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Approach for the Visualization of Geometric Uncertainty of Assemblies in CAD-Systems

Heimrich, Felix ; Anderl, Reiner (2016)
Approach for the Visualization of Geometric Uncertainty of Assemblies in CAD-Systems.
In: Journal of Computers, 11 (3)
Article, Bibliographie


The foundation for the development of successful products is based on knowledge about the characteristics of the product throughout the entire product life cycle. However, uncertainties can arise over the life cycle. These characteristics simultaneously influence each other and therefore the characteristics of the product in the product development and usage phases need to be identified. This uncertainty can have negative economic consequences, such as functional failures or oversizing. In this paper a concept for the visualization of geometric uncertainty of assemblies in CAD-Systems based on ontologies will be presented. This is an approach for visualizing various types of uncertainty of different product life cycle phases to control uncertainty in load-carrying systems during virtual product development. The concept is a part of the research activities of the CRC 805 (Collaborative Research Center 805).

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2016
Creators: Heimrich, Felix ; Anderl, Reiner
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Approach for the Visualization of Geometric Uncertainty of Assemblies in CAD-Systems
Language: English
Date: 20 May 2016
Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Computers
Volume of the journal: 11
Issue Number: 3

The foundation for the development of successful products is based on knowledge about the characteristics of the product throughout the entire product life cycle. However, uncertainties can arise over the life cycle. These characteristics simultaneously influence each other and therefore the characteristics of the product in the product development and usage phases need to be identified. This uncertainty can have negative economic consequences, such as functional failures or oversizing. In this paper a concept for the visualization of geometric uncertainty of assemblies in CAD-Systems based on ontologies will be presented. This is an approach for visualizing various types of uncertainty of different product life cycle phases to control uncertainty in load-carrying systems during virtual product development. The concept is a part of the research activities of the CRC 805 (Collaborative Research Center 805).

Alternative Abstract:
Alternative abstract Language

The foundation for the development of successful products is based on knowledge about the characteristics of the product throughout the entire product life cycle. However, uncertainties can arise over the life cycle. These characteristics simultaneously influence each other and therefore the characteristics of the product in the product development and usage phases need to be identified. This uncertainty can have negative economic consequences, such as functional failures or oversizing. In this paper a concept for the visualization of geometric uncertainty of assemblies in CAD-Systems based on ontologies will be presented. This is an approach for visualizing various types of uncertainty of different product life cycle phases to control uncertainty in load-carrying systems during virtual product development. The concept is a part of the research activities of the CRC 805 (Collaborative Research Center 805).

Uncontrolled Keywords: Uncertainty, visualization, information model
Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Department of Computer Integrated Design (DiK) (from 01.09.2022 renamed "Product Life Cycle Management")
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio) > Collaborative Research Centres > CRC 805: Control of Uncertainty in Load-Carrying Structures in Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
Zentrale Einrichtungen
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio) > Collaborative Research Centres
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio)
Date Deposited: 20 May 2016 10:01
Last Modified: 20 May 2016 10:01
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