Karangelis, Grigorios (2005)
3D simulation of external beam radiotherapy.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication
Radiation therapy treatment is a very demanding cancer treatment process. The aim of the treatment is to cure or to limit the disease using high-energy radiation dose, having as minimum as possible damage on healthy tissues. In order to have the wanted results, the process is composed from several steps that are highly depended to each other. One could separate them into three different categories; the treatment planning and evaluation, the planning verification before and after treatment and finally the treatment itself. This work is a contribution in the chain of the radiotherapy process from the medical software application point of view. In principle the 3-Dimensional digital patient data are used instead of the physical patient, in order to perform the geometric planning (3D-Simulation), and partly the evaluation steps of the radiation therapy process. This thesis introduces the fully 3D definition of volumetric structures, offering higher degree of freedom to the clinicians for investigating the 3D information of the digital volumes. Also presents the semi-automatic segmentation of the spine, which is an essential tool used daily for the extraction of the spine volume. Main advantages of the methods are the increased efficiency and the improved time rates during volume segmentation. An interesting part of this work is the compensation of breathing artifacts as they are recorded and reconstructed on the surfaces of the acquired computed tomography medical volumes. This kind of artifacts is a source for potential errors during treatment planning and treatment evaluation. In this work we present a method for eliminating these inaccuracies and thus improving the treatment outcome. Further more using as basis the volume rendering pipe-line of the 3D-Simulation system reconstruction techniques have been established, to display anatomical volumes from specific body regions with sensitive structures. These methods require the minimum user interaction. Finally this thesis deals with a very essential issue related to the treatment planning verification. This is by presenting methods for the 3D visualization of the dose distribution in relation to the standard patient anatomy and the segmented anatomical structures.
Item Type: |
Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: |
2005 |
Creators: |
Karangelis, Grigorios |
Type of entry: |
Primary publication |
Title: |
3D simulation of external beam radiotherapy |
Language: |
English |
Referees: |
Sakas, Prof. Dr. Georgios |
Advisors: |
Encarnacao, Prof. Dr. Jose Luis |
Date: |
18 May 2005 |
Place of Publication: |
Darmstadt |
Refereed: |
13 December 2004 |
URL / URN: |
urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-5578 |
Abstract: |
Radiation therapy treatment is a very demanding cancer treatment process. The aim of the treatment is to cure or to limit the disease using high-energy radiation dose, having as minimum as possible damage on healthy tissues. In order to have the wanted results, the process is composed from several steps that are highly depended to each other. One could separate them into three different categories; the treatment planning and evaluation, the planning verification before and after treatment and finally the treatment itself. This work is a contribution in the chain of the radiotherapy process from the medical software application point of view. In principle the 3-Dimensional digital patient data are used instead of the physical patient, in order to perform the geometric planning (3D-Simulation), and partly the evaluation steps of the radiation therapy process. This thesis introduces the fully 3D definition of volumetric structures, offering higher degree of freedom to the clinicians for investigating the 3D information of the digital volumes. Also presents the semi-automatic segmentation of the spine, which is an essential tool used daily for the extraction of the spine volume. Main advantages of the methods are the increased efficiency and the improved time rates during volume segmentation. An interesting part of this work is the compensation of breathing artifacts as they are recorded and reconstructed on the surfaces of the acquired computed tomography medical volumes. This kind of artifacts is a source for potential errors during treatment planning and treatment evaluation. In this work we present a method for eliminating these inaccuracies and thus improving the treatment outcome. Further more using as basis the volume rendering pipe-line of the 3D-Simulation system reconstruction techniques have been established, to display anatomical volumes from specific body regions with sensitive structures. These methods require the minimum user interaction. Finally this thesis deals with a very essential issue related to the treatment planning verification. This is by presenting methods for the 3D visualization of the dose distribution in relation to the standard patient anatomy and the segmented anatomical structures. |
Alternative Abstract: |
Alternative abstract | Language |
Strahlentherapiebehandlung ist ein sehr anspruchsvoller Krebsbehandlungsprozess. Das Ziel der Behandlung ist es, die Krankheit zu heilen oder einzudämmen, indem man Dosen von Strahlung mit hoher Energie verabreicht und dabei möglichst wenig gesundes Gewebe schädigt. Um die gewünschten Resultate zu erhalten, ist der Prozess in verschiedene Schritte unterteilt, die stark voneinander abhängen. Man könnte sie in drei verschiedene Kategorien aufteilen: die Behandlungsplanung und Auswertung, die Planungsüberprüfung vor und nach der Behandlung und schließlich die Behandlung selbst. Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag in der Kette der Strahlentherapieprozesse unter dem Gesichtspunkt der medizinischen Software-Anwendung. Im Prinzip werden die 3-Dimensionalen digitalen Daten des Patienten anstelle des physischen Patienten benutzt, um die geometrische Planung (3D-Simulation) und teilweise die Überprüfungsschritte des Strahlentherapieprozesses durchzuführen. Diese Dissertation stellt die volle 3D Definition der volumetrischen Strukturen vor, mit deren Hilfe die Ärzte mehr Spielraum beim Erforschen der 3D Informationen von digitalen Volumen erhalten. Sie präsentiert auch die halbautomatische Segmentierung der Wirbelsäule, die ein wichtiges Werkzeug bei der täglichen Extraktion des Wirbelsäulenvolumens ist. Die Hauptvorteile der Methoden sind die erhöhte Effizienz und die verbesserten Zeitraten während der Volumensegmentierung. Ein interessanter Teil dieser Arbeit ist die Ausgleichung von Atem-Artefakten, wie sie auf den Oberflächen der erhaltenen tomographischen Volumen aufgezeichnet und rekonstruiert werden. Diese Artefakten sind eine mögliche Fehlerquelle während der Behandlungsplanung- und auswertung. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir eine Methode zur Eliminierung dieser Ungenauigkeiten und verbessern somit das Behandlungsresultat. Außerdem wurden unter Zuhilfenahme der Volumen erstellenden Pipe-line des 3D-Simulationssystems Rekonstruierungstechniken für Volumen von bestimmten Körperregionen mit empfindlichen anatomischen Strukturen ausgearbeitet, die eine minimale Benutzerinteraktion erfordern. Schließlich beschäftigt sich diese Abhandlung mit einem zentralen Punkt, der im Zusammenhang mit der Überprüfung der Behandlungsplanung steht. Hierzu werden Methoden für die 3D-Visualisierung von der Dosis Verteilung im Verhältnis zur durchschnittlichen Patientenanatomie und den segmentierten anatomischen Strukturen vorgestellt. | German |
Uncontrolled Keywords: |
CT-Simulation, 3D-Simulation, Krebs-Behandlung, Radiotherapy, Computed tomography (CT) simulation, Medical visualization, 3D Visualization, Volume rendering |
Alternative keywords: |
Alternative keywords | Language |
Motion artifacts, Visualisation, Dose distribution, CT-imaging, Volume-rendering | English |
Additional Information: |
138 p. |
Classification DDC: |
000 Generalities, computers, information > 004 Computer science |
Divisions: |
20 Department of Computer Science 20 Department of Computer Science > Interactive Graphics Systems |
Date Deposited: |
17 Oct 2008 09:22 |
Last Modified: |
21 Nov 2023 08:13 |
PPN: |
Referees: |
Sakas, Prof. Dr. Georgios |
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: |
13 December 2004 |
Alternative keywords: |
Alternative keywords | Language |
Motion artifacts, Visualisation, Dose distribution, CT-imaging, Volume-rendering | English |
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