TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Heat Transfer in an Annulus Between Independently Rotating Tubes with Turbulent Axial Flow

Pfitzer, H. ; Beer, Hans (1992)
Heat Transfer in an Annulus Between Independently Rotating Tubes with Turbulent Axial Flow.
In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 35 (3)
Article, Bibliographie


The effects of the rotating inner and outer tube on the turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in a concentric annulus are examined experimentally and by analysis. In the experimental investigations the heat transfer rate in the hydrodynamic and thermal entrance region of the rotating annulus and the velocity and temperature profiles at the end of the test section were determined. The analytical study was performed for flow and heat transfer of a fully developed turbulent flow in a rotating annulus by applying a modified mixing length theory. To express increase or suppression of turbulence, due to the centrifugal forces in the fluid caused by tube rotation, the mixing length was modified by a function of the Richardson number. The theoretical results for fully developed flow are compared with the experimental findings at the axial position of 60 hydraulic diameters downstream of the entrance.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 1992
Creators: Pfitzer, H. ; Beer, Hans
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Heat Transfer in an Annulus Between Independently Rotating Tubes with Turbulent Axial Flow
Language: English
Date: 1992
Journal or Publication Title: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Volume of the journal: 35
Issue Number: 3
URL / URN: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0017-9310(92)90121-8

The effects of the rotating inner and outer tube on the turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in a concentric annulus are examined experimentally and by analysis. In the experimental investigations the heat transfer rate in the hydrodynamic and thermal entrance region of the rotating annulus and the velocity and temperature profiles at the end of the test section were determined. The analytical study was performed for flow and heat transfer of a fully developed turbulent flow in a rotating annulus by applying a modified mixing length theory. To express increase or suppression of turbulence, due to the centrifugal forces in the fluid caused by tube rotation, the mixing length was modified by a function of the Richardson number. The theoretical results for fully developed flow are compared with the experimental findings at the axial position of 60 hydraulic diameters downstream of the entrance.

Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Institute for Technical Thermodynamics (TTD)
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2015 08:21
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2019 13:15
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