TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

New ways in education with shape design

Heimrich, Felix ; Anderl, Reiner (2015)
New ways in education with shape design.
In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15) Vol 11:Human Behaviour in Design, Design Education; Milan, Italy, 27-30.07.15, 11
Article, Bibliographie


Today's product development process is characterized by increasing complexity of products. Subsequently universities have to adapt and constantly improve the content of their courses to prepare the future graduates for the free market economy. An approach at Technische Universitaet Darmstadt to expand the scope of CAD education, is the introduction of a new one-week tutorial on shape design with Siemens NX. This paper will describe the teaching concept and its implementation. The concurrently submissions of the examinations with content from realistic industrial tasks play an important role during the course.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2015
Creators: Heimrich, Felix ; Anderl, Reiner
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: New ways in education with shape design
Language: English
Date: 30 July 2015
Publisher: Design
Journal or Publication Title: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15) Vol 11:Human Behaviour in Design, Design Education; Milan, Italy, 27-30.07.15
Volume of the journal: 11

Today's product development process is characterized by increasing complexity of products. Subsequently universities have to adapt and constantly improve the content of their courses to prepare the future graduates for the free market economy. An approach at Technische Universitaet Darmstadt to expand the scope of CAD education, is the introduction of a new one-week tutorial on shape design with Siemens NX. This paper will describe the teaching concept and its implementation. The concurrently submissions of the examinations with content from realistic industrial tasks play an important role during the course.

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Der heutige Produktentstehungsprozess ist durch zunehmende Komplexität gekennzeichnet. Universitäten müssen sich daher mit ihren Lehrinhalten stetig anpassen und weiterentwickeln um die zukünftigen Absolventen adäquat auf die freie Marktwirtschaft vorzubereiten. Ein Ansatz an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt ist die Einführung eines neuen einwöchigen Tutoriums um die Ausbildung im Bereich Computer Aided Design mit der Konstruktion von Freiformflächen zu erweitern. Diese Veröffentlichung beschreibt das Lehrkonzept und deren Umsetzung. Die übungsbegleitenden Prüfungsabschnitte mit realen Aufgaben aus dem industriellen Umfeld spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle.

Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Department of Computer Integrated Design (DiK) (from 01.09.2022 renamed "Product Life Cycle Management")
Date Deposited: 03 May 2016 07:50
Last Modified: 15 Jun 2020 12:26
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