries. Gent (19.09.2005-21.09.2005)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Gasafi, Edgar ; Ackermann, Ralf ; Schebek, Liselotte (2004)
Identification of dominant process steps of supercritical water gasification systems for bio-based feedstocks.
In: World Biomass Conference <2, 2004, Roma>: Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection ; proceedings of the conference held in Rome, Italy 10 - 14 May 2004
Book Section, Bibliographie
Gasafi, Edgar ; Schebek, Liselotte (2003)
Comparative environmental assessment of a newly developed technology for the treatment of sewage sludge.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Gasafi, Edgar ; Reinecke, M.-Y. ; Schebek, Liselotte (2003)
Exergy analysis of biomass conversion in supercritical water.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Meyer, L. ; Gasafi, Edgar ; Schebek, Liselotte (2003)
Screening of potential technologies for the utilization of biomass derived synthesis gas.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Gasafi, Edgar ; Meyer, L. ; Schebek, Liselotte (2003)
Using life-cycle assessment in process design.
In: Journal of industrial ecology, 7
Article, Bibliographie
Schebek, Liselotte ; Gasafi, Edgar (2002)
Streamlined life cycle assessment of a novel process for the treatment of sewage sludge, Poster.
10th LCA Case Studies Symposium Recyling, Close-Loop Economy, Secondary Resources', SETAC Europe Meeting. Barcelona (02.12.2002-03.12.2002)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie
Schebek, Liselotte ; Gasafi, Edgar (2002)
Einbindung von Material- und Energieflussanalysen in der Prozessentwicklung.
Dechema-Seminar 'Material- und Energieflussanalyse als Instrument zur ökonomischen und ökologischen Optimierung von Produktionsprozessen in der chemischen Industrie'. Frankfurt (23.01.2002-24.01.2002)
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie