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E2 decay strength of the M1 scissors mode of Gd-156 and its first excited rotational state

Beck, T. ; Beller, J. ; Pietralla, N. ; Bhike, M. ; Birkhan, J. ; Derya, V. ; Gayer, U. ; Hennig, A. ; Isaak, J. ; Löher, B. ; Ponomarev, V. Yu. ; Richter, A. ; Romig, C. ; Savran, D. ; Scheck, M. ; Tornow, W. ; Werner, V. ; Zilges, A. ; Zweidinger, M. (2017)
E2 decay strength of the M1 scissors mode of Gd-156 and its first excited rotational state.
In: Physical Review Letters, 118 (21)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.212502
Article, Bibliographie


The E2/M1 multipole mixing ratio δ1→2 of the 1+sc→2+1 γ-ray decay in 156Gd and hence the isovector E2 transition rate of the scissors mode of a well-deformed rotational nucleus has been measured for the first time. It has been obtained from the angular distribution of an artificial quasimonochromatic linearly polarized γ-ray beam of energy 3.07(6) MeV scattered inelastically off an isotopically highly enriched 156Gd target. The data yield first direct support for the deformation dependence of effective proton and neutron quadrupole boson charges in the framework of algebraic nuclear models. First evidence for a low-lying Jπ=2+ member of the rotational band of states on top of the 1+ band head is obtained, too, indicating a significant signature splitting in the K=1 scissors mode rotational band.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2017
Creators: Beck, T. ; Beller, J. ; Pietralla, N. ; Bhike, M. ; Birkhan, J. ; Derya, V. ; Gayer, U. ; Hennig, A. ; Isaak, J. ; Löher, B. ; Ponomarev, V. Yu. ; Richter, A. ; Romig, C. ; Savran, D. ; Scheck, M. ; Tornow, W. ; Werner, V. ; Zilges, A. ; Zweidinger, M.
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: E2 decay strength of the M1 scissors mode of Gd-156 and its first excited rotational state
Language: English
Date: 26 May 2017
Publisher: American Physical Society
Journal or Publication Title: Physical Review Letters
Volume of the journal: 118
Issue Number: 21
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.212502

The E2/M1 multipole mixing ratio δ1→2 of the 1+sc→2+1 γ-ray decay in 156Gd and hence the isovector E2 transition rate of the scissors mode of a well-deformed rotational nucleus has been measured for the first time. It has been obtained from the angular distribution of an artificial quasimonochromatic linearly polarized γ-ray beam of energy 3.07(6) MeV scattered inelastically off an isotopically highly enriched 156Gd target. The data yield first direct support for the deformation dependence of effective proton and neutron quadrupole boson charges in the framework of algebraic nuclear models. First evidence for a low-lying Jπ=2+ member of the rotational band of states on top of the 1+ band head is obtained, too, indicating a significant signature splitting in the K=1 scissors mode rotational band.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, German Research Foundation, SFB 1245, Project-ID 279384907, BMBF, Grant No. 05P15RDEN
Additional Information:

Art.No.: 212502

Divisions: DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio)
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio) > Collaborative Research Centres
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio) > Collaborative Research Centres > CRC 1245: Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars
05 Department of Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Experimentelle Kernphysik
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Experimentelle Kernphysik > Experimentelle Kernstruktur und S-DALINAC
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2023 11:23
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2024 09:17
PPN: 515524778
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