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Mining Multiword Terms from Wikipedia

Hartmann, Silvana ; Szarvas, György ; Gurevych, Iryna
eds.: Pazienza, Maria Teresa ; Stellato, Armando (2012)
Mining Multiword Terms from Wikipedia.
In: Semi-Automatic Ontology Development: Processes and Resources
Book Section, Bibliographie


The collection of the specialized vocabulary of a particular domain (terminology) is an important initial step of creating formalized domain knowledge representations (ontologies). Terminology extraction (TE) aims at automating this process by collecting the relevant domain vocabulary from existing lexical resources or collections of domain texts. In this chapter, we address the extraction of multiword terminology, as multiword terms are very frequent in terminology, but typically poorly represented in standard lexical resources. We present our method for mining multiword terminology from Wikipedia and the freely available terminology resource that we extracted using the presented method. Terminology extraction based on Wikipedia exploits the advantages of a huge multilingual, domain-transcending knowledge source and large scale structural information that can identify potential multiword units without the need for linguistic processing tools. Thus, while evaluated in English, the proposed method is basically applicable to all languages in Wikipedia.

Item Type: Book Section
Erschienen: 2012
Editors: Pazienza, Maria Teresa ; Stellato, Armando
Creators: Hartmann, Silvana ; Szarvas, György ; Gurevych, Iryna
Type of entry: Bibliographie
Title: Mining Multiword Terms from Wikipedia
Language: English
Date: 2012
Publisher: IGI Global
Book Title: Semi-Automatic Ontology Development: Processes and Resources
URL / URN: https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/mining-multiword-terms-wi...
Corresponding Links:

The collection of the specialized vocabulary of a particular domain (terminology) is an important initial step of creating formalized domain knowledge representations (ontologies). Terminology extraction (TE) aims at automating this process by collecting the relevant domain vocabulary from existing lexical resources or collections of domain texts. In this chapter, we address the extraction of multiword terminology, as multiword terms are very frequent in terminology, but typically poorly represented in standard lexical resources. We present our method for mining multiword terminology from Wikipedia and the freely available terminology resource that we extracted using the presented method. Terminology extraction based on Wikipedia exploits the advantages of a huge multilingual, domain-transcending knowledge source and large scale structural information that can identify potential multiword units without the need for linguistic processing tools. Thus, while evaluated in English, the proposed method is basically applicable to all languages in Wikipedia.

Uncontrolled Keywords: UKP_a_NLP4Wikis;UKP_p_QAEL
Identification Number: TUD-CS-2011-0204
Divisions: 20 Department of Computer Science
20 Department of Computer Science > Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing
Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2016 14:29
Last Modified: 14 Nov 2023 09:52
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