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Group by: No Grouping | Item Type | Date | Language
Number of items: 32.

Schmidt, Werner ; Borgert, Stephan ; Fleischmann, Albert ; Heuser, Lutz ; Müller, Christian ; Mühlhäuser, Max
eds.: Meier, Andreas ; Portmann, Edy (2016)
Digitale Mehrwertdienste in Smart Cities am Beispiel Verkehr.
In: Smart City : Strategie, Governance und Projekte
doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-15617-6_13
Book Section, Bibliographie

Schmidt, Werner ; Borgert, Stephan ; Fleischmann, Albert ; Heuser, Lutz ; Müller, Christian ; Schweizer, Immanuel (2015)
Smart Traffic Flow.
In: HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 52 (4)
Article, Bibliographie

Borgert, Stephan ; Münch, Daniel ; Heuser, Lutz (2014)
Facility Management by Means of Subject Oriented Cross Organizational Business Process Management.
doi: 10.1109/CBI.2014.59
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Borgert, Stephan ; Mühlhäuser, Max
eds.: Nanopoulos, Alexandros ; Schmidt, Werner (2014)
Formal Based Correctness Check for ePASS-IoS 1.1 Process Models with Integrated User Support for Error Correcting.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06065-1_2
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Borgert, Stephan ; Mühlhäuser, Max
eds.: Nanopoulos, Alexandros ; Schmidt, Werner (2014)
A {S-BPM} Suite for the Execution of Cross Company Subject Oriented Business Processes.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06065-1_12
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Höver, Kai Michael ; Borgert, Stephan ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2013)
A Domain Specific Language for Describing S-BPM Processes.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management (S-BPM ONE 2013).
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Daubert, Jörg ; Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Borgert, Stephan (2011)
Service-Komposition von Reiseprozessen mittels Graphtransformation.
ZEUS 2011: Zentral-europäischer Workshop über Services und ihre Komposition. CEUR-WS.org
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Borgert, Stephan ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2011)
Distributed Execution of S-BPM Business Processes.
S-BPM ONE 2010 - The Subjectoriented BPM Conference.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Bicer, Veli ; Borgert, Stephan ; Winkler, Matthias ; Scheithauer, Gregor ; Voigt, Konrad ; Cardoso, Jorge ; Aitenbichler, Erwin
ed.: Ali H. Dogru, Veli Bicer (2011)
Modern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices: Advanced Approaches.
In: Modern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices: Advanced Approaches
Book Section, Bibliographie

Borgert, Stephan ; Steinmetz, Joachim ; Mühlhäuser, Max
ed.: Schmidt, Werner (2011)
ePASS-IoS 1.1: Enabling Inter-enterprise Business Process Modeling by S-BPM and the Internet of Services Concept.
S-BPM ONE: International Conference on Subject-Oriented Business Process Management: 3rd International Conferenc. Ingolstadt, Germany (September 29-30, 2011)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-23471-2_14
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Borgert, Stephan ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2010)
Automatic Service Composition for the Internet of Services.
3rd GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch on NG SDPs: \"Towards SDPs for the Future Internet\".
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Petter, Andreas ; Borgert, Stephan ; Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Behring, Alexander ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2010)
Understanding Service Composition with Non-Functional Properties using Declarative Model-to-Model Transformation.
In: Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience: BRAIN, 1 (Special Issue)
Article, Bibliographie

Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Borgert, Stephan
eds.: Buchwald, H. ; Fleischmann, A. ; Seese, D. ; Stary, C. (2010)
Application of Subject-oriented Modeling in Automatic Service Composition.
In: S-BPM ONE: Setting the Stage for Subject-Oriented Business Process Management
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-15915-2_6
Book Section, Bibliographie

Steinmetz, Joachim ; Maibaum, Olaf ; Gerndt, Andreas ; Borgert, Stephan ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2010)
Symbolic Abstraction of System Requirements.
Proceedings of the Systems Engineering Infrastructure Conference.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan (2009)
Information Measures to Characterize Weighted Chemical Structures.
In: Acta Universitates Apulensis, (18)
Article, Bibliographie

Borgert, Stephan ; Dehmer, Matthias ; Aitenbichler, Erwin (2009)
On quantitative Network Complexity Measures for Business Process Models.
In: Acta Universitates Apulensis, (18)
Article, Bibliographie

Petter, Andreas ; Borgert, Stephan ; Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Behring, Alexander ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2009)
Optimizing non-functional Properties of a Service Composition using a Declarative Model-to-Model Transformation.
In: Acta Universitatis Apulensis, (18)
Article, Bibliographie

Petter, Andreas ; Borgert, Stephan ; Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Behring, Alexander ; Mühlhäuser, Max (2009)
Understanding Service Composition with Non-Functional Properties Using Declarative Model-to-Model Transformations.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Understanding Intelligent and Complex Systems, UICS 2009.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Varmuza, Kurt ; Borgert, Stephan ; Emmert-Streib, Frank (2009)
On Entropy-based Molecular Descriptors: Statistical Analysis of Real and Synthetic Chemical Structures.
In: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 49 (7)
Article, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan (2009)
Characterizing Classes of Structured Objects by Means of Information Inequalities.
In: Cybernetics and Systems, 40
Article, Bibliographie

Varmuza, Kurt ; Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan (2009)
Molecular Descriptors Based on Entropy and the Full Topological Neighborhood of All Atoms.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan (2009)
On the Information Content of weighted chemical Structures.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Borgert, Stephan ; Dehmer, Matthias ; Aitenbichler, Erwin (2009)
A comparative study of Complexity Measures to analyze Business Process Models.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Ries, Sebastian ; Schröder-Bernhardi, Julian ; Turban, Georg ; Borgert, Stephan ; Bradler, Dirk ; Hartle, Michael ; Häussge, Gina (2008)
Smart Products: Integration Challenges.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan ; Bonchev, Danail (2008)
Information inequalities for graphs.
In: Symmetry: Culture and Science, 19 (4)
Article, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan ; Emmert-Streib, Frank (2008)
Entropy Bounds for Molecular Hierarchical Networks.
In: PLoS ONE, 3
Article, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan ; Emmert-Streib, Frank (2008)
Entropy Bounds for Hierarchical Molecular Networks.
Report, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan ; Emmert-Streib, Frank (2008)
Investigating Network Classes by Measuring Their Complexity.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan ; Emmert-Streib, Frank (2008)
Network Classes and Graph Complexity Measures.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Varmuza, Kurt ; Dehmer, Matthias ; Borgert, Stephan (2008)
New Topological Information Indices Based on the Full Neighborhood of All Atoms.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Ries, Sebastian ; Schröder-Bernhardi, Julian ; Turban, Georg ; Borgert, Stephan ; Bradler, Dirk ; Hartle, Michael ; Häußge, Gina (2008)
Smart Products: Integration Challenges.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

Aitenbichler, Erwin ; Ries, Sebastian ; Schröder-Bernhardi, Julian ; Turban, Georg ; Borgert, Stephan ; Bradler, Dirk ; Hartle, Michael ; Häußge, Gina (2008)
Smart Products: Integration Challenges.
Conference or Workshop Item, Bibliographie

This list was generated on Sat Oct 5 00:48:39 2024 CEST.