TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Asynchronous Wave Pipelines for Energy Efficient GigaHertz VLSI

Hauck, Oliver (2007)
Asynchronous Wave Pipelines for Energy Efficient GigaHertz VLSI.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication


The Gigahertz clock rates in today's VLSI systems are not only due to advances in technology but thanks to aggressive use of pipelining as well. Pipelining is routinely used in computer arithmetic circuits like floating point multipliers to increase the clock frequency beyond that possible by latency reduction due to advanced circuits and technology. However, in fine grain pipelines where only a few gates constitute a stage the overhead in power, latency, and area caused by clock and latch infrastructure is dramatic. Wave pipelining is a technique to achieve pipelining while adding little latency penalty and latch overhead. In this thesis it is argued that wave pipelining can only possibly work asynchronously using self-resetting dynamic circuits. The dual-rail circuit family AWPCMOS making possible cycle times as low as six inverter delays is proposed for asynchronous wave pipelines and analyzed. As the wave pipeline throughput is ultimately limited by delay variation due to PVT and data dependency, emphasis is put on detailled analysis of sources of delay variation in AWPCMOS circuits. The concepts are evaluated by design, fabrication, and test of two chips, a pipelined 64-bit carry-lookahead adder and a pipelined 270-bit Massey-Omura optimal normal basis finite field multiplier for use in elliptic curve cryptography.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2007
Creators: Hauck, Oliver
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Asynchronous Wave Pipelines for Energy Efficient GigaHertz VLSI
Language: English
Referees: Glauert, Prof. Dr.- Wolfram H.
Advisors: Huss, Prof. Dr.- Sorin A.
Date: 12 March 2007
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Publisher: Technische Universität
Refereed: 24 April 2006
URL / URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-7957

The Gigahertz clock rates in today's VLSI systems are not only due to advances in technology but thanks to aggressive use of pipelining as well. Pipelining is routinely used in computer arithmetic circuits like floating point multipliers to increase the clock frequency beyond that possible by latency reduction due to advanced circuits and technology. However, in fine grain pipelines where only a few gates constitute a stage the overhead in power, latency, and area caused by clock and latch infrastructure is dramatic. Wave pipelining is a technique to achieve pipelining while adding little latency penalty and latch overhead. In this thesis it is argued that wave pipelining can only possibly work asynchronously using self-resetting dynamic circuits. The dual-rail circuit family AWPCMOS making possible cycle times as low as six inverter delays is proposed for asynchronous wave pipelines and analyzed. As the wave pipeline throughput is ultimately limited by delay variation due to PVT and data dependency, emphasis is put on detailled analysis of sources of delay variation in AWPCMOS circuits. The concepts are evaluated by design, fabrication, and test of two chips, a pipelined 64-bit carry-lookahead adder and a pipelined 270-bit Massey-Omura optimal normal basis finite field multiplier for use in elliptic curve cryptography.

Alternative Abstract:
Alternative abstract Language

Moderne VLSI-Systeme verdanken ihre Gigahertz-Taktraten nicht nur Fortschritten in der Technologie, sondern auch dem agressiven Einsatz von Pipelining. Damit kann zB. in Fließkommamultiplizierern die Frequenz über das hinaus gesteigert werden, was nur durch Reduktion der Latenz mittels fortgeschrittener Schaltungstechnik und Technologie möglich ist. In feingranularen Pipelines, in denen eine Stufe aus nur wenigen Gattern besteht, verursachen das Taktsystem und die Speicherelements jedoch einen dramatischen Aufwand in bezug auf Strom, Fläche und Latenz. Wave-Pipelining ist eine Technik, die ohne diesen Aufwand auskommt, auf Kosten eines komplizierten Entwurfs. Diese Arbeit zeigt, daß Wave-Pipelining am besten asynchron und mit selbst-rücksetzenden dynamischen Gattern funktioniert. Die dazu entwickelte Schaltungsfamilie AWPCMOS ermöglicht extrem niedrige Zykluszeiten: sechs Inverterlaufzeiten. Da der Durchsatz von Wave-Pipelines mit AWPCMOS letztlich von Laufzeitvariationen verursacht durch PVT und Datenabhängigkeiten bestimmt ist, liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Analyse der Quellen für solche Laufzeitvariationen in AWPCMOS-Schaltungen. Die Konzepte werden erprobt im Rahmen des Designs, der Fertigung und des Test zweier Chips. Der erste stellt einen gepipelineten 64-bit carry-lookahead Addierer dar, der zweite implementiert einen 270-bit Massey-Omura-Multiplizierer für endliche Körper dargestellt in optimalen Normalbasen zum Einsatz in der Kryptographie mit elliptischen Kurven.

Uncontrolled Keywords: asynchrone Wave-Pipelines, elliptische Kurven-Kryptographie
Alternative keywords:
Alternative keywordsLanguage
asynchronous circuits, wave pipelines, elliptic curve cryptographyEnglish
Classification DDC: 000 Generalities, computers, information > 004 Computer science
Divisions: 20 Department of Computer Science
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2008 09:22
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2018 21:25
Referees: Glauert, Prof. Dr.- Wolfram H.
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 24 April 2006
Alternative keywords:
Alternative keywordsLanguage
asynchronous circuits, wave pipelines, elliptic curve cryptographyEnglish
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