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Development and Evaluation of Experiments for Pure Shift Solution-State Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Kaltschnee, Lukas (2016)
Development and Evaluation of Experiments for Pure Shift Solution-State Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) nowadays is one of the most versatile tools for chemists to study molecular structure and dynamics in solution. The unique feature of this spectroscopic method is that different NMR experiments, by means of different NMR pulse sequences, can be used to collect various information about atomic connectivity, molecular geometry and molecular dynamics, mostly using a single sample and a single spectrometer.

This thesis reports on NMR pulse sequence developments leading to homonuclear broadband decoupled NMR spectra, a field of work which recently attracted renewed attention as the field of “pure shift NMR”. The experiments developed in this work enable the extraction of NMR structure parameters from spectra with simplified signal appearance. The work is separated in four distinct projects:

In project A it is shown, that the extraction of interatomic distances, via the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), is possible from pure shift NOESY and pure shift 1D NOE experiments in a quantitative fashion. Requirements for unbiased distance measurements from pure shift spectra and factors possibly limiting the accuracy of the measurement are discussed.

Project B describes the development and testing of pure shift HSQC experiments, based on CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments, designed for accurate measurement of one-bond residual dipolar couplings (RDCs). All experiments described in this chapter enable the extraction of the heteronuclear coupling constants 1J(XH) and 1T(XH) in the high-resolution proton dimension, which features partial or full suppression of homonuclear coupling pattern. It is shown, that the CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments with F2-BIRD and F2-perfectBIRD homonuclear decoupling presented enable high-accuracy measurement of one-bond RDCs. Further, F2-real-time-BIRD homonuclear decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments are presented, which enable the measurement for one-bond RDCs in experiments with instant homonuclear decoupling.

Project C makes direct use of the perfectBIRD decoupling scheme derived in project B. A fully homo- and heteronuclear decoupled F2-perfectBIRD HSQC experiment is presented, which is tailored for highest field strengths available. This experiment provides direct access to HSQC correlation information with notably good signal separation, which is demonstrated in the case study of an oligomeric urea-derivative, normally leading to heavily overlapped spectra.

Project D presents a practical solution to the long-standing problem of recording COSY-type correlation spectra with in-phase absorptive signal appearance. The CLIP-COSY experiment presented achieves these desirable spectral features even with a single scan per t1-increment and thus provides rapid access to COSY-type spectra with simple signal appearance along both spectral dimensions. The robustness of the experiment, e.g. towards signal loss in the case of line broadening, and the possibility of combining the experiment with pure shift acquisition techniques are presented.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2016
Creators: Kaltschnee, Lukas
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Development and Evaluation of Experiments for Pure Shift Solution-State Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Language: English
Referees: Thiele, Prof. Dr. Christina Marie ; Reggelin, Prof. Dr. Michael ; Zangger, Prof. Dr. Klaus
Date: August 2016
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Refereed: 9 August 2016
URL / URN: http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/5650

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) nowadays is one of the most versatile tools for chemists to study molecular structure and dynamics in solution. The unique feature of this spectroscopic method is that different NMR experiments, by means of different NMR pulse sequences, can be used to collect various information about atomic connectivity, molecular geometry and molecular dynamics, mostly using a single sample and a single spectrometer.

This thesis reports on NMR pulse sequence developments leading to homonuclear broadband decoupled NMR spectra, a field of work which recently attracted renewed attention as the field of “pure shift NMR”. The experiments developed in this work enable the extraction of NMR structure parameters from spectra with simplified signal appearance. The work is separated in four distinct projects:

In project A it is shown, that the extraction of interatomic distances, via the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE), is possible from pure shift NOESY and pure shift 1D NOE experiments in a quantitative fashion. Requirements for unbiased distance measurements from pure shift spectra and factors possibly limiting the accuracy of the measurement are discussed.

Project B describes the development and testing of pure shift HSQC experiments, based on CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments, designed for accurate measurement of one-bond residual dipolar couplings (RDCs). All experiments described in this chapter enable the extraction of the heteronuclear coupling constants 1J(XH) and 1T(XH) in the high-resolution proton dimension, which features partial or full suppression of homonuclear coupling pattern. It is shown, that the CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments with F2-BIRD and F2-perfectBIRD homonuclear decoupling presented enable high-accuracy measurement of one-bond RDCs. Further, F2-real-time-BIRD homonuclear decoupled CLIP/CLAP-HSQC experiments are presented, which enable the measurement for one-bond RDCs in experiments with instant homonuclear decoupling.

Project C makes direct use of the perfectBIRD decoupling scheme derived in project B. A fully homo- and heteronuclear decoupled F2-perfectBIRD HSQC experiment is presented, which is tailored for highest field strengths available. This experiment provides direct access to HSQC correlation information with notably good signal separation, which is demonstrated in the case study of an oligomeric urea-derivative, normally leading to heavily overlapped spectra.

Project D presents a practical solution to the long-standing problem of recording COSY-type correlation spectra with in-phase absorptive signal appearance. The CLIP-COSY experiment presented achieves these desirable spectral features even with a single scan per t1-increment and thus provides rapid access to COSY-type spectra with simple signal appearance along both spectral dimensions. The robustness of the experiment, e.g. towards signal loss in the case of line broadening, and the possibility of combining the experiment with pure shift acquisition techniques are presented.

Alternative Abstract:
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Kernmagnetische Resonanzspektroskopie (NMR) ist heutzutage für die Chemie eine der vielseitigsten Techniken um Molekulare Struktur und Dynamik in Lösung zu untersuchen. Auf einzigartige Weise ermöglicht diese spektroskopische Methode die Nutzung verschiedener NMR Experimente, über unterschiedliche NMR Pulssequenzen, um vielseitige Informationen über die atomare Verknüpfung, molekulare Geometrie und molekulare Dynamik zu sammeln, was meistens mit einer einzelnen Probe an einem einzelnen Spektrometer möglich ist.

Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung von NMR Pulssequenzen, welche homonuklear breitbandentkoppelten NMR Spektren liefern können, ein Arbeitsfeld, welches kürzlich vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit als „pure shift NMR“ erregte. Die Experimente, welche in dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurden, ermöglichen es NMR Strukturparameter aus Spektren mit vereinfachter Signalform zu extrahieren. Die Arbeit ist in vier Projekte unterteilt:

In Projekt A wird gezeigt, dass die quantitative Messung von interatomaren Distanzen, über den Kern-Overhauser-Effekt (NOE), in pure shift NOESY und pure shift 1D NOE Experimenten möglich ist. Voraussetzungen zur Durchführung unverfälschter Distanzmessungen mit pure shift Spektren und Faktoren, welche die Genauigkeit der Messung einschränken könnten, werden diskutiert.

Projekt B beschreibt die Entwicklung und das Testen von pure shift HSQC Experimenten, basierend auf den CLIP/CLAP-HSQC Experimenten, welche für die exakte Messung von dipolaren Restkopplungen (RDCs) ausgelegt sind. Alle in diesem Kapitel beschriebenen Experimente ermöglichen die Extraktion der heteronuklearen Kopplungskonstanten 1J(XH) und 1T(XH) in der hochaufgelösten Protonendimension der Experimente, welche teilweise oder volle Unterdrückung von homonuklearem Kopplungsmuster aufweist. Es wird gezeigt, dass die beschriebenen CLIP/CLAP-HSQC Experimente mit F2-BIRD und F2-perfectBIRD homonuklearer Entkopplung eine hohe Genauigkeit bei der Messung von RDCs ermöglichen. Des Weiteren werden F2-real-time-BIRD homonuklear entkoppelte CLIP/CLAP-HSQC Experimente vorgestellt, welche die Messung der RDCs in Experimenten mit instantaner Entkopplung ermöglichen.

Projekt C nutzt direkt das in Projekt B vorgestellte perfectBIRD Homoentkopplungselement. Ein vollständig homo- und heteronuklear entkoppeltes F2-perfectBIRD HSQC Experiment wird präsentiert, welches für die Nutzung bei hohen Feldstärken ausgelegt ist. Das Experiment liefert direkten Zugang zur HSQC Korrelationsinformation mit bemerkenswert guter Signaltrennung, was anhand der Fallstudie eines Oligoharnstoffderivates demonstriert wird, dessen Spektren normalerweise sehr starken Signalüberlapp aufweisen.

Projekt D präsentiert eine praktische Lösung des lange vorhandenen Problems der Aufnahme von COSY-artigen Spektren mit in-phase artiger absorptiver Signalform. Das präsentierte CLIP-COSY Experiment erreicht diese wünschenswerten spektralen Eigenschaften sogar mit einem einzigen Messdurchlauf pro t1-Inkrement, und erlaubt somit die Aufnahme von COSY-artigen Spektren mit einfacher Signalform in beiden spektralen Dimensionen in kurzer Messdauer. Es wird gezeigt, dass das Experiment verlässlich anwendbar ist, beispielsweise einen geringen Signalverlust im Falle starker Linienverbreiterung aufweist, und dass es mit pure shift Aufnahmetechniken kombinierbar ist.

Uncontrolled Keywords: NMR, pure shift, pulse sequences, NOE, RDC, HSQC, COSY
Alternative keywords:
Alternative keywordsLanguage
NMR, pure shift, Pulssequenzen, NOE, RDC, HSQC, COSYGerman
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-56501
Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 500 Science
500 Science and mathematics > 530 Physics
500 Science and mathematics > 540 Chemistry
Divisions: 07 Department of Chemistry > Clemens-Schöpf-Institut > Organ Chemistry
07 Department of Chemistry
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2016 19:55
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2016 19:55
Referees: Thiele, Prof. Dr. Christina Marie ; Reggelin, Prof. Dr. Michael ; Zangger, Prof. Dr. Klaus
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 9 August 2016
Alternative keywords:
Alternative keywordsLanguage
NMR, pure shift, Pulssequenzen, NOE, RDC, HSQC, COSYGerman
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