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Technical and environmental study of calcium carbonate looping versus oxy-fuel options for low CO2 emission cement plants

Rolfe, A. ; Huang, Y. ; Haaf, M. ; Pita, A. ; Rezvani, S. ; Dave, A. ; Hewitt, N.J. (2018)
Technical and environmental study of calcium carbonate looping versus oxy-fuel options for low CO2 emission cement plants.
In: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 75
doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.05.020
Article, Bibliographie


The process of cement production emits large amounts of CO2 through both chemical reactions and fossil fuel combustion. Reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry is becoming a global imperative. This work focuses on the technical and environmental evaluation for the integration of calcium carbonate looping (CCL) and oxy-fuel combustion processes into a cement plant for carbon capture and storage. Three scenarios have been established: 1. the base case cement plant without CO2 capture, 2. Cement plant with integrated CCL and 3. Oxy-fuel cement plant. The process models of the CCL capture plant and the oxy-fuel cement plant are developed. To better understand the technical parameters and benefits of each scenario, the ECLIPSE modelling software is used to a technical analysis. Life cycle analysis (LCA) has been conducted using the SimaPro software to determine the environmental impact of the capture technologies.

Technical results showed that the cement plant equipped with the CCL illustrated better performance with specific CO2 emissions avoided of 1.21 t CO2/tClinker and the specific primary energy consumption of 2.39 GJ/t CO2 compared with the oxy-fuel cement plant with 0.71 t CO2/tClinker and 3.31 GJ/t CO2. The main conclusion indicated that the CCL unit had a lesser environmental impact than the oxy-fuel combustion because of the additional benefit of electricity generation through the heat recovery system.

Item Type: Article
Erschienen: 2018
Creators: Rolfe, A. ; Huang, Y. ; Haaf, M. ; Pita, A. ; Rezvani, S. ; Dave, A. ; Hewitt, N.J.
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Technical and environmental study of calcium carbonate looping versus oxy-fuel options for low CO2 emission cement plants
Language: English
Date: 2018
Journal or Publication Title: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Volume of the journal: 75
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.05.020
URL / URN: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.05.020

The process of cement production emits large amounts of CO2 through both chemical reactions and fossil fuel combustion. Reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry is becoming a global imperative. This work focuses on the technical and environmental evaluation for the integration of calcium carbonate looping (CCL) and oxy-fuel combustion processes into a cement plant for carbon capture and storage. Three scenarios have been established: 1. the base case cement plant without CO2 capture, 2. Cement plant with integrated CCL and 3. Oxy-fuel cement plant. The process models of the CCL capture plant and the oxy-fuel cement plant are developed. To better understand the technical parameters and benefits of each scenario, the ECLIPSE modelling software is used to a technical analysis. Life cycle analysis (LCA) has been conducted using the SimaPro software to determine the environmental impact of the capture technologies.

Technical results showed that the cement plant equipped with the CCL illustrated better performance with specific CO2 emissions avoided of 1.21 t CO2/tClinker and the specific primary energy consumption of 2.39 GJ/t CO2 compared with the oxy-fuel cement plant with 0.71 t CO2/tClinker and 3.31 GJ/t CO2. The main conclusion indicated that the CCL unit had a lesser environmental impact than the oxy-fuel combustion because of the additional benefit of electricity generation through the heat recovery system.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Calcium carbonate looping, Oxy-fuel combustion, Carbon capture, Cement plant, Technical and life cycle analysis
Divisions: 16 Department of Mechanical Engineering
16 Department of Mechanical Engineering > Institut für Energiesysteme und Energietechnik (EST)
Profile Areas
Profile Areas > Thermo-Fluids & Interfaces
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2018 11:19
Last Modified: 13 Jun 2018 11:19
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