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Efficient design of multituned transmission line NMR probes: The electrical engineering approach

Frydel, J. A. ; Krzystyniak, M. ; Pienkowski, D. ; Pietrzak, M. ; Amadeu, N. D. ; Ratajczyk, T. ; Idzik, K. ; Gutmann, T. ; Tietze, D. ; Voigt, S. ; Fenn, A. ; Limbach, H. H. ; Buntkowsky, G. (2011)
Efficient design of multituned transmission line NMR probes: The electrical engineering approach.
In: Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 39 (3-4)
Article, Bibliographie


Transmission line-based multi-channel solid state NMR probes have many advantages regarding the cost of construction, number of RF-channels, and achievable RF-power levels. Nevertheless, these probes are only rarely employed in solid state-NMR-labs, mainly owing to the difficult experimental determination of the necessary RF-parameters. Here, the efficient design of multi-channel solid state MAS-NMR probes employing transmission line theory and modern techniques of electrical engineering is presented. As technical realization a five-channel ((1)H, (31)P, (2)H and (15)N) probe for operation at 7 Tesla is described. This very cost efficient design goal is a multi port single coil transmission line probe based on the design developed by Schaefer and McKay. The electrical performance of the probe is determined by measuring of Scattering matrix parameters (S-parameters) in particular input/output ports. These parameters are compared to the calculated parameters of the design employing the S-matrix formalism. It is shown that the S-matrix formalism provides an excellent tool for examination of transmission line probes and thus the tool for a rational design of these probes. On the other hand, the resulting design provides excellent electrical performance. From a point of view of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), calibration spectra of particular ports (channels) are of great importance. The estimation of the pi/2 pulses length for all five NMR channels is presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2011
Creators: Frydel, J. A. ; Krzystyniak, M. ; Pienkowski, D. ; Pietrzak, M. ; Amadeu, N. D. ; Ratajczyk, T. ; Idzik, K. ; Gutmann, T. ; Tietze, D. ; Voigt, S. ; Fenn, A. ; Limbach, H. H. ; Buntkowsky, G.
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Efficient design of multituned transmission line NMR probes: The electrical engineering approach
Language: English
Date: 2011
Journal or Publication Title: Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Volume of the journal: 39
Issue Number: 3-4
URL / URN: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&se...

Transmission line-based multi-channel solid state NMR probes have many advantages regarding the cost of construction, number of RF-channels, and achievable RF-power levels. Nevertheless, these probes are only rarely employed in solid state-NMR-labs, mainly owing to the difficult experimental determination of the necessary RF-parameters. Here, the efficient design of multi-channel solid state MAS-NMR probes employing transmission line theory and modern techniques of electrical engineering is presented. As technical realization a five-channel ((1)H, (31)P, (2)H and (15)N) probe for operation at 7 Tesla is described. This very cost efficient design goal is a multi port single coil transmission line probe based on the design developed by Schaefer and McKay. The electrical performance of the probe is determined by measuring of Scattering matrix parameters (S-parameters) in particular input/output ports. These parameters are compared to the calculated parameters of the design employing the S-matrix formalism. It is shown that the S-matrix formalism provides an excellent tool for examination of transmission line probes and thus the tool for a rational design of these probes. On the other hand, the resulting design provides excellent electrical performance. From a point of view of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), calibration spectra of particular ports (channels) are of great importance. The estimation of the pi/2 pulses length for all five NMR channels is presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Uncontrolled Keywords: transmission line nmr probe frequency multiplexer scattering matrix mas
Additional Information:

Sp. Iss. SI 787FF Times Cited:3 Cited References Count:13

Divisions: 07 Department of Chemistry
07 Department of Chemistry > Eduard Zintl-Institut > Physical Chemistry
Date Deposited: 27 Oct 2014 20:49
Last Modified: 28 May 2019 11:40
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