TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Direct demonstration of the two-phonon structure of the Jπ=14742keV− state of Sr88

Isaak, J. ; Savran, D. ; Pietralla, N. ; Tsoneva, N. ; Zilges, A. ; Eberhardt, K. ; Geppert, C. ; Gorges, C. ; Lenske, H. ; Renisch, D. (2023)
Direct demonstration of the two-phonon structure of the Jπ=14742keV− state of Sr88.
In: Physical Review C, 108 (5)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.L051301
Article, Bibliographie


We have studied the decay pattern of the Jπ=1−4742keV state of 88Sr to probe its quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon structure. In particular, a unique fingerprint to prove the two-phonon nature is the E2 decay strength of the 1−4742keV→3−1 transition into the one-octupole-phonon state. γ-ray spectroscopy was performed after the β decay of 88Rb to obtain the necessary sensitivity for this weak-intensity decay branch. Sufficient amounts of 88Rb (T1/2=17.8 min) were produced by neutron activation of natural Rb in the TRIGA Mark II reactor. The results show that the B(E2) value of the 1−4742keV→3−1 transition is equal to the B(E2) of the 2+1→0+1 transition, directly demonstrating the quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon nature of the 1− state. A comparison of the results with energy-density functional plus quasiparticle-phonon model calculations shows remarkable agreement, corroborating this assignment.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2023
Creators: Isaak, J. ; Savran, D. ; Pietralla, N. ; Tsoneva, N. ; Zilges, A. ; Eberhardt, K. ; Geppert, C. ; Gorges, C. ; Lenske, H. ; Renisch, D.
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Direct demonstration of the two-phonon structure of the Jπ=14742keV− state of Sr88
Language: English
Date: 1 November 2023
Publisher: APS
Journal or Publication Title: Physical Review C
Volume of the journal: 108
Issue Number: 5
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.L051301

We have studied the decay pattern of the Jπ=1−4742keV state of 88Sr to probe its quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon structure. In particular, a unique fingerprint to prove the two-phonon nature is the E2 decay strength of the 1−4742keV→3−1 transition into the one-octupole-phonon state. γ-ray spectroscopy was performed after the β decay of 88Rb to obtain the necessary sensitivity for this weak-intensity decay branch. Sufficient amounts of 88Rb (T1/2=17.8 min) were produced by neutron activation of natural Rb in the TRIGA Mark II reactor. The results show that the B(E2) value of the 1−4742keV→3−1 transition is equal to the B(E2) of the 2+1→0+1 transition, directly demonstrating the quadrupole-octupole coupled two-phonon nature of the 1− state. A comparison of the results with energy-density functional plus quasiparticle-phonon model calculations shows remarkable agreement, corroborating this assignment.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, German Research Foundation, Project-ID 499256822 - GRK 2891, Research Cluster ELEMENTS, Project ID No. 500/10.006, LOEWE-Schwerpunkt "Nukleare Photonik"
Divisions: Forschungsfelder
Forschungsfelder > Matter and Materials
Forschungsfelder > Matter and Materials > Nuclear Science
05 Department of Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Experimentelle Kernphysik
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Experimentelle Kernphysik > Experimentelle Kernstruktur und S-DALINAC
Date Deposited: 08 Nov 2023 12:17
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2023 13:36
PPN: 513497080
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