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Tuning the size of skyrmion by strain at the Co/Pt₃ interfaces

Jiang, Lingzi ; Huang, Can ; Zhu, Yan ; Pan, Yanfei ; Fan, Jiyu ; Zhang, Kaicheng ; Ma, Chunlan ; Shi, Daning ; Zhang, Hongbin (2022)
Tuning the size of skyrmion by strain at the Co/Pt₃ interfaces.
In: iScience, 25 (4)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104039
Article, Bibliographie

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Based on density functional theory calculations, we elucidated the tunability of the atomic structures and magnetic interactions of Co/Pt₃ interface (one layer of hcp(0001) Co and three layers of fcc(111) Pt) and thus the skyrmion sizes using strain. The dispersion relations of the spin spiral in the opposite directions, E(q) and E(-q), were evaluated based on generalized Bloch equations. Effective exchange coupling (EC) and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction (DMI) parameters between different neighbors Ji and di at different lattice constants were derived by fitting the resulting spin spiral dispersion E(q) to EC model with DMI and E(q)- E(-q) formula, respectively. We observed an increase in DMI and a significant decrease in EC with an increase in strain. Hence, the size of Ne´ el-type skyrmions determined by the ratio of EC/DMI can be controlled by applying strain, leading to an effective approach to tailor the formation of skyrmion lattices by inducing slight structural modifications on the magnetic thin films.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2022
Creators: Jiang, Lingzi ; Huang, Can ; Zhu, Yan ; Pan, Yanfei ; Fan, Jiyu ; Zhang, Kaicheng ; Ma, Chunlan ; Shi, Daning ; Zhang, Hongbin
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Tuning the size of skyrmion by strain at the Co/Pt₃ interfaces
Language: English
Date: 2022
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal or Publication Title: iScience
Volume of the journal: 25
Issue Number: 4
Collation: 13 Seiten
DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104039
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Based on density functional theory calculations, we elucidated the tunability of the atomic structures and magnetic interactions of Co/Pt₃ interface (one layer of hcp(0001) Co and three layers of fcc(111) Pt) and thus the skyrmion sizes using strain. The dispersion relations of the spin spiral in the opposite directions, E(q) and E(-q), were evaluated based on generalized Bloch equations. Effective exchange coupling (EC) and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction (DMI) parameters between different neighbors Ji and di at different lattice constants were derived by fitting the resulting spin spiral dispersion E(q) to EC model with DMI and E(q)- E(-q) formula, respectively. We observed an increase in DMI and a significant decrease in EC with an increase in strain. Hence, the size of Ne´ el-type skyrmions determined by the ratio of EC/DMI can be controlled by applying strain, leading to an effective approach to tailor the formation of skyrmion lattices by inducing slight structural modifications on the magnetic thin films.

Additional Information:

Part of special issue: SI: 2D materials electronics (s. verwandtes Werk)

Keywords: Condensed matter physics, interface science, nanomaterials

Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 530 Physics
600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering and machine engineering
Divisions: 11 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences
11 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences > Material Science
LOEWE > LOEWE-Schwerpunkte
LOEWE > LOEWE-Schwerpunkte > FLAME - Fermi Level Engineering Antiferroelektrischer Materialien für Energiespeicher und Isolatoren
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 12:41
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 12:41
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