TU Darmstadt / ULB / TUbiblio

Dimensionless process development for lattice structure design in laser powder bed fusion

Großmann, Alexander ; Mölleney, Jan ; Frölich, Tilman ; Merschroth, Holger ; Felger, Julian ; Weigold, Matthias ; Sielaff, Axel ; Mittelstedt, Christian (2021)
Dimensionless process development for lattice structure design in laser powder bed fusion.
In: Materials & Design, 2020, 194
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00018632
Article, Secondary publication, Publisher's Version

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Laser powder bed fusion enables the fabrication of complex components such as thin-walled cellular structures including lattice or honeycomb structures. Numerous manufacturing parameters are involved in the resulting properties of the fabricated component and a material and machine-dependent process window development is necessary to determine a suitable process map. For cellular structures the thickness, which correlates with the process parameters, directly influences the mechanical properties of the component. Thus, dimensionless scaling laws describing the correlation between strut thickness, process parameters, and material properties enable predictive lattice structure design for laser powder bed fusion. This contribution develops material independent dimensionless allometric scaling laws for both single track and contour exposure to enable process-driven design of lattice structures in laser powder bed fusion. The theory derived with dimensional analysis is validated for the powder alloys stainless steel alloy 1.4404, nickel alloy 2.4856, aluminum alloy AlSi10Mg and Scalmalloy AlMgSc. The results can be used for the process-driven design of lattice structures and dense material obtaining high precision in the micrometer range or economic production with high melt pool widths

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2021
Creators: Großmann, Alexander ; Mölleney, Jan ; Frölich, Tilman ; Merschroth, Holger ; Felger, Julian ; Weigold, Matthias ; Sielaff, Axel ; Mittelstedt, Christian
Type of entry: Secondary publication
Title: Dimensionless process development for lattice structure design in laser powder bed fusion
Language: English
Date: 2021
Year of primary publication: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal or Publication Title: Materials & Design
Volume of the journal: 194
Collation: 16 Seiten
DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00018632
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/18632
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Origin: Secondary publication via sponsored Golden Open Access

Laser powder bed fusion enables the fabrication of complex components such as thin-walled cellular structures including lattice or honeycomb structures. Numerous manufacturing parameters are involved in the resulting properties of the fabricated component and a material and machine-dependent process window development is necessary to determine a suitable process map. For cellular structures the thickness, which correlates with the process parameters, directly influences the mechanical properties of the component. Thus, dimensionless scaling laws describing the correlation between strut thickness, process parameters, and material properties enable predictive lattice structure design for laser powder bed fusion. This contribution develops material independent dimensionless allometric scaling laws for both single track and contour exposure to enable process-driven design of lattice structures in laser powder bed fusion. The theory derived with dimensional analysis is validated for the powder alloys stainless steel alloy 1.4404, nickel alloy 2.4856, aluminum alloy AlSi10Mg and Scalmalloy AlMgSc. The results can be used for the process-driven design of lattice structures and dense material obtaining high precision in the micrometer range or economic production with high melt pool widths

Status: Publisher's Version
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-186323
Classification DDC: 600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering and machine engineering
Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Institute for Lightweight Construction and Design-KluB (2023 renamed in Leichtbau und Strukturmechanik (LSM))
Date Deposited: 22 Jul 2021 07:37
Last Modified: 26 Jul 2021 05:22
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