TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Investigation of different lubricant classes for aluminium warm and hot forming based on a strip drawing test

Schell, Lukas ; Emele, Michael ; Holzbeck, Andreas ; Groche, Peter (2022)
Investigation of different lubricant classes for aluminium warm and hot forming based on a strip drawing test.
In: Tribology International, 168
doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2022.107449
Article, Bibliographie


Over the past 15 years, numerous tribological systems for warm and hot aluminium sheet metal forming have been investigated by various researchers. Two previously disregarded aspects will be examined in this paper with an enhanced strip drawing test: the temperature influence on friction and wear performance in an extensive comparison of different lubricant classes in tool lubrication and the bonding performance of different lubricants to the die surface. In depth analyses of the coefficient of friction (COF) and wear performance (wear-free drawin) for nine different lubricants and additionally several different formulations / mixtures were carried out for sheet temperatures from 20 °C to 425 °C. Furthermore, approaches for future lubricant developments are given.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2022
Creators: Schell, Lukas ; Emele, Michael ; Holzbeck, Andreas ; Groche, Peter
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Investigation of different lubricant classes for aluminium warm and hot forming based on a strip drawing test
Language: English
Date: 2022
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal or Publication Title: Tribology International
Volume of the journal: 168
DOI: 10.1016/j.triboint.2022.107449

Over the past 15 years, numerous tribological systems for warm and hot aluminium sheet metal forming have been investigated by various researchers. Two previously disregarded aspects will be examined in this paper with an enhanced strip drawing test: the temperature influence on friction and wear performance in an extensive comparison of different lubricant classes in tool lubrication and the bonding performance of different lubricants to the die surface. In depth analyses of the coefficient of friction (COF) and wear performance (wear-free drawin) for nine different lubricants and additionally several different formulations / mixtures were carried out for sheet temperatures from 20 °C to 425 °C. Furthermore, approaches for future lubricant developments are given.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Tool lubrication, Sheet metal forming, Hot forming, 7075 aluminium, Strip drawing test
Additional Information:

Artikel-ID: 107449

Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Institut für Produktionstechnik und Umformmaschinen (PtU)
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Institut für Produktionstechnik und Umformmaschinen (PtU) > Tribology
Date Deposited: 23 Jun 2022 06:03
Last Modified: 23 Jun 2022 06:03
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