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Resilience of ecosystem processes: a new approach shows that functional redundancy of biological control services is reduced by landscape simplification.

Feit, Benjamin ; Blüthgen, Nico ; Traugott, Michael ; Jonsson, Mattias (2019)
Resilience of ecosystem processes: a new approach shows that functional redundancy of biological control services is reduced by landscape simplification.
In: Ecology letters, 22 (10)
doi: 10.1111/ele.13347
Article, Bibliographie


Functional redundancy can increase the resilience of ecosystem processes by providing insurance against species loss and the effects of abundance fluctuations. However, due to the difficulty of assessing individual species' contributions and the lack of a metric allowing for a quantification of redundancy within communities, few attempts have been made to estimate redundancy for individual ecosystem processes. We present a new method linking interaction metrics with metabolic theory that allows for a quantification of redundancy at the level of ecosystem processes. Using this approach, redundancy in the predation on aphids and other prey by natural enemies across a landscape heterogeneity gradient was estimated. Functional redundancy of predators was high in heterogeneous landscapes, low in homogeneous landscapes and scaled with predator specialisation. Our approach allows quantifying functional redundancy within communities and can be used to assess the role of functional redundancy across a wide variety of ecosystem processes and environmental factors.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2019
Creators: Feit, Benjamin ; Blüthgen, Nico ; Traugott, Michael ; Jonsson, Mattias
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Resilience of ecosystem processes: a new approach shows that functional redundancy of biological control services is reduced by landscape simplification.
Language: English
Date: 22 October 2019
Journal or Publication Title: Ecology letters
Volume of the journal: 22
Issue Number: 10
DOI: 10.1111/ele.13347

Functional redundancy can increase the resilience of ecosystem processes by providing insurance against species loss and the effects of abundance fluctuations. However, due to the difficulty of assessing individual species' contributions and the lack of a metric allowing for a quantification of redundancy within communities, few attempts have been made to estimate redundancy for individual ecosystem processes. We present a new method linking interaction metrics with metabolic theory that allows for a quantification of redundancy at the level of ecosystem processes. Using this approach, redundancy in the predation on aphids and other prey by natural enemies across a landscape heterogeneity gradient was estimated. Functional redundancy of predators was high in heterogeneous landscapes, low in homogeneous landscapes and scaled with predator specialisation. Our approach allows quantifying functional redundancy within communities and can be used to assess the role of functional redundancy across a wide variety of ecosystem processes and environmental factors.

Identification Number: pmid:31313484
Divisions: 10 Department of Biology
10 Department of Biology > Ecological Networks
Date Deposited: 23 Jul 2019 06:05
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2019 06:18
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