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Electromagnetic Observables and Open-Shell Nuclei from the In-Medium No-Core Shell Model

Vobig, Klaus (2020)
Electromagnetic Observables and Open-Shell Nuclei from the In-Medium No-Core Shell Model.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
doi: 10.25534/tuprints-00011375
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication


We present extensions and new developments of the in-medium no-core shell model (IM-NCSM), which is a novel ab initio many-method that merges the multi-reference in-medium similarity renormalization group (MR-IM-SRG) with the no-core shell model (NCSM)---two complementary and successful ab initio many-body methods.

Within the IM-NCSM framework, the MR-IM-SRG employs a correlated NCSM reference state and unitarily transforms observables such that the reference state is decoupled. Consequently, the model-space convergence of a subsequent NCSM calculation is substantially accelerated---demonstrating the power of the IM-SRG decoupling scheme---and the IM-NCSM can treat nuclei that are out of reach for traditional NCSM calculations.

In earlier applications we already employed the IM-NCSM for addressing scalar observables w.r.t. ground and excited states in even open-shell nuclei, however, this initial formulation of the IM-NCSM had several restrictions that we eliminate in this work.

Due to the spherical formulation of the IM-SRG equations---which is mandatory from a computational point of view---the total angular momentum of the reference state is required to vanish and, thus, the IM-NCSM was restricted to the treatment of even nuclei. The particle-attached/particle-removed extension overcomes this restriction and makes odd nuclei accessible. Furthermore, the spherical formulation of the IM-SRG equations did not account for non-scalar operators and, therefore, the consistent transformation of electromagnetic observables was not possible. By deriving and implementing the IM-SRG equations corresponding to non-scalar observables, we open up the possibility to calculate electromagnetic observables from the IM-NCSM. These observables are sensitive to different aspects of the wave functions and, therefore, ideal for validating theoretical models and new opportunities for fruitful collaborations with experimentalists are opened up. For the transformation of observables we implemented a Magnus-type transformation, which determines the generator for the IM-SRG transformation and greatly reduces the computational effort.

Considering numerical applications, we employ the IM-NCSM for the calculation of ground-state energies, excitation energies, radii, magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments, B(M1) transitions, and B(E2) transitions, where we study various medium-mass nuclei up to calcium isotopes. These calculations are already converged at very small model-space sizes---showing the great advantage of the IM-NCSM---and the results are compatible with large-scale NCSM calculations. These applications demonstrate that the IM-NCSM is now capable of addressing the full range of nuclear structure observables---including spectroscopic and electromagnetic observables---in fully open-shell nuclei.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2020
Creators: Vobig, Klaus
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Electromagnetic Observables and Open-Shell Nuclei from the In-Medium No-Core Shell Model
Language: English
Referees: Roth, Prof. Dr. Robert ; Schwenk, Prof. Dr. Achim
Date: 2020
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Refereed: 28 October 2019
DOI: 10.25534/tuprints-00011375
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/11375

We present extensions and new developments of the in-medium no-core shell model (IM-NCSM), which is a novel ab initio many-method that merges the multi-reference in-medium similarity renormalization group (MR-IM-SRG) with the no-core shell model (NCSM)---two complementary and successful ab initio many-body methods.

Within the IM-NCSM framework, the MR-IM-SRG employs a correlated NCSM reference state and unitarily transforms observables such that the reference state is decoupled. Consequently, the model-space convergence of a subsequent NCSM calculation is substantially accelerated---demonstrating the power of the IM-SRG decoupling scheme---and the IM-NCSM can treat nuclei that are out of reach for traditional NCSM calculations.

In earlier applications we already employed the IM-NCSM for addressing scalar observables w.r.t. ground and excited states in even open-shell nuclei, however, this initial formulation of the IM-NCSM had several restrictions that we eliminate in this work.

Due to the spherical formulation of the IM-SRG equations---which is mandatory from a computational point of view---the total angular momentum of the reference state is required to vanish and, thus, the IM-NCSM was restricted to the treatment of even nuclei. The particle-attached/particle-removed extension overcomes this restriction and makes odd nuclei accessible. Furthermore, the spherical formulation of the IM-SRG equations did not account for non-scalar operators and, therefore, the consistent transformation of electromagnetic observables was not possible. By deriving and implementing the IM-SRG equations corresponding to non-scalar observables, we open up the possibility to calculate electromagnetic observables from the IM-NCSM. These observables are sensitive to different aspects of the wave functions and, therefore, ideal for validating theoretical models and new opportunities for fruitful collaborations with experimentalists are opened up. For the transformation of observables we implemented a Magnus-type transformation, which determines the generator for the IM-SRG transformation and greatly reduces the computational effort.

Considering numerical applications, we employ the IM-NCSM for the calculation of ground-state energies, excitation energies, radii, magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments, B(M1) transitions, and B(E2) transitions, where we study various medium-mass nuclei up to calcium isotopes. These calculations are already converged at very small model-space sizes---showing the great advantage of the IM-NCSM---and the results are compatible with large-scale NCSM calculations. These applications demonstrate that the IM-NCSM is now capable of addressing the full range of nuclear structure observables---including spectroscopic and electromagnetic observables---in fully open-shell nuclei.

Alternative Abstract:
Alternative abstract Language

In dieser Arbeit stellen wir Erweiterungen und Neuentwicklungen des In-Medium No-Core Shell-Model (IM-NCSM) vor. Das IM-NCSM ist eine neuartige Ab-Initio-Vielteilchenmethode, welche die Multi-Reference In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group (MR-IM-SRG) mit dem No-Core-Shell-Model (NCSM) vereint, wobei ein wesentlicher Aspekt des IM-NCSM die Komplementarität dieser beiden Methoden ist.

Im Rahmen des IM-NCSM verwendet die MR-IM-SRG einen korrelierten NCSM-Referenzzustand und transformiert Observablen derart, dass eine Entkopplung des Referenzzustands erreicht wird. Folglich ist die Modellraumkonvergenz einer nachfolgenden NCSM-Berechnung wesentlich beschleunigt und das IM-NCSM kann Kerne behandeln, die für traditionelle NCSM-Berechnungen unerreichbar sind.

In früheren Anwendungen wurde das IM-NCSM bereits zur Berechnung von skalaren Observablen bezüglich des Grundzustands und angeregten Zustände in Kernen mit offenen Schalen eingesetzt. Diese erste Formulierung des IM-NCSM hatte jedoch mehrere Einschränkungen, welche durch diese Arbeit beseitigt werden.

Aufgrund der sphärischen Formulierung der IM-SRG-Gleichungen -- welche unerlässlich für eine rechentechnisch effiziente Implementierung ist -- muss der Gesamtdrehimpuls des Referenzzustandes verschwinden, woraus folgt, dass das IM-NCSM auf die Behandlung von geraden Kernen beschränkt war. Die Particle-Attached/Particle-Removed Erweiterung des IM-NCSM überwindet diese Einschränkung und macht die Behandlung von ungerade Kernen möglich. Darüber hinaus war die sphärische Formulierung der IM-SRG-Gleichungen eingeschränkt auf skalare Observablen. Folglich war eine Transformation von elektromagnetischen Observablen nicht möglich. Mittels einer Herleitung und Implementierung von IM-SRG-Gleichungen, welche den sphärischen Tensorrang der zu transformierenden Observable variabel hält, eröffnen wir die Möglichkeit elektromagnetische Observablen mittels des IM-NCSM zu berechnen. Diese Observablen sprechen auf andere Aspekte der Wellenfunktion an und sind daher von großem Nutzen für die Validierung von theoretischen Modellen und bieten neuen Möglichkeiten für Kollaborationen mit Experimentatoren. Für die Transformation von Observablen haben wir eine Magnus-artige Transformation implementiert, welche den Generator der IM-SRG Transformation bestimmt und den Rechenaufwand erheblich reduziert.

In numerischen Anwendungen verwenden wir das IM-NCSM für die Berechnung von Grundzustandsenergien, Anregungsenergien, Radien, magnetischen Dipolmomenten, elektrischen Quadrupolmomenten, B(M1) Übergängen und B(E2) Übergängen, bei denen wir verschiedene mittelschwere Kerne bis zu Kalziumisotopen untersuchen. Diese Berechnungen sind bereits bei sehr geringem Modellraumgrößen konvergiert -- was den großen Vorteil des IM-NCSM zeigt -- und die Ergebnisse sind kompatibel mit großskaligen NCSM-Berechnungen. Diese Anwendungen zeigen, dass das IM-NCSM nun in der Lage ist, die gesamte Fülle von Kernstrukturobservablen zu berechnen -- einschließlich spektroskopischer und elektromagnetischer Observablen -- in Kernen mit vollständig offenen Schalen.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-113758
Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 530 Physics
Divisions: 05 Department of Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Theoretische Kernphysik
05 Department of Physics > Institute of Nuclear Physics > Theoretische Kernphysik > Kernphysik und Nukleare Astrophysik
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2020 20:55
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2020 20:55
Referees: Roth, Prof. Dr. Robert ; Schwenk, Prof. Dr. Achim
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 28 October 2019
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