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DNA repair and chromatin

Muster, Britta (2014)
DNA repair and chromatin.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication


Laser microirradiation can be used to induce DNA damage with high spatial and temporal resolution, representing a powerful tool to analyze DNA repair in living cells. However, most lasers induce a mixture of DNA damage leading to the activation of multiple DNA repair pathways, making it impossible to study the kinetics of individual repair processes or the interaction of repair factors. To overcome this, we established conditions to discriminate specific repair pathways using lasers commonly available in confocal microscopes. We used cells expressing fluorescently tagged proteins specific for different repair processes and monitored their accumulation after microirradiation with lasers of different wavelengths (405, 488, 561, 633 nm). In addition, we validated DNA damage using a series of DNA damage markers (CPDs, TUNEL,gH2AX-foci). Our data showed that irradiation with a 405 nm laser led to activation of all tested repair pathways. Irradiation with 488 or 561 nm lasers led to selective activation of short-patch base excision repair. These conditions discriminated against processive long-patch base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair as well as double strand break repair pathways.

We applied this microirradiation strategy to study differences between eu- and heterochromatin upon DNA damage. Highly compacted heterochromatic regions in human and mouse cells were fluorescently marked and microirradiated. We demonstrated recruitment of repair factors inside these dense heterochromatic regions and showed that conditions leading to processive DNA synthesis resulted in local decondensation with about two fold increase in heterochromatin area. Using pulse labeling with thymidine analogs added immediately before microirradiation, we measured processive DNA synthesis repair directly inside heterochromatic regions. These data are not in agreement with the proposal that repair of heterochromatic DNA damage takes place at the periphery of the domain but show that processive DNA synthesis repair can take place inside heterochromatic regions.

We furthermore took advantage of the discriminating microirradiation strategy to study the newly described post-replicative DNA repair pathway ribonucleotide excision repair. This pathway was proposed to degrade millions of ribonucleotides misincorporated by DNA polymerases during replication. The excision of ribonucleotide is carried out by the nuclease RNase H2. We showed that RNase H2 is not only recruited to sites of DNA replication, but also to sites of processive DNA repair, suggesting that pathway activation takes place not only after replication but also after repair. Mutations in RNase H2 are linked to the autoimmune disease Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome. To shed more light into the pathology of these mutations, we demonstrated that recruitment efficiency and kinetics of exchange at repair and replication sites were diminished by mutations affecting complex formation, PCNA binding and catalysis.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2014
Creators: Muster, Britta
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: DNA repair and chromatin
Language: English
Referees: Cardoso, Prof. Dr. M. Cristina ; Layer, Prof. Dr Paul
Date: 21 March 2014
Refereed: 23 May 2014
URL / URN: http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/3989

Laser microirradiation can be used to induce DNA damage with high spatial and temporal resolution, representing a powerful tool to analyze DNA repair in living cells. However, most lasers induce a mixture of DNA damage leading to the activation of multiple DNA repair pathways, making it impossible to study the kinetics of individual repair processes or the interaction of repair factors. To overcome this, we established conditions to discriminate specific repair pathways using lasers commonly available in confocal microscopes. We used cells expressing fluorescently tagged proteins specific for different repair processes and monitored their accumulation after microirradiation with lasers of different wavelengths (405, 488, 561, 633 nm). In addition, we validated DNA damage using a series of DNA damage markers (CPDs, TUNEL,gH2AX-foci). Our data showed that irradiation with a 405 nm laser led to activation of all tested repair pathways. Irradiation with 488 or 561 nm lasers led to selective activation of short-patch base excision repair. These conditions discriminated against processive long-patch base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair as well as double strand break repair pathways.

We applied this microirradiation strategy to study differences between eu- and heterochromatin upon DNA damage. Highly compacted heterochromatic regions in human and mouse cells were fluorescently marked and microirradiated. We demonstrated recruitment of repair factors inside these dense heterochromatic regions and showed that conditions leading to processive DNA synthesis resulted in local decondensation with about two fold increase in heterochromatin area. Using pulse labeling with thymidine analogs added immediately before microirradiation, we measured processive DNA synthesis repair directly inside heterochromatic regions. These data are not in agreement with the proposal that repair of heterochromatic DNA damage takes place at the periphery of the domain but show that processive DNA synthesis repair can take place inside heterochromatic regions.

We furthermore took advantage of the discriminating microirradiation strategy to study the newly described post-replicative DNA repair pathway ribonucleotide excision repair. This pathway was proposed to degrade millions of ribonucleotides misincorporated by DNA polymerases during replication. The excision of ribonucleotide is carried out by the nuclease RNase H2. We showed that RNase H2 is not only recruited to sites of DNA replication, but also to sites of processive DNA repair, suggesting that pathway activation takes place not only after replication but also after repair. Mutations in RNase H2 are linked to the autoimmune disease Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome. To shed more light into the pathology of these mutations, we demonstrated that recruitment efficiency and kinetics of exchange at repair and replication sites were diminished by mutations affecting complex formation, PCNA binding and catalysis.

Alternative Abstract:
Alternative abstract Language

Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Induktion und Reparatur von DNA-Schäden. Eine wirkungsvolle Methode um dies in lebenden Zellen zu erforschen, ist die Laser-Mikrobestrahlung. Sie ermöglicht es, DNA-Schäden mit sehr hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung zu erzeugen. Die meisten Laser induzieren jedoch eine Mixtur unterschiedlichster DNA-Schäden und führen somit zu einer Aktivierung multipler DNA-Reparaturwege. Dies macht eine Untersuchung der Kinetik einzelner Reparaturwege unmöglich. Zur Lösung dieses Problems, etablierten wir eine neuartige Methode, indem wir mittels an verschiedenen konfokalen Mikroskopen vorhandenen Lasern Bedingungen erzeugten, die eine Aktivierung von definierten Reparaturwegen ermöglichen. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels, exprimierten wir fluoreszenzmarkierte Proteine, die spezifisch für die unterschiedlichen Reparaturwegen in Säugetierzellen sind, und quantifizierten ihre Akkumulation nach Mikrobestrahlung mit Lasern verschiedenerWellenlängen (405, 488, 561, 633 nm). Als zusätzliche Validation wiesen wir die Produktion von unterschiedlichen DNA-Schäden mit einer Reihe spezifischer Marker (CPDs, TUNEL, gH2AX-foci) nach. Unsere Daten zeigten, dass nach Mikrobestrahlung mit einer Wellenlänge von 405 nm alle untersuchten Reparaturwege aktiviert wurden. Im Gegensatz hierzu führte die Mikrobestrahlung mit 488 oder 561 nm Wellenlängen zu einer selektiven Aktivierung der nicht prozessiven "short-patch" Basenexzisionsreparatur. Unter diesen Bedienungen ist es demnach möglich, nicht prozessive DNA-Reparaturwege von prozessiven wie "long-patch" Basenexzisionsreparatur, Nukleotidexzisionsreparatur und Doppelstrangbruch-Reparaturwegen, zu unterscheiden.

Wir nutzten die neu von uns entwickelte Mikrobestrahlungsstrategie, um Unterschiede in der Induktion und Reparatur von DNA-Schäden zwischen Eu- und Heterochromatinregionen zu untersuchen. Hoch kompaktiertes Heterochromatin wurde hierzu zunächst markiert und anschließend mikrobestrahlt. Wir konnten damit nachweisen, dass DNA-Reparaturfaktoren unterschiedlicher Reparaturwege innerhalb der Heterochromatinregionen rekrutiert werden und, dass Bedingungen die zu einer prozessiven DNA-Synthese führen in einer 2-fachen Erweiterung der Heterochromatinregion resultieren. Als zusätzlichen Nachweis applizierten wir zu den Zellen halogenierte Nucleotide unmittelbar vor Mikrobestrahlung und wiesen, durch die Inkorporation der modifizierten Nucleotide, prozessive DNA-Reparatur direkt innerhalb der Heterochromatinregionen nach. Diese Daten widersprechen der Hypothese, dass heterochromatische DNA-Schäden an der Peripherie der Region repariert werden, sondern zeigen dass DNA-Synthese direkt innerhalb Heterochromatinregionen stattfinden kann.

Darüber hinaus konnten wir unsere Mikrobestrahlungsstrategie einsetzen, um den kürzlich beschriebenen postreplikativen DNA-Reparaturweg Ribonukleotidexzisionsreparatur näher zu untersuchen. Es wird angenommen, dass dieser Reparaturweg die Millionen Ribonukleotide, die von DNA-Polymerasen während der DNA-Replikation misinkorporiert wurden, degradiert. Die Nuklease RNase H2 führt dabei den initialen Exzisionsschritt durch. Wir zeigten, dass RNase H2 nicht nur zu DNA-Replikations-Stellen, sondern auch zu Stellen mit prozessiver DNA-Reparatursynthese rekrutiert wird, was eine Aktivierung der Ribonukleotidexzisionsreparatur nicht nur nach DNA-Replikation sondern auch nach DNA-Reparatur nahelegt. Mutationen in RNase H2 führen zu der Autoimmunkrankheit „Aicardi-Goutieres-Syndrome“. Unsere Forschung konnte zeigen, dass Mutationen die Komplex Formierung, PCNA Bindung oder Katalyse beeinflussen zu einer Veränderung des Bindungs- und Mobilitätsverhalten an Replikations- und Reparaturstellen führen und konnten somit beitragen den zugrundeliegenden Krankheitsmechanismus besser zu verstehen.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-39896
Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 570 Life sciences, biology
Divisions: 10 Department of Biology
10 Department of Biology > Cell Biology and Epigenetics
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2014 19:55
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2014 19:55
Referees: Cardoso, Prof. Dr. M. Cristina ; Layer, Prof. Dr Paul
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 23 May 2014
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