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Determination of Suitable Imaging Techniques for the Investigation of the Bonding Zones of Asphalt Layers

Middendorf, Moritz ; Umbach, Cristin ; Böhm, Stefan ; Middendorf, Bernhard (2022)
Determination of Suitable Imaging Techniques for the Investigation of the Bonding Zones of Asphalt Layers.
In: Materials, 2022, 14 (24)
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00020280
Article, Secondary publication, Publisher's Version

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The material behavior of asphalt depends on its composition of aggregate, bitumen, and air voids. Asphalt pavements consist of multiple layers, making the interaction of the materials at the layer boundary important so that any stresses that occur can be relieved. The material behavior at the layer boundary is not yet understood in detail, as further methods of analysis are lacking in addition to mechanical methods. For this reason, the layer boundary of asphalt structures was analyzed using imaging methods. The aim of this research was to find an imaging method that allows a detailed analysis of the bonding zone of asphalt layers. Two different imaging techniques were used for this purpose. One is a 2-D imaging technique (asphalt petrology) and the other is a 3-D imaging technique (high-resolution computed tomography). Image analysis is a widely used technique in materials science that allows to analyze the material behavior and their composition. In this research, attention was paid to the analysis of the position of the bitumen emulsion, because the contained bitumen is supposed to bond the layers together. It was found that the application of 2-D imaging (asphalt petrology) lacked the precision for a detailed analysis of the individual materials at the layer boundary. With high-resolution computed tomography, a detailed view is possible to visualize the individual materials at the layer boundary in 3D. However, it is difficult to differentiate the materials because there are no gradations in the gray values due to the identical densities. However, it is possible to differentiate between the bitumen from the asphalt and from the emulsion if a high-density tracer is added to the bitumen emulsion for the CT studies. The results of the investigations are presented in this article.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2022
Creators: Middendorf, Moritz ; Umbach, Cristin ; Böhm, Stefan ; Middendorf, Bernhard
Type of entry: Secondary publication
Title: Determination of Suitable Imaging Techniques for the Investigation of the Bonding Zones of Asphalt Layers
Language: English
Date: 2022
Year of primary publication: 2022
Publisher: MDPI
Journal or Publication Title: Materials
Volume of the journal: 14
Issue Number: 24
Collation: 16 Seiten
DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00020280
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/20280
Corresponding Links:
Origin: Secondary publication DeepGreen

The material behavior of asphalt depends on its composition of aggregate, bitumen, and air voids. Asphalt pavements consist of multiple layers, making the interaction of the materials at the layer boundary important so that any stresses that occur can be relieved. The material behavior at the layer boundary is not yet understood in detail, as further methods of analysis are lacking in addition to mechanical methods. For this reason, the layer boundary of asphalt structures was analyzed using imaging methods. The aim of this research was to find an imaging method that allows a detailed analysis of the bonding zone of asphalt layers. Two different imaging techniques were used for this purpose. One is a 2-D imaging technique (asphalt petrology) and the other is a 3-D imaging technique (high-resolution computed tomography). Image analysis is a widely used technique in materials science that allows to analyze the material behavior and their composition. In this research, attention was paid to the analysis of the position of the bitumen emulsion, because the contained bitumen is supposed to bond the layers together. It was found that the application of 2-D imaging (asphalt petrology) lacked the precision for a detailed analysis of the individual materials at the layer boundary. With high-resolution computed tomography, a detailed view is possible to visualize the individual materials at the layer boundary in 3D. However, it is difficult to differentiate the materials because there are no gradations in the gray values due to the identical densities. However, it is possible to differentiate between the bitumen from the asphalt and from the emulsion if a high-density tracer is added to the bitumen emulsion for the CT studies. The results of the investigations are presented in this article.

Uncontrolled Keywords: layers bond, asphalt, bitumen emulsion, X-ray computer tomography, asphalt petrology
Status: Publisher's Version
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-202804
Classification DDC: 600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering and machine engineering
Divisions: 13 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences
13 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences > Institutes of Transportation
13 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences > Institutes of Transportation > Transportation Infrastructure Engineering
Date Deposited: 22 Apr 2022 12:11
Last Modified: 23 Aug 2023 08:57
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