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Self-bearing permanent magnet synchronous machine configurations and control for high-speed applications

Messager, Gael (2019)
Self-bearing permanent magnet synchronous machine configurations and control for high-speed applications.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Ph.D. Thesis, Primary publication


In this thesis, the active self-bearing topologies relevant for high-speed motors are investigated. From the conventional double isolated winding topology toward more sophisticated winding configurations, two active self-bearing principles are examined. For each configuration, this thesis focuses on the modelling and the control aspects. The advantages and drawbacks, as well as the relevant field of applications are also addressed. The first part deals with the working principle of magnetic levitation force generation with superposition of field components. A qualitative comparison between self-bearing motors and magnetic bearings follows to present the fundamental differences between DC and AC based electromagnetic actuators. Since the drive is actively controlled, a revision of the relevant sensors for this particular application is given. Particular attention is given at the characteristic and limitations of the sensors. The modelling part follows with the analytical calculation of the motor electromagnetic model starting from the Maxwell equations. The non-linear torque and force components that act as disturbance on the model are also evaluated. A general position control scheme is then presented and derived with several feedback control. It is shown that, given an appropriate control reference frame, the mechanical control scheme is very similar to the one with magnetic bearings. Given that, the active self-bearing motor differs from its counter part with active magnetic bearing only from the electrical point of view. Then a double conical self-bearing motor is presented and modelled. A second self-bearing motor with split winding is presented. First the working principle as well as the control is detailed. The design and modelling is done for a prototype rated at 60 krpm and 0.66 kW. The prototype is then built and measured. Finally the presented controllers are experimented on a testbench. The design of the hardware and software parts is presented as well as the performances obtained with the double-conical self-bearing motor.

Item Type: Ph.D. Thesis
Erschienen: 2019
Creators: Messager, Gael
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Self-bearing permanent magnet synchronous machine configurations and control for high-speed applications
Language: English
Referees: Binder, Prof. Dr. Andreas ; Konigorski, Prof. Dr. Ulrich
Date: 2 September 2019
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Refereed: 18 January 2019
URL / URN: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/9151

In this thesis, the active self-bearing topologies relevant for high-speed motors are investigated. From the conventional double isolated winding topology toward more sophisticated winding configurations, two active self-bearing principles are examined. For each configuration, this thesis focuses on the modelling and the control aspects. The advantages and drawbacks, as well as the relevant field of applications are also addressed. The first part deals with the working principle of magnetic levitation force generation with superposition of field components. A qualitative comparison between self-bearing motors and magnetic bearings follows to present the fundamental differences between DC and AC based electromagnetic actuators. Since the drive is actively controlled, a revision of the relevant sensors for this particular application is given. Particular attention is given at the characteristic and limitations of the sensors. The modelling part follows with the analytical calculation of the motor electromagnetic model starting from the Maxwell equations. The non-linear torque and force components that act as disturbance on the model are also evaluated. A general position control scheme is then presented and derived with several feedback control. It is shown that, given an appropriate control reference frame, the mechanical control scheme is very similar to the one with magnetic bearings. Given that, the active self-bearing motor differs from its counter part with active magnetic bearing only from the electrical point of view. Then a double conical self-bearing motor is presented and modelled. A second self-bearing motor with split winding is presented. First the working principle as well as the control is detailed. The design and modelling is done for a prototype rated at 60 krpm and 0.66 kW. The prototype is then built and measured. Finally the presented controllers are experimented on a testbench. The design of the hardware and software parts is presented as well as the performances obtained with the double-conical self-bearing motor.

Alternative Abstract:
Alternative abstract Language

In dieser Arbeit sollen verschiedene Auslegungen aktiv selbst gelagerter Hochdrehzahlmotoren untersucht werden. Von der üblichen, getrennten Wicklung hin zu komplexeren Wicklungskonfigurationen werden zwei aktiv selbst gelagerte Modelle untersucht. Für beide Konfigurationen konzentriert sich diese Arbeit auf die Aspekte der Modellierung und Regelung. Die jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteile sowie verschiedene Anwendungsmöglichkeiten werden diskutiert. Der erste Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Prinzip der Erzeugung von Magnetschwebekraft durch die Überlappung von Feldkomponenten. Im Folgenden wird ein qualitativer Vergleich zwischen einem aktiv selbst gelagerten Motor und Magnetlagern gezogen, um den fundamentalen Unterschied zwischen Gleich- und Wechselstrom basierten Antriebselementen darzustellen. Ein Überblick über die relevanten Sensoren wird gegeben, die für die aktive Regelung in der jeweiligen Anwendung benötigt werden. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt hierbei den Eigenschaften und Beschränkungen der Sensoren. Im Weiteren folgt die analytische Berechnung des elektromagnetischen Motormodells ausgehend von den Maxwell-Gleichungen. Die nicht linearen Drehmoment- und Kraftkomponenten, die Störungen für das Modell darstellen, werden ebenfalls diskutiert. Eine allgemeine Übersicht zur Positionsregelung wird präsentiert, und verschiedene Rückführungen werden abgeleitet. Es wird gezeigt, dass das mechanische Regelungssystem innerhalb eines entsprechenden Regelungsreferenzrahmens einer Anordnung mit Magnetlagern sehr ähnlich ist. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt unterscheidet sich ein aktiv selbst gelagerter Motor von einem Motor mit Magnetlagern nur in elektrischer Hinsicht. Ein doppelt konischer, selbst gelagerter Motor wird vorgestellt und modelliert. Ein zweiter selbst gelagerter Motor mit kombinierter, doppelt-dreiphasiger Wicklung wird beschrieben. Das Funktionsprinzip sowie die entsprechende Regelung werden dargelegt. Das Design und die Modellierung wurden für einen Prototyp mit Bemessungspunkt bei 60 krpm und 0,66 kW durchgeführt. Der Prototyp wurde dann gebaut und seine Eigenschaften vermessen. Zuletzt wurden die Regelungen experimentell an einem Prüfstand getestet. Das Design der Hardware- und Softwarekomponenten sowie die Ergebnisse für den doppelt konischen, selbst gelagerten Motor werden beschrieben und diskutiert.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-91512
Classification DDC: 600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 600 Technology
600 Technology, medicine, applied sciences > 620 Engineering and machine engineering
Divisions: 18 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
18 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology > Institute for Electrical Energy Conversion > Electrical Energy Conversion
18 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology > Institute for Electrical Energy Conversion
Date Deposited: 10 Nov 2019 20:55
Last Modified: 10 Nov 2019 20:55
Referees: Binder, Prof. Dr. Andreas ; Konigorski, Prof. Dr. Ulrich
Refereed / Verteidigung / mdl. Prüfung: 18 January 2019
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