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Valence-shell dependence of the pygmy dipole resonance: E1 strength difference in Cr-50,54

Ries, P. C. ; Pai, H. ; Beck, T. ; Beller, J. ; Bhike, M. ; Derya, V. ; Gayer, U. ; Isaak, J. ; Löher, B. ; Krishichayan, ; Mertes, L. ; Pietralla, N. ; Romig, C. ; Savran, D. ; Schilling, M. ; Tornow, W. ; Typel, S. ; Werner, V. ; Wilhelmy, J. ; Zilges, A. ; Zweidinger, M. (2019)
Valence-shell dependence of the pygmy dipole resonance: E1 strength difference in Cr-50,54.
In: Physical Review C, 100 (2)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.021301
Article, Bibliographie


Background: The low-lying electric dipole strength provides insights into the parameters of the nuclear equation of state via its connection with the pygmy dipole resonance and nuclear neutron skin thickness.

Purpose: The aim was to complement the systematic of the pygmy dipole resonance and first study its behavior across the N=28 neutron shell closure.

Methods: Photon-scattering cross sections of states of 50,54Cr were measured up to an excitation energy of 9.7 MeV via the nuclear resonance fluorescence method using γ-ray beams from bremsstrahlung and Compton backscattering.

Results: Transitions strengths, spin and parity quantum number, and average branching ratios for 55 excited states, 44 of which were observed for the first time, were determined. The comparison between the total observed strengths of the isotopes 50,52,54Cr shows a significant increase above the shell closure.

Conclusions: The evolution of the pygmy dipole resonance is heavily influenced by the shell structure.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2019
Creators: Ries, P. C. ; Pai, H. ; Beck, T. ; Beller, J. ; Bhike, M. ; Derya, V. ; Gayer, U. ; Isaak, J. ; Löher, B. ; Krishichayan, ; Mertes, L. ; Pietralla, N. ; Romig, C. ; Savran, D. ; Schilling, M. ; Tornow, W. ; Typel, S. ; Werner, V. ; Wilhelmy, J. ; Zilges, A. ; Zweidinger, M.
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Valence-shell dependence of the pygmy dipole resonance: E1 strength difference in Cr-50,54
Language: English
Date: 5 August 2019
Publisher: American Physical Society
Journal or Publication Title: Physical Review C
Volume of the journal: 100
Issue Number: 2
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.021301

Background: The low-lying electric dipole strength provides insights into the parameters of the nuclear equation of state via its connection with the pygmy dipole resonance and nuclear neutron skin thickness.

Purpose: The aim was to complement the systematic of the pygmy dipole resonance and first study its behavior across the N=28 neutron shell closure.

Methods: Photon-scattering cross sections of states of 50,54Cr were measured up to an excitation energy of 9.7 MeV via the nuclear resonance fluorescence method using γ-ray beams from bremsstrahlung and Compton backscattering.

Results: Transitions strengths, spin and parity quantum number, and average branching ratios for 55 excited states, 44 of which were observed for the first time, were determined. The comparison between the total observed strengths of the isotopes 50,52,54Cr shows a significant increase above the shell closure.

Conclusions: The evolution of the pygmy dipole resonance is heavily influenced by the shell structure.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, German Research Foundation, SFB 1245, Project-ID 279384907, BMBF, Grants No. 05P18RDEN9, No. 05P18PKEN
Identification Number: Artikel-ID: 021301(R)
Divisions: DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio)
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio) > Collaborative Research Centres
DFG-Collaborative Research Centres (incl. Transregio) > Collaborative Research Centres > CRC 1245: Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars
05 Department of Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Experimentelle Kernphysik
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Experimentelle Kernphysik > Experimentelle Kernstruktur und S-DALINAC
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2023 11:03
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2025 08:33
PPN: 515287210
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