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Single-chain magnet features in 1D [MnR₄TPP][TCNE] compounds

Bałanda, Maria ; Tomkowicz, Zbigniew ; Haase, Wolfgang ; Rams, Michał (2011)
Single-chain magnet features in 1D [MnR₄TPP][TCNE] compounds.
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 303 (1)
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/303/1/012036
Article, Bibliographie

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Molecular chains of antiferrimagnetically coupled MnIII-ion (S = 2) and TCNE (tetracyanoethylene) radical moments (s = ½) show different behaviour depending on group R substituted to TPP (tetraphenylporphyrin) and on the substitution site. The compound with R = F in Ortho position is a Single-Chain Magnet (SCM) with blocking temperature Tb = 6.6K, while that with R = F in Meta position shows both blocking (Tb = 5.4 K) and magnetic ordering transition (Tc = 10 K). For bulky groups R = OCnH2n+1, the magnetically ordered phase is observed (Tc ≈ 22 K), which does not however prevent slow relaxation at T <8 K. Magnetic hysteresis with coercive field Hc of 2 T at 2.3 K is like that of SCM. The frequency dependent AC susceptibility in the superimposed DC field reveals common features of all systems. The energy of intrachain ferromagnetic coupling between effective spin units 3/2, relevant at low temperatures, is determined for all compounds and the interchain dipolar coupling is estimated. It is concluded that slow relaxation is inherent for all quasi one-dimensional compounds and for the magnetically ordered ones shows up in the high enough magnetic field.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2011
Creators: Bałanda, Maria ; Tomkowicz, Zbigniew ; Haase, Wolfgang ; Rams, Michał
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Single-chain magnet features in 1D [MnR₄TPP][TCNE] compounds
Language: English
Date: 2011
Place of Publication: Bristol
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Journal or Publication Title: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume of the journal: 303
Issue Number: 1
Collation: 14 Seiten
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/303/1/012036
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Molecular chains of antiferrimagnetically coupled MnIII-ion (S = 2) and TCNE (tetracyanoethylene) radical moments (s = ½) show different behaviour depending on group R substituted to TPP (tetraphenylporphyrin) and on the substitution site. The compound with R = F in Ortho position is a Single-Chain Magnet (SCM) with blocking temperature Tb = 6.6K, while that with R = F in Meta position shows both blocking (Tb = 5.4 K) and magnetic ordering transition (Tc = 10 K). For bulky groups R = OCnH2n+1, the magnetically ordered phase is observed (Tc ≈ 22 K), which does not however prevent slow relaxation at T <8 K. Magnetic hysteresis with coercive field Hc of 2 T at 2.3 K is like that of SCM. The frequency dependent AC susceptibility in the superimposed DC field reveals common features of all systems. The energy of intrachain ferromagnetic coupling between effective spin units 3/2, relevant at low temperatures, is determined for all compounds and the interchain dipolar coupling is estimated. It is concluded that slow relaxation is inherent for all quasi one-dimensional compounds and for the magnetically ordered ones shows up in the high enough magnetic field.

Additional Information:

Joint European Magnetic Symposia – JEMS 2010 23–28 August 2010, Krakow, Poland

Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 530 Physics
500 Science and mathematics > 540 Chemistry
Divisions: 07 Department of Chemistry
07 Department of Chemistry > Eduard Zintl-Institut > Physical Chemistry
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2024 07:32
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2024 07:32
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