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Near-surface plastic deformation in polycrystalline SrTiO3 via room-temperature cyclic Brinell indentation

Okafor, Chukwudalu ; Ding, Kuan ; Preuß, Oliver ; Khansur, Neamul H. ; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang ; Fang, Xufei (2024)
Near-surface plastic deformation in polycrystalline SrTiO3 via room-temperature cyclic Brinell indentation.
In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107 (10)
doi: 10.1111/jace.19962
Article, Bibliographie

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Dislocations are being used to tune versatile mechanical and functional prop- erties in oxides with most current studies focusing on single crystals. For potentially wider applications, polycrystalline ceramics are of concern, pro- vided that dislocations can be successfully introduced. However, in addition to preexisting pores and flaws, a major barrier for bulk plastic deformation of polycrystalline ceramics lies in the grain boundaries (GBs), which can lead to dislocation pile-up and cracking at the GBs due to the lack of sufficient indepen- dent slip systems in ceramics at room temperature. Here, we use the cyclic Brinell indentation method to circumvent the bulk deformation and focus on nearsurface regions to investigate the plastic deformation of polycrystalline SrTiO3 at room temperature. Dislocation etch-pit analysis suggests that plastic deformation can be initiated within the grains, at the GBs, and from the GB triple junction pores. The deformability of the individual grains is found to be dependent on the number of cycles, as also independently evidenced on single-crystal SrTiO3 with representative surface orientations (001), (011), and (111). We also identify a grain-size-dependent plastic deformation.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2024
Creators: Okafor, Chukwudalu ; Ding, Kuan ; Preuß, Oliver ; Khansur, Neamul H. ; Rheinheimer, Wolfgang ; Fang, Xufei
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Near-surface plastic deformation in polycrystalline SrTiO3 via room-temperature cyclic Brinell indentation
Language: English
Date: 3 July 2024
Place of Publication: Oxford
Publisher: Wiley Blackwell
Journal or Publication Title: Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Volume of the journal: 107
Issue Number: 10
DOI: 10.1111/jace.19962
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Dislocations are being used to tune versatile mechanical and functional prop- erties in oxides with most current studies focusing on single crystals. For potentially wider applications, polycrystalline ceramics are of concern, pro- vided that dislocations can be successfully introduced. However, in addition to preexisting pores and flaws, a major barrier for bulk plastic deformation of polycrystalline ceramics lies in the grain boundaries (GBs), which can lead to dislocation pile-up and cracking at the GBs due to the lack of sufficient indepen- dent slip systems in ceramics at room temperature. Here, we use the cyclic Brinell indentation method to circumvent the bulk deformation and focus on nearsurface regions to investigate the plastic deformation of polycrystalline SrTiO3 at room temperature. Dislocation etch-pit analysis suggests that plastic deformation can be initiated within the grains, at the GBs, and from the GB triple junction pores. The deformability of the individual grains is found to be dependent on the number of cycles, as also independently evidenced on single-crystal SrTiO3 with representative surface orientations (001), (011), and (111). We also identify a grain-size-dependent plastic deformation.

Uncontrolled Keywords: cyclic indentation, dislocation, plasticity, strontium titanate, surface deformation
Divisions: 11 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences
11 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences > Material Science
11 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences > Material Science > Nonmetallic-Inorganic Materials
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2024 11:29
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2024 11:02
PPN: 519579518
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