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Transition Metal Borides: Synthesis, Characterization and Superconducting Properties

Kayhan, Mehmet (2013)
Transition Metal Borides: Synthesis, Characterization and Superconducting Properties.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication


A systematic study was done on the synthesis and superconducting properties of metal rich transition metal borides. Five different binary systems were investigated including the boride systems of niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten and rhenium. High temperature solid state methods were used in order to synthesize samples of different transition metal borides of the composition M2B, MB, M3B2, MB2, and M2B4. The reactions were carried out in three different furnaces with different sample containers: the electric arc (copper crucible), the high frequency induction furnace (boron nitride, tantalum or glassy carbon crucibles), and the conventional tube furnace (sealed evacuated quartz ampoules). The products obtained were characterized with X-ray powder diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Phase analyses and crystal structure refinements using the Rietveld method and based on structure models known from literature were performed. A neutron diffraction measurement was done for W2B4 to allow for a complete crystal structure determination, because of the presence of a heavy element like tungsten and a light element like boron that made it difficult to determine the accurate determination of the boron atom positions and occupancies from X-ray data. A new structure model for W2B4 was proposed. Magnetic measurements in a SQUID magnetometer down to temperatures as low as 1.8 K were performed to several of the products in order to see if the transition metal borides become superconducting at low temperatures, and the results were compared with data from literature. Superconducting properties were found for the following compounds: NbB2 (TC = 3.5 K), β-MoB (TC = 2.4 K), β-WB (TC = 2.0 K), α-WB (TC = 4.3 K), W2B4 (TC = 5.4 K), Re7B3 (TC = 2.4 K). A relationship between the superconducting properties and the compositional and structural features was discussed for metal diborides. Also it was found that there is an influence of particle sizes on the superconductivity of WB and W2B4.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2013
Creators: Kayhan, Mehmet
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Transition Metal Borides: Synthesis, Characterization and Superconducting Properties
Language: English
Referees: Albert, Prof. Dr. Barbara ; Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Rolf
Date: 3 June 2013
Refereed: 12 July 2013
URL / URN: http://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/3613

A systematic study was done on the synthesis and superconducting properties of metal rich transition metal borides. Five different binary systems were investigated including the boride systems of niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, tungsten and rhenium. High temperature solid state methods were used in order to synthesize samples of different transition metal borides of the composition M2B, MB, M3B2, MB2, and M2B4. The reactions were carried out in three different furnaces with different sample containers: the electric arc (copper crucible), the high frequency induction furnace (boron nitride, tantalum or glassy carbon crucibles), and the conventional tube furnace (sealed evacuated quartz ampoules). The products obtained were characterized with X-ray powder diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Phase analyses and crystal structure refinements using the Rietveld method and based on structure models known from literature were performed. A neutron diffraction measurement was done for W2B4 to allow for a complete crystal structure determination, because of the presence of a heavy element like tungsten and a light element like boron that made it difficult to determine the accurate determination of the boron atom positions and occupancies from X-ray data. A new structure model for W2B4 was proposed. Magnetic measurements in a SQUID magnetometer down to temperatures as low as 1.8 K were performed to several of the products in order to see if the transition metal borides become superconducting at low temperatures, and the results were compared with data from literature. Superconducting properties were found for the following compounds: NbB2 (TC = 3.5 K), β-MoB (TC = 2.4 K), β-WB (TC = 2.0 K), α-WB (TC = 4.3 K), W2B4 (TC = 5.4 K), Re7B3 (TC = 2.4 K). A relationship between the superconducting properties and the compositional and structural features was discussed for metal diborides. Also it was found that there is an influence of particle sizes on the superconductivity of WB and W2B4.

Alternative Abstract:
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Eine systematische Studie über die Synthese und die supraleitenden Eigenschaften von metall-reichen Übergangsmetallboriden wurde durchgeführt. Fünf verschiedene binäre Systeme der Boride von Niob, Tantal, Molybdän, Wolfram und Rhenium wurden hierzu untersucht. Proben von verschiedenen Übergangsmetallboriden der allgemeinen Zusammensetzungen M2B, MB, M3B2, MB2 und M2B4 wurden mittels HochtemperaturFestkörper-Synthesen dargestellt. Die Reaktionen wurden in drei unterschiedlichen Ofentypen mit verschiedenen Tiegelmaterialien durchgeführt: elektrischer Lichtbogenofen (Kupfertiegel), Hochfrequenz-Induktionsofen (Bornitrid-, Tantal- oder Glaskohlenstofftiegel) sowie gebräuchliche Rohröfen (geschlossene evakuierte Quarzampullen). Die erhaltenen Produkte wurden mittels Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie, Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und energiedisperser Röntgenspektroskopie charakterisiert. Phasenanalysen und Kristallstruktur Verfeinerungen basierend auf bekannten Strukturmodellen aus der Literatur wurden mit der Rietveld-Methode durchgeführt. Eine Neutronenbeugungsmessung wurde an W2B4 durchgeführt, die eine vollständige Bestimmung der Kristallstruktur ermöglichte. Die Messung war notwendig, da die akkurate Bestimmung von Bor-Atompositionen und Besetzungsfaktoren bei Anwesenheit eines schweren Elements, wie Wolfram, anhand von Röntgenbeugungsdaten schwierig ist. Ein neues Struktur Modell für W2B4 wurde vorgeschlagen. Mit einem SQUID-Magnetometer wurden bei Temperaturen herab bis zu 1,8 K an einigen der Produkte magnetische Messungen durchgeführt, um zu sehen, ob diese Übergangsmetallboride bei niedrigen Temperaturen supraleitend werden. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit Daten aus der Literatur verglichen. Supraleitende Eigenschaften wurden für die folgenden Verbindungen gefunden: NbB2 (TC= 3,5 K), β-MoB (TC = 2,4 K), β-WB (TC = 2,0 K), α-WB (TC = 4,3 K), W2B4 (TC = 5,4 K), Re7B3 (TC = 2,4 K). Ein Zusammenhang zwischen den supraleitenden Eigenschaften, der Zusammensetzung und den Strukturmerkmalen wurde für die Metalldiboride diskutiert. Es wurde auch wurde festgestellt, dass es einen Einfluss der Partikelgröße auf die Supraleitung von WB und W2B4 gibt.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-36139
Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 540 Chemistry
Divisions: 07 Department of Chemistry > Eduard Zintl-Institut > Fachgebiet Anorganische Chemie
07 Department of Chemistry > Eduard Zintl-Institut > Physical Chemistry
07 Department of Chemistry
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2013 19:55
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2013 19:55
Referees: Albert, Prof. Dr. Barbara ; Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Rolf
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 12 July 2013
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