TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Regulation of miR-17-92a cluster processing by the microRNA binding protein SND1.

Heinrich, Eva-Marie ; Wagner, Jasmin ; Krüger, Marcus ; John, David ; Uchida, Shizuka ; Weigand, Julia E. ; Suess, Beatrix ; Dimmeler, Stefanie (2013)
Regulation of miR-17-92a cluster processing by the microRNA binding protein SND1.
In: FEBS letters, 587 (15)
Article, Bibliographie


MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression. Although all seven members of the miR-17-92a cluster originate from one primary transcript they are differentially expressed suggesting the presence of posttranscriptional regulation. By RNA pulldown and mass spectrometry we identified SND1, a known regulator of edited RNAs, interacting with pre-miR-92a and all mature miR-17-92a members. Hypoxic conditions lead to an elevation of the pri-miR-17-92a transcript and significantly increased levels of the precursors whereas the mature miRs were not significantly changed. SND1 silencing resolved this block in processing and induced an increase in mature miRs. Together, SND1 might be the missing link between hypoxia and the differential regulation of miRNA processing.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2013
Creators: Heinrich, Eva-Marie ; Wagner, Jasmin ; Krüger, Marcus ; John, David ; Uchida, Shizuka ; Weigand, Julia E. ; Suess, Beatrix ; Dimmeler, Stefanie
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Regulation of miR-17-92a cluster processing by the microRNA binding protein SND1.
Language: English
Date: 2013
Journal or Publication Title: FEBS letters
Volume of the journal: 587
Issue Number: 15

MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression. Although all seven members of the miR-17-92a cluster originate from one primary transcript they are differentially expressed suggesting the presence of posttranscriptional regulation. By RNA pulldown and mass spectrometry we identified SND1, a known regulator of edited RNAs, interacting with pre-miR-92a and all mature miR-17-92a members. Hypoxic conditions lead to an elevation of the pri-miR-17-92a transcript and significantly increased levels of the precursors whereas the mature miRs were not significantly changed. SND1 silencing resolved this block in processing and induced an increase in mature miRs. Together, SND1 might be the missing link between hypoxia and the differential regulation of miRNA processing.

Divisions: 10 Department of Biology
10 Department of Biology > Synthetic Genetic Circuits (2020 renamed "Synthetic RNA biology)
10 Department of Biology > RNA Biochemistry
Date Deposited: 03 Sep 2013 11:24
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2020 07:15
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