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Analysis of sector-coupling effects between the mobility sector and the energy system under consideration of energy transport and charging infrastructure

Husarek, Dominik (2023)
Analysis of sector-coupling effects between the mobility sector and the energy system under consideration of energy transport and charging infrastructure.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00023140
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication, Publisher's Version


Within the next decades, energy systems must be decarbonized and rely on renewable energy sources in the electricity, heat, and mobility sectors. This requires sector-coupling technologies such as electrolyzers, heat pumps, or charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Additionally, energy transport networks for electricity and gas, including hydrogen, must be expanded. To design future energy systems cost-efficiently, those sectors and the energy transport infrastructure can no longer be considered independently but require an integrated assessment approach. While the decarbonization of Germany's electricity and heat sectors has progressed since 1990, the emissions in the mobility sector stagnate. The decarbonization of the mobility sector requires new powertrain technologies and energy infrastructure enabling the utilization of electricity, hydrogen, or electricity-based fuels. Especially a carbon-neutral hydrogen supply chain and the charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles are new, disruptive elements in the energy system. Electrolyzers, hydrogen storage, and the corresponding transport infrastructure couple the mobility sector indirectly with the electricity sector. This affects the electricity demand and provides flexibility for intermittent renewable energy sources. Charging stations couple the mobility sector directly with the electricity sector. The upcoming electrical charging demand is driven by electric vehicle drivers' heterogenous driving and charging behavior, which can differ significantly from conventional refueling behavior today. In the present thesis, a model framework is developed and applied to analyze the interdependencies of a decarbonized mobility sector and the energy supply, energy transport, and charging infrastructure of a carbon-neutral, multi-modal energy system. The analysis aims at assessing cost-optimal energy carriers in the mobility sector and the correspondingly required renewable energy sources, energy imports, storage capacities, and transport infrastructure for electricity and hydrogen in Germany. Further, it aims at assessing the required charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles, including slow and fast charging technologies at various locations. The impact of differently designed charging infrastructure networks on the multi-modal energy system is analyzed regarding the electricity charging peak load and the available flexibility from controlled charging processes. The developed framework consists of a mathematical energy system optimization model and an agent-based electric vehicle simulation. The energy system model is parametrized to optimally design a carbon-neutral German multi-modal energy system in 2045 with its energy supply, transport, and demand infrastructure. It considers 38 administrative areas in Germany and 13 energy exchange countries in Europe. A scenario-based local sensitivity analysis is applied to assess the impact of different energy carriers in the mobility sector on the multi-modal energy system and to assess the cost-optimal energy carriers in the mobility sector under consideration of different energy supply and transport scenarios. The agent-based simulation focuses on the charging and driving behavior of battery electric passenger vehicles. It is applied to identify Pareto optimal charging infrastructure network designs for rural and urban areas. The output is used to parametrize the charging infrastructure and electric vehicle charging demand time series in the energy system optimization model. A sensitivity analysis is applied by varying the availability of slow and fast charging stations at different locations in an urban and a rural area to assess the impact of different charging infrastructure network designs on the electricity charging peak load and the available flexibility from electric vehicle charging. The analysis in the energy system model shows that efforts to enable a high electrification rate in the mobility sector can be considered no-regret measures. However, uncertainties in the availability and costs of energy supply and transport infrastructure primarily affect the cost-optimal electrification rate of capital-intensive technologies such as heavy-duty vehicles and buses. While electricity-based fuels are mainly consumed by heavy-duty vehicles, busses, ships, and airplanes, hydrogen can cost-optimally complement the electrification of light-duty vehicles and passenger cars. Both generation of hydrogen and electricity-based fuels can be cost-competitive at locations with large wind power generation in Germany, with electrolyzers operating in hours with low marginal electricity costs, compared to international locations. If hydrogen is used directly in the mobility sector, the required hydrogen transport infrastructure must be expanded from connecting only hydrogen generation and import regions with industrial demand regions towards a country-wide coverage. Furthermore, the results show that each 10%-increase of the electrification rate in the mobility sector requires an additional stationary energy storage capacity of 250 GWh, including thermal storage, hydrogen storage, and battery storage. However, the required battery storage capacity can be reduced by up to 45 GWh by controlled charging of electric passenger vehicle fleets. The charging infrastructure network design significantly affects the volume of dispatched flexibility from battery electric vehicles and, correspondingly, the required battery storage capacity within the energy system. Fostering a dense network of fast chargers can significantly reduce the required number of slow chargers in the initial market phase of electric vehicles. With a growing number of electric vehicles, the design of regional charging infrastructure networks can be used increasingly effectively to reduce the electricity charging peak load and increase the available flexibility of a fleet of electric vehicles. This thesis contributes to the research on decarbonized energy systems and shows the need for an integrated design process for future energy systems. It additionally reveals the relevance of comprehensively designing charging infrastructure networks for battery electric vehicles by quantifying the impact of different charging infrastructure networks on the charging peak load, on the available flexibility of charging processes, and on a fully multi-modal energy system.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2023
Creators: Husarek, Dominik
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Analysis of sector-coupling effects between the mobility sector and the energy system under consideration of energy transport and charging infrastructure
Language: English
Referees: Niessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan ; Steinke, Prof. Dr. Florian
Date: 2023
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Collation: xii, 149 Seiten
Refereed: 11 November 2022
DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00023140
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/23140

Within the next decades, energy systems must be decarbonized and rely on renewable energy sources in the electricity, heat, and mobility sectors. This requires sector-coupling technologies such as electrolyzers, heat pumps, or charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Additionally, energy transport networks for electricity and gas, including hydrogen, must be expanded. To design future energy systems cost-efficiently, those sectors and the energy transport infrastructure can no longer be considered independently but require an integrated assessment approach. While the decarbonization of Germany's electricity and heat sectors has progressed since 1990, the emissions in the mobility sector stagnate. The decarbonization of the mobility sector requires new powertrain technologies and energy infrastructure enabling the utilization of electricity, hydrogen, or electricity-based fuels. Especially a carbon-neutral hydrogen supply chain and the charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles are new, disruptive elements in the energy system. Electrolyzers, hydrogen storage, and the corresponding transport infrastructure couple the mobility sector indirectly with the electricity sector. This affects the electricity demand and provides flexibility for intermittent renewable energy sources. Charging stations couple the mobility sector directly with the electricity sector. The upcoming electrical charging demand is driven by electric vehicle drivers' heterogenous driving and charging behavior, which can differ significantly from conventional refueling behavior today. In the present thesis, a model framework is developed and applied to analyze the interdependencies of a decarbonized mobility sector and the energy supply, energy transport, and charging infrastructure of a carbon-neutral, multi-modal energy system. The analysis aims at assessing cost-optimal energy carriers in the mobility sector and the correspondingly required renewable energy sources, energy imports, storage capacities, and transport infrastructure for electricity and hydrogen in Germany. Further, it aims at assessing the required charging infrastructure for battery electric vehicles, including slow and fast charging technologies at various locations. The impact of differently designed charging infrastructure networks on the multi-modal energy system is analyzed regarding the electricity charging peak load and the available flexibility from controlled charging processes. The developed framework consists of a mathematical energy system optimization model and an agent-based electric vehicle simulation. The energy system model is parametrized to optimally design a carbon-neutral German multi-modal energy system in 2045 with its energy supply, transport, and demand infrastructure. It considers 38 administrative areas in Germany and 13 energy exchange countries in Europe. A scenario-based local sensitivity analysis is applied to assess the impact of different energy carriers in the mobility sector on the multi-modal energy system and to assess the cost-optimal energy carriers in the mobility sector under consideration of different energy supply and transport scenarios. The agent-based simulation focuses on the charging and driving behavior of battery electric passenger vehicles. It is applied to identify Pareto optimal charging infrastructure network designs for rural and urban areas. The output is used to parametrize the charging infrastructure and electric vehicle charging demand time series in the energy system optimization model. A sensitivity analysis is applied by varying the availability of slow and fast charging stations at different locations in an urban and a rural area to assess the impact of different charging infrastructure network designs on the electricity charging peak load and the available flexibility from electric vehicle charging. The analysis in the energy system model shows that efforts to enable a high electrification rate in the mobility sector can be considered no-regret measures. However, uncertainties in the availability and costs of energy supply and transport infrastructure primarily affect the cost-optimal electrification rate of capital-intensive technologies such as heavy-duty vehicles and buses. While electricity-based fuels are mainly consumed by heavy-duty vehicles, busses, ships, and airplanes, hydrogen can cost-optimally complement the electrification of light-duty vehicles and passenger cars. Both generation of hydrogen and electricity-based fuels can be cost-competitive at locations with large wind power generation in Germany, with electrolyzers operating in hours with low marginal electricity costs, compared to international locations. If hydrogen is used directly in the mobility sector, the required hydrogen transport infrastructure must be expanded from connecting only hydrogen generation and import regions with industrial demand regions towards a country-wide coverage. Furthermore, the results show that each 10%-increase of the electrification rate in the mobility sector requires an additional stationary energy storage capacity of 250 GWh, including thermal storage, hydrogen storage, and battery storage. However, the required battery storage capacity can be reduced by up to 45 GWh by controlled charging of electric passenger vehicle fleets. The charging infrastructure network design significantly affects the volume of dispatched flexibility from battery electric vehicles and, correspondingly, the required battery storage capacity within the energy system. Fostering a dense network of fast chargers can significantly reduce the required number of slow chargers in the initial market phase of electric vehicles. With a growing number of electric vehicles, the design of regional charging infrastructure networks can be used increasingly effectively to reduce the electricity charging peak load and increase the available flexibility of a fleet of electric vehicles. This thesis contributes to the research on decarbonized energy systems and shows the need for an integrated design process for future energy systems. It additionally reveals the relevance of comprehensively designing charging infrastructure networks for battery electric vehicles by quantifying the impact of different charging infrastructure networks on the charging peak load, on the available flexibility of charging processes, and on a fully multi-modal energy system.

Alternative Abstract:
Alternative abstract Language

Um die Klimaerwärmung zu begrenzen, müssen Energiesysteme in den nächsten drei Jahrzehnten vollständig dekarbonisiert und die Sektoren Strom, Wärme und Verkehr durch erneuerbare Energien versorgt werden. Dazu sind sektorkoppelnde Technologien, wie Elektrolyseure, Wärmepumpen und Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge notwendig. Stromnetze müssen ausgebaut und Gaspipelinesysteme für den Transport von Wasserstoff befähigt werden. Aufgrund der Komplexität von solch integrierten Energiesystemen, können die Verbrauchssektoren und die Energietransportinfrastruktur nicht mehr unabhängig voneinander betrachtet werden, sondern erfordern einen integrierten Bewertungsansatz. Während die CO2 Emissionen im Strom- und Wärmesektor in Deutschland seit 1990 reduziert werden konnten, emittiert der Verkehrssektor noch die gleichen Emissionen wie im Jahr 1990. Die Transformation des Verkehrssektors benötigt neue Antriebstechnologien und neue Energieinfrastruktur, die die Nutzung von Strom, Wasserstoff oder strombasierten Kraftstoffen ermöglichen. Neue und disruptive Schlüsselelemente im Energiesystem sind dabei die Versorgungsinfrastruktur für CO2-neutralen Wasserstoff und der Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge. Elektrolyseure, Wasserstoffspeicher und die entsprechende Pipelineinfrastruktur koppeln den Mobilitätssektor indirekt mit dem Stromsektor. Dies wirkt sich auf die Stromnachfrage aus und bietet Flexibilität für die intermittierenden erneuerbaren Energiequellen. Ladestationen koppeln den Mobilitätssektor direkt mit dem Stromsektor, wobei der entstehende Stromladebedarf durch das heterogene Fahr- und Ladeverhalten von Fahrzeughaltern beeinflusst wird. In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit wird ein agenten-basiertes Modell entwickelt und mit einer mathematischen Optimierung gekoppelt, um die Wechselwirkungen eines dekarbonisierten Verkehrssektors mit der Energieversorgungs-, der Energietransport- und der Ladeinfrastruktur zu analysieren. Die Analyse identifiziert kostenoptimale Energieträger im Verkehrssektor und die benötigten Erneuerbare-Energien-Anlagen, Energieimporte, Speicherkapazitäten, sowie die Strom- und Wasserstofftransportinfrastruktur. Darüber hinaus soll die erforderliche Ladeinfrastruktur für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge, einschließlich Langsam- und Schnellladetechnologien zu Hause, am Arbeitsplatz, an öffentlichen Plätzen und auf den Autobahnen, sowie die Auswirkungen unterschiedlich gestalteter Ladeinfrastrukturnetze auf das multimodale Energiesystem bewertet werden. Diese Auswirkungen werden in Bezug auf die elektrische Spitzenlast durch gleichzeitig auftretende Ladevorgänge und die verfügbare Flexibilität durch gesteuerte Ladevorgänge bestimmt. Das mathematische Optimierungsmodell ist so parametrisiert, dass ein CO2-neutrales, deutsches, multimodales Energiesystem im Jahr 2045 mit seiner Energieversorgungs-, Transport- und Nachfragestruktur optimiert werden kann. Dabei wird das deutsche Energiesystem in 38 Regionen unterteilt abgebildet und der Energieaustausch mit 13 europäischen Ländern modelliert. Eine Szenario-basierte, lokale Sensitivitätsanalyse wird angewandt, um die Auswirkungen verschiedener Energieträger im Verkehrssektor auf das multi-modale Energiesystem zu bewerten und die kostenoptimalen Energieträger im Verkehrssektor unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Energieversorgungs- und Transportkosten sowie verschiedener Technologieausbaugrenzen und Importverfügbarkeiten von strombasierten Energieträgern zu bewerten. Die agentenbasierte Simulation bildet das Lade- und Fahrverhalten batterieelektrischer PKWs ab. Sie wird genutzt, um Pareto-optimale regionale Ladeinfrastrukturausgestaltungen für einen ländlichen und einen städtischen Raum zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse werden zur Parametrisierung der Ladeinfrastruktur und der zeitlich aufgelösten Ladeprozesse im Optimierungsmodell des Energiesystems verwendet. Des Weiteren wird eine Sensitivitätsanalyse durchgeführt, bei der die Verfügbarkeit von Langsam- und Schnellladestationen an verschiedenen Standorten in der agentenbasierten Simulation variiert wird, um die Auswirkungen verschiedener Ausgestaltungen des Netzwerks an Ladeinfrastruktur auf die elektrische Spitzenlast und die verfügbare Flexibilität der Ladevorgänge zu bewerten. Die durchgeführte Analyse im Energiesystemmodell zeigt, dass eine hohe Elektrifizierungsrate im Verkehrssektor in allen Szenarien kosten-optimal ist. Veränderungen der Verfügbarkeit und der Kosten der Energieversorgungs- und - Energietransportinfrastruktur wirken sich hierbei vor allem auf die Elektrifizierungsrate von kapitalintensiven Fahrzeugtechnologien – schweren Nutzfahrzeuge und Busse – aus. Während strombasierte Kraftstoffe vor allem Anwendung bei schweren Nutzfahrzeugen wie Bussen, Schiffen und Flugzeugen finden, kann Wasserstoff die Elektrifizierung von leichten Nutzfahrzeugen und Personenkraftwagen kostenoptimal ergänzen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass Wasserstoff und strombasierte Kraftstoffe an Standorten mit hoher Windstromerzeugung in Deutschland in Stunden mit niedrigen Stromgrenzkosten kostenoptimal erzeugt werden können. Für den Einsatz von Wasserstoff im Verkehrssektor muss die erforderliche Wasserstofftransportinfrastruktur von Wasserstofferzeugungs- und Importregionen im Norden des Landes von einem auf Industrieregionen begrenzten Pipelinenetzwerk zu einer flächendeckenden Pipelineinfrastruktur ausgebaut werden. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass bei einer Erhöhung der Elektrifizierungsrate im Verkehrssektor um 10% eine zusätzliche stationäre Energiespeicherkapazität von 250 GWh – thermische Speicher, Wasserstoffspeicher und Batteriespeicher – erforderlich ist. Die insgesamt benötigte stationäre Batteriespeicherkapazität kann durch gesteuertes Laden von Elektro-Pkw-Flotten um bis zu 45 GWh reduziert werden. Die Ausgestaltung von regionalen Ladeinfrastrukturnetzwerken hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die von batteriebetriebenen Elektrofahrzeugen bereitgestellte Flexibilität und dementsprechend auf die erforderliche stationäre Batteriespeicherkapazität im Energiesystem. Besonders in der Anfangsphase des Markthochlaufs für Elektrofahrzeuge kann das Schnellladen die Anzahl der benötigten Ladesäulen signifikant reduzieren. Mit zunehmender Anzahl von Elektrofahrzeugen kann ein effizientes regionales Ladeinfrastrukturnetz so ausgestaltet werden, dass die Spitzenlast beim Laden von Strom minimiert und die verfügbare Flexibilität der Elektrofahrzeugflotte maximiert wird. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Forschung über die Ausgestaltung eines dekarbonisierten Energiesystems und zeigt die Notwendigkeit eines integrierten Prozesses für zukünftige Energiesysteme. Darüber hinaus wird die Relevanz einer umfassenden Ausarbeitung von Ladeinfrastrukturnetzen für batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge aufgezeigt, um Herausforderungen bei der Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen gezielt zu reduzieren.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Energy system modelling, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, agent-based modelling, decarbonization, hydrogen
Status: Publisher's Version
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-231401
Classification DDC: 600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering and machine engineering
Divisions: 18 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
18 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology > Technology and Economics of Multimodal Energy Systems (MMES)
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2023 13:06
Last Modified: 16 Feb 2023 09:57
Referees: Niessen, Prof. Dr. Stefan ; Steinke, Prof. Dr. Florian
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 11 November 2022
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